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Each summer I hit the motherhood reboot button, thinking “This year we’ll have the perfect summer full of educational activities and field trips, family read-alouds, and special bonding experiences tailor-made for each child.” I don’t generally meet all my goals, but we end up doing more than sitting around staring at screens, which might otherwise be the default.
Erika Katz’s book Bonding over Beauty: A Mother-Daughter Beauty Guide to Foster Self-esteem, Confidence, and Trust has given me some ideas for special projects that I can do with my soon-to-be teen daughter during these days of leisure. She and I are well-acquainted with the power of pretty and boost in bonding we get from manicures and pedicures – done at home or at the salon – but this book goes beyond that.
The content is informative, but the tone focuses on the long-term goal – to create a healthy and open mother-daughter relationship. On the subject of hairstyles Katz says “The best thing you can do is take an interest in your daughter’s hair and help her find the most flattering look for her, not you. Be flexible. Hair grows back. Nothing is forever except the bond the two of you form now.”
How to. . .
The instruction in this chapter includes straightening, blow-drying, and how to style the perfect ponytail, chignon and French twist, then provides bonding suggestions such as doing a deep conditioning treatment, at home hair-coloring, or experimenting with scarves.
Lest you think that beauty is all sparkles and hair spray, the book also includes a chapter aptly titled “Bonding Over Puberty & Hygiene (Yes it can be done!)“ The suggested activities open the door for conversation. Try telling your daughter some humiliating stories about yourself so that you can both laugh about this sensitive subject.
Is she ready? Am I ready?
Sometimes we say “no” to something new, because we don’t feel comfortable letting them grow up. Katz’s advice about shaving in the chapter on unwanted body hair reinforces the theme of the book:
“Would you want to go to school with hairy legs (that) can bring on teasing and poor self-esteem? If you do not allow her to shave, she might borrow a friend’s razor and cut up her legs. I think it’s best to show your daughter empathy and be grateful she feels comfortable enough to talk openly about a subject that may be highly sensitive to her.”
Doing the bonding activities provides an easier way to touch on these topics. Instead of lecturing your daughter about skin-care essentials, do a homemade mask while talking about the changes she is seeing in her skin.
Not for moms only
As I predicted would happen, when I left the book out on the table, my 12-year-old daughter picked it up and started reading. When asked, she said that the pink cover got her attention. The look does enhance its subject. The subtitles are in a curly font, and the cover, as well as some inside pages and sidebars, are pink. Though it’s a book written to coach moms who are trying to communicate with their daughters about their bodies, it’s not inappropriate for older tweens and teens to read cover to cover themselves, as my daughter ended up doing.
Whether you and your daughter are typical girly-girls or more low-maintenance, Bonding over Beauty will help you fill in the gaps in your knowledge to ease that transition from little girl to woman.
Leave a comment if you’d like to win a copy of the book! We’ll announce the winner right here on August 8.
The winner of our previous giveaway Alison Winn Scotch’s novel The One that I Want is #7 Jennifer at Lit Endeavors.
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katklaw777 says
Sounds like a good book to have for when my daughter is a little older, thanks!
Ellen C. says
I’d like to win. Thanks for the chance.
Carolyn Hittle says
I would Love to own a copy of Bonding Over Beauty. My 12 year old daughter and I definately bond almost daily in my Backyard Beauty and Book Boutique. It is indeed special and I use this time to talk with her about her most treasured assest…Her inner beauty. Of course, I teach her ways to enhance her outer beauty as well. It will be interesting to talk with her years from now to learn about what those moments meant to her as I will share how special they are/were to me and how she will Never be too old to sit in my chair and bond with me…Her Mom.
Liz V. says
Sounds to be just what my friend and her tween daughter need.
Kathi Lake says
What a great article! The third paragraph really made my heart clench. My daughter is 11 and want to cut her long, silky, beautiful hair to look like a friend (a short pageboy!). How can I let this go? 🙂
Simone G says
I would love to have this book! I just had a baby girl and can’t wait to do all the girly things with her…
Kathy says
I would love to have this book. We’re entering the tween years, and I am always looking for ways to have great conversations.
Debbie S. says
As I’m thinking about how to have these discussions with my almost 10yo, I come across this book – looks terrific!
June says
Perfect Mother & Daughter bonding book. Sounds good-
Jessica T says
I’d love this for me and my girly!
Ruth Hill says
This would be great for my daughter. Thanks!
Chava says
It sounds like an incredible book.
tennille says
sounds like such a good book
Kristin G says
Great ideas!
Tracy B. says
This sounds like a great book!!!
Sandra says
I love the whole idea of this book! My daughter is 6 years old (a total girly-girl) and as I watch her grow, I have literally been praying that she and I would be able to continue to talk openly as she gets older. I’m excited about this book! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂