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Today our guest blogger is sharing with us some tips for being more productive — especially if you are a stay at home mom. Emily works at home as a Japanese translator and blogs over at My American Confessions.
Let’s face it- being a stay at home mom is work — but without the regulated hours or regular pay of a regular 40 hour work week. It leaves you — the mom, in charge setting your own work, goals, etc.
Here are 5 tips on how to be more successful as a stay at home mom
- When possible, wake up before the rest of your family (namely children) shower, dress, and get ready for the day. This will automatically set your mind in go-mode, preventing you from being sluggish and unproductive throughout the first hours of the day.
-  Any physical exercise, even just 15 minutes a day, will release extra endorphins, giving you some extra energy. Additionally, a little cardio can help you work out anger/frustration (which can’t help but give you more patience with your children).
-  Each night, before going to sleep, jot down a to-do list for the next day. Even if you aren’t able to accomplish everything on your list, you will find that simply having them written down will help you to do more than if it was just on your mind.
- Â Have one long-term goal (eat better, work out, finish an art project, sculpture, quilt, garden, etc.) and do a little bit of work on it each day. Stay at home moms are busier than ever, so giving just a few minutes a day over time will result in a substantial result that will surprise you.
-  Tune out the TV. Have favorite shows, ones you can’t miss? Just choose even one hour of TV that you normally watch and substitute it with listening to the radio for an hour instead. That hour of programming that you miss will quickly turn into something far more important: an hour playing with your kids, a cleaner home, a better dinner that evening . . . .
However, make sure to remember that as a stay at home mom, your number one priority IS your children: If you ever have something that seems to come above them, re-evaluate yourself a bit. In five years, will you remember that half hour that you laughed and chased with your children, or your spotless floor? Just be careful to keep a balance.
Emily Tally, even though young has had the opportunity to do a great deal of things in her life thus far. She has taught in Russia, lived in Japan, hiked through the Amazon, received her bachelor’s degree, and gone skinny dipping in the Caribbean. Although she love all those opportunities, nothing compares to the importance and wonder of being a mother. Sure, there are the
colicky nights and the blow-outs, but she would trade it for anything else in the world!
You can find her blogging at My American Confessions.
Kim says
Thanks for sharing, just pinned it onto our Parenting Board. I find that if I schedule playdates regularly at our house I am more on top of everything in the home.
Work at Home Mom says
Such great tips! Stayed up way too late getting Cozi up and running for my family…it is just what I needed! Amazing!
Jennifer says
I totally need to listen and do that first step. I am ALWAYS still in my pj’s around noon. It makes me feel SO bad. Gonna start trying to exercise and shower before I get on the computer every morning.
Jayme says
Thanks for the tips! As a busy work at home mom to two little ones my days can be very hectic!