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Fashion and function for photos on the go…
The SanDisk Cruzer® Gator USB Flash Drive is an alligator-skin design flash drive that lets you take your data wherever you go. At grandma’s, at work, or wherever you want to show off your kids, you can have your favorite photos conveniently stored on this funky little flash drive.
So pack up your memories – favorite photos, videos, scanned-in
drawings, etc – in one of these stylish “suitcases” and take them with you or send them to out of town family as a gift. (I also like to know that I have my favorite photos safe in another location. The SanDisk Cruzer® Gator USB Flash Drive is a great solution. Your family has a convenient way to store photos and videos of yours and you know your most precious memories are safe in an alternative location.)
The Cruzer® Gators are available in 2GB, 4GB and 8GB, (the 8GB is available only in the US,) and come in black, pink and red. The 2GB retails for $24.99, the 4GB for $39.99 and the 8GB for $79.99.
This Mother’s Day, we have ten Cruzer® Gators to give away. The winners will have their choice of either black or red in the 4GB size or pink in the 2GB size.
Let’s Add Some Motherhood Carnival Fun to this Giveaway!
If you are a blogger, post one of your favorite motherhood moments – it could be a funny story, an essay, a photo or whatever else captures your memory best – on your blog and then come back here and add your link to the Mr. Linky. (In your post on your blog, you can explain that it is a part of this contest, and link back here. Some of your readers may want to get into the carnival fun too!)
If you are not a blogger – you can still play!!! You can leave your favorite motherhood moment as a comment or email it with the subject line Motherhood Contest, to 5minutesformom @ gmail dot com. (Please add your entry into the copy of the email so that we do not have to open attachments.)
We will choose our top ten favorite entries.
The entry deadline is May 9th at 9:00pm EST. We will announce the winners on Mother’s Day, May 11th.
There isn’t much time left – so hurry and get posting!
Both Americans and Canadians are welcome to join this contest.
P.S. Have you checked out our other contests in our Mother’s Day 2008 Giveaway?
Parenting Advice says
If some one wishes to be updated with most recent technologies after that he must be visit this site and be up to date daily.
Timothy Sternberg says
Sign me up!
elena callas says
i want this!
Rosanne Morrison says
When my first baby was lying next to me in the hospital. What a miracle and a moment
Janet says
When my son called me mama!
kathleen Yohanna says
When I brought my new born home, my two year old was so happy. He ran to his room and brought out an armful of toys so he and his new brother could play.
MoneyMakingMama says
I don’t even know what that is, but I’d love one.
Happy Mother’s Day Everyone !!!
Linda says
I forgot to link to the actual post, but it’s from today (Friday 5/9) There’s another short one above it now, but it’s the second one down. Thanks!
Donna Kozar says
Feeding them as babies.
Charlene Kuser says
My favorite motherhood moment was when my kids
told me I was the bestest mommy in the whole
world.I cried of coarse.Thanks for the giveaway
and Happy Mother’s Day
Eileen says
My favorite motherhood moment was when my older son was born, he MADE me a mother… and my second son made me a better mother!
sarah woods says
My family is trying to update mother/grandmother to have and be more tech savy. Perhaps this would be the beginning. Who knows!!!!!!! Many thanks and Happy Mother’s Day to ALL who enter. SW
Buhtafly says
My daughter just lost her first tooth! ahhh melt my heart, she is growing up way too fast!
becky huffman says
mandy says
Got my link added I believe!
Gretchen says
I’m not a mom, but I was tending my cousin’s daughter and was enthralled by how she would talk about how much she loved her mom. Can’t wait until I become one!
Heather C says
Anytime my daughter makes something for me (with her signature mermaid girl on it), I melt. Such effort she puts into those cards.
Judy Johnston says
My mom has dementia so memories are crucial to me. Computers, cameras and jump drives are my secret to saving the memories. My favorite memory is yet to come as I await my first grandchild!
Lisa Fosses says
Recently, I got to watch my daughter interact with Disney characters at Disney World.
Sylvia says
Great to become a mother. It is very exciting.
Cricket says
I have lots of sweet moments but I thought I would share one that makes me smile and laugh. It really was a close call!
Sylvia Porter says
my favorite motherhood moment was when my daughter tried to cut her own hair, and came in to my room with a giant clump of hair an a bald spot and was crying and saying “glue it back, glue it back!”
trudee carreiro says
I gave birth to 4 wonderful children 3 girls and one boy
Susanne Troop says
Giving birth to my two wonderful children!
Judy says
After many years of trying to conceive, I now have a beautiful dd. I just love it when she looks at me with her big brown eyes and smiles. I am so in love..
Brandy says
It’s hard to choose just one favorite motherhood moment, but I agree with others comments about the first time holding your newborn. It really is an amazing moment 🙂
Paul says
Great giveaway
Heather's Habitat says
holding my children in my arms for the very first time. priceless
Jennifer Schroeder says
I had two extra special motherhood moments – both happened when I laid eyes on my two sons for the first time.
Melissa Resnick says
I dont have a fav because one comes every day
Elizabeth Ray says
My adult son is autistic. He was not diagnosed until age 6. (This was just prior to the release of the movie “Rainman.” Most of us had never heard of autism in those days, my husband and me included.) I started telling the doctor that something was wrong when he was 2, but the doctor just “assured” me that children develop at different rates, and not to worry. (The “hysterical mother” attitude is what I call it.) At 4 I wrote down every word he had ever said, including naming pictures in books. It came to 100 words. We were visiting my parents when he was 6, and he called me Mom for the first time in his life. I figured out that he heard me calling my mother “Mom,’ and he realized then that this was what you called a mother. (I think that prior to that, he felt that if I was in the room, he didn’t need to call me anything, and if I wasn’t in the room, what was the point?) Twenty-two years later, I still tear up when I think of the first time my son called me Mom.
Veronica Garrett says
I’m sure my favorite Motherhood moment will be when my daughter is grown into a woman and embarking on starting her own family.
Jennifer Barnett says
I always keep the lessons that my mom taught me close to my heart and use them in my own family. I remember once when she told me “I could always come home.” Home is now with my own family, but it is also loving concept.
JoAnn Legano says
By Mom being by my side when I gave birth to my daughter.
kathy pease says
saying i love you 🙂
Becky Grady says
My favorite motherhood moments are watching my kids shine. I get such a proud feeling watching my son run track, or my daughter on stage in a play.
Kay Fischler says
So many favorite moments with my daughters!!
Audrey says
My favorite and most memorable moment would be when you see and get to hold the baby for the first time.
Brooke says
For me, it was the moment I saw my first kid’s head coming out. I was changed, almost deep inside my cells, instantly.
Linda says
Unfortunately, a very ironic memory was made as I typed this post! I love being a mom! 🙂
Robert R says
well fatherhood for me, but the first projectile poop diaper for me…that was a memory…
sara Bowyer says
Thanks so much for this….I loved to laugh again at this memory of mine!!
jen gersch says
my baby smiling at me
Monte says
These are so convenient!
Lori R. says
There are so many great moments, but most recently, when we drove by a house with chickens in the yard and my daughter and I started clucking like chickens at the same time. It has given me many chuckles in the days since – I love her sense of humor.
Joy Venters says
my favorite moment was when I first held my daughter
Angela Caligiuri says
My favorite motherhood moment is when my kids tell me stories about when I was young and they took care of me! It always cracks me up!!!!
Frances Watson says
count me in on the win
Liz says
I linked up and posted my favorite memory on my blog.
Julie Smith says
Gosh, with four children of varying ages (from 24 to 7), there are many favorite moments. One of my most precious: My son, who was pretty much nonverbal, having been diagnosed with PDD (in the autistic spectrum), and I were walking down the street to the store. I was quiet, but heavily worried about many things and thinking on those things when my son (who was 4 at the time), piped up, “Mommy, don’t worry .. everything will be O.K.” His statement, coupled with the fact that it was an independent spoken thought, brought me out of my funk and let me know that, yes, everything WOULD be alright. He is now 7 and in a regular classroom without an IEP after his psychiatrist told me that he would never be mainstreamed, so I guess that he was absolutely right. 🙂
Jerry Seymour says
kiyana says
When I held my baby in my arms for the first time!
Pamela White says
My best mommy moment was when my teenage son sent me an I love you you’re awesome text message out of the blue.
Hesper F says
Becoming a mom by adopting!
Muriel Morgan says
Cruz me crazy!
Vicki Weisshaar says
Wow! This would be great!
Mary V says
When there’s peace in the house, and harmony, is my favorite time.
Thomas Beach says
i hope i win!!!
philip halter says
loving mom
Pamela Hansen says
the time my two year old son said his first words
callmeabookworm says
This so appeals to me, both as a Mom and a techo-junkie!
Aimee Fontenot says
I’m not a mother, but I do have many memories with my mother helping her cook dinner.
Sarah Stern says
My favorite moment was the first time I got a spontaneous kiss from my little guy – just because!
Paula Harmon says
Fav moment: holding my baby, feeding her in the middle of the night when everyone else is sleeping. I remember thinking I wish they could all stay just the way we were at that time, forever. (I have three other children too). I just wanted everyone to stay little and innocent and sweet.
Teresa Iverson says
Seeing my children acting responsibly without me telling them to.
Marina says
Thanks for the contest, I would love to win this! My special motherhood moment, as a mother of 3, was when my children started talking for the 1st time!
Christie says
It’s really too hard to choose one. It has all been so special.
Paula S says
My favorite moment is that first moment when you are holding your sleeping baby in your arms and all is right in the world.
Kathy Conley says
My favorite motherhood moment is the simple hugs and kisses and cards that come when you least expect it!
William Sims says
I want TO win
Linda B says
The first time they say Momma
mitchell says
My best moment was being with both my mom and my daughter – the cycle of life.
CINDY says
Amanda Perron says
The first time my daughter smiled is my favorite moment!!!
Tammy Kennedy says
I love my children and grandchildren.
ages 33, 27, 16, 12 are the ages of kids.
Grandkids 12, 07 and a new grandson due Sept 7 I’m the oldest of seven children(my baby sister is only 2 years older then my oldest)
I live 1200 miles from all my family except my 16 and 12 year old. Every moment is a wonderful mommy moment from their birth to their perfect grades ceremony to their having their own childrn. I need to win these so can store all my pictures of family when I go to visit them.
Thank you for such a awesome prize.
Stephanie Adkins says
Please pick me!
K. Cleaver says
Bringing my newborns home was the most special mommy moment for me. Such a big life change.
Debbie Criss says
My memories of being a mother has been full. I’ve been lucky to always be home most of the time. Between my husband and me we have 10 kids. With 3 still at home. 4 of which is my husbands step-kids from a previous marriage. They still call him dad and me mom. His 2 sons call me mom. It makes me feel good that I can be a mom to my 4 sons and to all my other kids. The moments of them loving me as their mom makes me feel like # one Mom.
Please enter me, thank you
Miranda Allen says
please enter me thanks
Anthony Hedden says
enter me
Sarah Ehrhart says
I would love to win this prize and use it.
Thank you!
Nikki Evans says
Please consider me for the prize! I would love to win, good luck to all!
Max says
would love to have
Bre says
I so need this! I have pictures coming out of my ears that I need to show off to people wherever I go…LOL! Hope I did everything correct on here! Thx! :o)
Renea says
Please enter me! My favorite mom momment is the first time each one of them has said Mommy!
Linda Moore says
terrific,fantastic,outrageous,wonderful,marvelous,,rad,gnarly,sweet and groovy!
Jessica A. says
Please enter me in this contest. Thanks.
Steve Scott says
We are always losing these.
Sierra Rendon says
When I pick up my son from daycare and he hugs me tight and pats me on the back and says, “My mama.” 🙂
Rebecca Snodgrass says
every moment is precious
Pamela says
My favorite motherhood moment is coming up. I just know it. I’ll be watching my oldest walk across the stage for high school graduation while holding my youngest, now 5 on my lap, and I’ll have these huge tears streaming down my face as I watch him and think to myself, “Wow! I helped shape THAT!” Then I’ll look at my 3 younger children, realize how little time I have left with #2 who graduates in 3 years, and I know I’ll be more determined than ever before to make the most of the time left with the younger 2 (5 and 10).
Currently, however, my favorite moments are watching my kids when they don’t know I’m watching them. The swelling up with love is what gets me every time. Only a mom……
Krispy_Kremer says
I’m not a blogger, but I want to share my favorite moment as a mom – I only have one, he’s now 2. I had a rough first year – dealing with the baby blues for a long, long time. I am fully “back” and can say that I truly love being a mom – especially the tender moments with my now talkative little man. He said to me the other day, I lah you (I love you) and that’s the best, and I know he means it 🙂
Vicki Wurgler says
When I was pregnant and feeling movement for the first time
dh says
I don’t have a favorite moment, mine are always changing and new ones happening.
My favorite moment is usually the one where I’ve realized my children have matured and are becoming more responsible for themselves and taking charge of their lives.
Renee says
I love getting my boys ready for the first day of school each year and having them hold up their fingers to show which grade they are in.
Karrie says
My favorite motherhood moment was watching my kids learn to do things on their own the proudness on their faces
Kathleen Kurihara says
Favorite moment- when my son was born and my macho husband started bawling.
Liz says
Please enter me.
Amy W. says
My favorite motherhood moment changes every day – it’s amazing to watch the physical, verbal and emotional development of a child that I brought into the world!
Donna says
There are so many incredible moments of motherhood. When I saw my daughter walk down the isle, so happy and beautiful, it was one that definitely goes on the list.
Donna W says
I would love to win this great prize!!
Patti says
This would be great! Thanks!!
Teresa says
having my mom
Teresa says
being blessed with the mother that i have
B. Wong says
Being with my kids on Mothers Day.
Martha says
My favorite motherhood moment without a doubt has to be the day my son was born.
Marsha says
One of my favorite Motherhood Moments happened just recently. My daughter is a high school senior and will be going off to college soon. We recently found out that she has received a full academic scholarship. I’m so proud of her and all she’s acccomplished! Now comes the hard part of having her move away from home.
M.A. says
Favorite moment? One is not enough!
All moments
(sad and mad and joyful and filled with laughter and…)
were and are favorites.
I am blessed.
gina says
Nice prize!!!!
Tara says
This is a great prize for us computer geeks.
Kristi P says
My favorite motherhood moment is when my son was a little over a year old and you really had to be there to understand how funny this was but he would laugh in a way that was hilarious. He held his body and head perfectly still so the only thing moving (laughing) was his mouth and once he started laughing he couldn’t stop. Then when we would laugh with him that would make him laugh even harder. I wish I had a video to show you all, he is 20 now but to this day when I think of that laugh it cracks me up. Kristi
Kathy Scott says
Every bath was special. My boys loved the water.
Lori says
Oh! All the pictures that I could take with a new flash drive!
Nat Stevens says
plug me in –
danette says
There are so many memorable moments as a mother. A sweet one for me is when I drop my youngest off to preschool she makes sure I give her a kiss,an eskimo kiss, butterfly kisses and cheek kisses. 🙂
Hugs, Danette
Angela says
My favorite motherhood moment was when I realized how much, in small ways, my little boy was like me. He is 9 months old. I walked in his room to check on his one night and found him kicking his legs up and down while he was asleep to make the crib mattress bounce. That is one of the stories my mom has told me for years…how I used to do the same thing. And then a week after that, on a long road trip my son was asleep in his carseat. He suddenly started talking…”da da da da da” and he was still sound asleep. I am also one who talks regularly in my sleep. It was sweet to realize how much he really is like his Mama (especially since he is a mini-me in looks of his Daddy).
Bernard Biron says
I would love to win.
Janice Golden says
My moment is when I Had my first Christmas with my kids Their eyes light up with joy
Cathy says
My whole blog is made up of those great mommy moments!!
anne s. says
it would have to be when i used that sing song la la baby voice, only to look up and realize that i was actually talking to adults-not my children! it was pretty funny!
R Hicks says
Luv the skin on these things
Betty Mordecai says
sign me up for the contest.
when i finally got to hold my baby for the first time!
Susan says
these are great
charline s says
My favorite motherhood moment was when my oldest son called and told me he was gonna be a daddy.
Valerie Mitchell says
Grace Watkins says
I need help on backup
Joseph B says
Wow, I was just saying to myself I need to get one of these to backup stuff on my laptop. This would be awesome to win the black one! Great Blog website, keep up the great work.
jeanette malan says
seeing my children born and watching them take their first breathes
hazel hunt says
true says
Best moment, Porsche coming into my life.
Kathy LaFrenier says
count me in!
Erika says
My favorite moment as a mother was taking my 3 month old daughter to spend the day with my great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, and myself — 5 generations of women — on Mother’s Day last year. My great-grandmother is very sick, so it was so moving and special for me to be able to have her and my daughter meet. It was only for a brief moment in time, but it will be forever ingrained in my memory.
Monique Rizzo says
My favorite moment was my daughters first ballet recital. It was priceless.
jane jakins says
wow scan disk
william stanger says
no comment
cynthia mccoy says
my favorite moment was seeing my children born.
Jacqueline Carpenter says
My favorite motherhood moment was watching my children grow up to be wonderful adults and they are happy.I have MS and neither one of them have it.Thank God.Happy Mothers’Day to all you wonderful Mothers.
Holly says
Reading with my children…there is nothing more special than being cuddled up together reading a good story!
Ashley says
I’m not sure I can pick a favorite so I will pick one of my first motherhood moments. The day we found out we would be having twins! When the nurse told us we were having twins so many emotions went through me. Emotions that I still feel today when I think back on that moment. Shock, Scared, but so overwhelmingly happy. Full of JOY! I couldn’t even begin to imagine what the next year would be like but the joy of having these two boys in my life has surpassed every expectation.
Rodney K says
I sure hope I win thanks, it was the birth of my children
Michael says
Good to move data
Vickie Couturier says
please count me in,nice contest,thanks
Nicole S. says
I’ve been wanting to buy one of these to store my pictures on…you never can trust a computer!!
Serenity says
I loved the first time my son gave me a kiss!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Christina C says
WOuld love this prize
jenny hebert says
Very nice prize
TD Wright says
Great prize, hope we win this one!
Linda Lansford says
My favorite memory was the love.
kara cardinale says
we all hate lice!!!
Christina says
Wow, I sure could use that! I linked to one of my favorite memories.
Sue Farrell says
I think the favorite motherhood moment is when you hold them the first time.
Barbara Fox says
The best motherhood moment I’ve had is when my grown daughter told me I was her best friend.
Sandy - Em's mommy says
I have so many favorite moments from motherhood, but here is a recent one that brought tears to my eyes… I emailed it to you. Thanks for this great contest! 😉
Sharon Jones says
My favorite mother hood moment…OK..I had almost 16 years ago and one 13 years ago…the birth of both my fabulous kids…I couldn’t pick just one…thanks
Angela J says
Too many to list, but holding my first baby for the first time ranks among the best.
Grammy says
Feeling my son’s first kick in my stomach.. It is true that life is a kick
Vicki Koch says
Not a mother but I love your contests. Sign me up and make me a winner.
Diane S says
My mother moment was holding our child for the first time, after being told 11+ years before that we would never have children.
Helen Keeler says
Great prize. Lot’s of special moments. Please enter me.
tim brown says
Iam not a mom or dad but the greatest gift from god is children
Michael says
Great contest, I wanna win! Thanks!
Jason says
My favorite motherhood moment was when my son said mama for the first time.
Kari says
Yay, what a sweet giveaway! My post is up!! Thanks girls!! 🙂
Ashley Domes says
I could use this. Thanks.
jennefer sweitzer says
my favorite mommy moment would be when i heard my daughters playing and i heard my oldest tell her sister when i grow up i want to be a famous singer, my youngest said , i want to be a just like mommy.
grubmama says
When your son is screaming in pain and he looks at you to take away his boo-boo. All I can do is hold him and pray that I could take away his pain.
Marsha M. says
My favorite motherhood moment was when my twin daughters informed me that all their friends wanted to live with us because I was the “coolest mom”. I hugged them & told them I was lucky ’cause I had the “Coolest kids”.
Michelle Rosborough says
Finding out my son threw my tampons in the toilet so he could watch them expand
Rachel says
One of my favorite motherhood moments happened a few weeks ago when my eight-month old daughter was teething. I was rocking her to sleep when she looked up at me and put her tiny hand on my cheek and held it there. I cried, of course…
AmyG says
I love reading these entries!
Deanne S. says
It has to be the first time I looked into my sons eyes after he was born. I remember crying and saying “I love you….I’ve been waiting so long to meet you little guy.” Then my husband said to me “You’ve never looked more beautiful than you do now”. I’ll never forget that moment.
Katherine Ellis says
My favorite memory is holding my children for the first time.
Mamamoose says
Yeah! I hope I win! 🙂
Denyse says
My favorite motherhood moment wa when I was first called Mommy!
Ariane says
My favorite motherhood moment was when the first time I felt my baby kick from inside my tummy! It was an experience I could not forget in my whole life.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
Kevin says
My son is all grown up, but he will always be my little boy, even though he is bigger and taller than me.
Dorothy Davidson says
I had three very special moments, with the birth of the children. Thanks
Kari Follett says
Thank you!!
Sharla says
Thanks for helping me think about what being a mother means to me and for remembering special moments.
Corrie says
I havent offically met my baby yet, (adoption) but i cant wait. I would still like to enter this contest – thanks
Michelle says
One of my favorite motherhood moments was when I was holding my 10 month old son and saying, “This is what I prayed for!! (to have kids)” His very next action was to hit me on the head with the phone he was playing with. How ironic!
Holly Radermacher says
My daughter’s first birthday!
Belinda Abel says
I had to become a mother to understand the advice: “enjoy every moment, time will fly”. Time has never gone by so fast and motherhood has been one big magical moment. I’ve posted my favorite moment for this week.
David Guss says
My favorite motherhood moment was when my son said “daddy”.
Janet F says
When I first heard, “mommy I love you”
Caroline Morin says
I’m not a mother in the conventional sense, but consider myself one to my two kittens. One was the runt of the litter and we’ve been fighting hard to help her grow into adulthood, despite being told she might not make it.
My favourite moment is when I saw her big eyes for the first time, when she had energy after being sick for so long.
dinadiva says
Love these! We can’t live without them!
Melissa Reeder says
My favorite moments as a mommy have been giving birth to my three beautiful baby girls.
chris h says
when you see your child for the first time
Madam Pince says
My daughter and I lived with my parents during her toddler years, and she grew accustomed to hearing them refer to me by my first name. When I picked her up from nursery school one day, she grinned widely, jumped up and down, and shouted, “JANE!!!”
I wanted to vanish through the floor … but the teachers were so reassuring … “it’s just a phase.” And it was … but I still remember it to this day.
Brian Morin says
Sign me up!
Patty says
I just posted mine about introducing DJ to his Great Grandma.
Amber says
This would totally come in handy for my digital scrapbooking and picture taking!
Albert says
When my son started talking
Toby says
At the moment of birth
Susan Smith says
When my daughter started talking
Dan Smith says
When my son started crawling
Linda Moeller says
Is it a motherhood moment when your child asks a neighbor to pick up an orange dinosauer for him if she saw one at the store. And she did????
Sarah VM says
My favorite motherhood moment had to be the first time my 9yr old son saw his baby sister. The look on his face was priceless, he was and still is so proud to be a big brother!
Thank you!!
Margaret Herrin says
First smile.
Faith says
My favorite motherhood moment is when I see my 2 year old trying to play with her little sister who’s 3 months old. Or trying to cuddle her, hug her, kiss her, be just like a mommy to her. It’s so precious to see.
Nora Scott-Platt says
My best motherhood moment was not only when they were born but when I did it all over again when the youngest was 23yrs old
Alicia says
These are so cute!
Tonya Froemel says
There are so many awesome moments being a mom, if I have to pick just one it would be this: my favorite motherhood moment is when your baby first calls you mamma. It just melts your heart. I felt the same rush of pride each time my three daughters reached this milestone.
Louise Brouillette says
We couldn’t have kids, so our best motherhood moment was when we adopted our sons.
Elena says
Tandem nursing my twins. Unbelievable. Boy was that first year tough! Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
Janice J says
My favorite motherhood moment was last summer, when all of our kids and grandkids were here to help us celebrate our 40th anniversary. It was very special to have them all together.
Harriett T. says
i could use this!
Julieh says
Very handy
Diana A says
I’d like to save all my pictures 🙂 instead of keeping them on my camera.
Gabriele says
Great giveaway!! How exciting!!
Bailey's Leaf says
My favorite motherhood moment would probably be my first motherhood moment. We had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our child. Our co-workers were all on standby and our work schedules were permitted to be cleared at a moments notice. I had a discussion with God that weekend. I told Him that I knew that I was being selfish, but if our child had been born that weekend or Monday at the latest, we would have our bundle o’ joy home for Christmas. Then it happened. I got to work with a co-worker out of breath and nearly having a heart attack because we got a call. I called our social worker and she was here. A little girl! We could get her the next day. I had to leave. It was December 22, and in the midst of the holiday retail, but I announced that I just had a baby as I was dashing out the door. I wanted to tell my husband in person and almost drove straight into the side of a car. I grabbed him up from work, went home and dealt with a flurry of phone calls. They okay’d her release and we got her that day! A beautiful present for Christmas!
You know what? The following year on her first birthday, she was officially adopted.
Nancy Morrell says
If aunthood counts I remember laying on my back with my newly born niece on my stomach and thinking the view was so funny that I started laughing uncontrollably.
My niece started laughing also for the first time and my sister still accuses me of giving her my laugh – we do sound the same.
silentbliss says
you’ve changed me.
you’ve made me look on the good side. i was looking the other way and not seeing all the good.
I’ve had a blog for awhile but mostly whining and now…I’m on the good side of the fence.
Count me in the contest! In addition to being a mom and other things, I am a . Flashdrives drive me wild….
Sandy says
this would be great for ALL the pics I have of my kids…count me int!!! thanks :O)
~Lana B~ says
O this is just WAY too cool. Sign me up!
Jenny says
My favorite motherhood moment was when my son took his very first steps! I was so proud and happy! A truly wonderful moment! 🙂 Thanks!
Sisterlisa says
I’d love to win a flash drive!
As far as motherhood goes, holding them for the very first time is my favorite moment. Each year on their birthdays I wake them up by telling them about the day they were born and how I felt holding them and looking into their little faces. I lay in bed with them during this time and hold them before they get up for the day. And we pray together. :O) I’ll be out of town so I’m not entering for the Mother’s one, but still wanted to share. :O)
Kielah Perry says
My favorite motherhood moment was when I went all my brothers and sisters made my mom a big lunch.SHE LOVED IT
Don says
would love to have for pictures.
Pauline M says
I’m the Mom and I’m in Charge!! That’s why!
Patricia Schraier says
Very handy.
Terrance Carroll says
Deb says
Please include me.
Claudia M says
My favorite motherhood moment was when i found out that i had a healthy baby 🙂 great contest!
linda says
Obviously the favorite and most memorable moment would be when you see the baby for the first time.
Allison says
Another great giveaway! I’m looking forward to looking at all of the entries.
Claudia says
Anita says
My favorite motherhood moment was 3 months ago, when I got to hold my son in my arms for the first time, after giving birth.
Marilyn says
My favorite motherhood moment was when I saw my baby for the first time
cathy miller says
can never have enough of these, love it
just add dots says
I would love to have this to give to my sister, great photographer. Thanks!
Kristinia says
I’ve posted in the linky, I’m “Loving Heart Mommy”
I’ve posted about my favorite motherhood moment!
Amanda Jill Fultz (Photochick) says
Holy Heavens! I don’t think I’ve EVER been 1st in posting my link on such an awesome giveaway! I am so absolutely excited about it – I don’t know if my entry is exactly what you were looking for, but I think the letter to my daughter tells SO much about how I love being a mother. There is unfortunately not just one moment that captures the wonderfulness of being a Mommy. Though when my daughter was born it was quite amazing… There are too many more moments that are ALL so important to me in being a Mom… And I hope for many more to come.
Thank you SO much for such an awesome contest, and thanks for letting me participate. Much love to you all, take care and God Bless!
Rebekah says
This is my first blog and my first time linking, I hope I did it right! What a great prize!
Sarah W says
Sign me up!