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I love the new trend in video games that get kids up off the couch and injects ‘coolness’ through sport rather than gunning each other down.
As kids get into those tricky tween and teen ages, it can be a killer to get them to chill out with the family.
I’m getting a little scared already as Jackson gets closer to that age where his parents aren’t exactly ‘cool’.
So I take notice when a product hits shelves that can truly enhance family time and get everyone active. Tony Hawk Shred does exactly that. It’s simple enough for young kids to start learning to balance on a board and challenging enough for teenagers to battle each other for top scores.
Take a look at this video to see what I’m talking about…
Another aspect of this game that I like is that Tony Hawk is a good guy for kids to look up to. He got his first skateboard when he was nine and through determination and hard work by age 16 he was the best skateboarder in the world.
And now he’s giving back…
“With the creation of the Tony Hawk Foundation in 2002, Tony also has made an effort to give something back to the sport that has given him so much. Designed to promote and help finance public skateparks in low-income areas, the foundation has awarded more than $3.2-million in grants to build skateparks in 463 communities throughout the U.S.: from Sitka, Alaska to Marathon, Florida.”
So if you’re looking for a way to get active with your kids while it’s still cold and yucky outside, grab a copy of Tony Hawk Shred. You can get it for Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii.
Want to Win It?
Okay, so if you’d like to win a bundle with the game and board — compatible with Wii and Xbox — leave us a comment telling us if you ever skateboarded or snowboarded and if your kids do.
(Susan and I never skateboarded but Susan learned to snowboard in her 20’s. Jackson wants to start skateboarding this year and he snowboards.)
This giveaway is open to US continental shipping addresses and closes on December 31st. This giveaway is void where prohibited. Please see our site’s terms and conditions for our complete contest rules.
Please Note: We were provided a review sample and prizing. My opinions are always 100% my own!
Written by Janice Croze, co-founder of 5 Minutes for Mom. Talk with me: @5minutesformom and
commercial pool builders scottsdale says
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Beth C says
Skateboarded a long time ago!
Staci A says
I love games that get kids off the couch too! I used to snowboard, but haven’t in years. Now my son wants to learn, so hopefully I’ll get to teach him soon!
steph says
All four of my boys skateboard 🙂 From ages 19 down to 5…and even my 18 yr old daughter knows kickflips, nollies, etc.
nan says
i never have skate boarded or snow boarded but my son wants to try skateboarding
nannypanpan at
Btrflywmn says
My son LOVES Tony Hawk. I have not tried to snowboard or skateboard. My son loves to skateboard and would love to win this.
Debbie M says
I had a skateboard when I was young but really didn’t do the things these guys do today. I have never snowboarded nor do I plan to. This would be great for my 2 boys – already showing an interest in skateboarding at age 4.
Charro M. says
I have been on a skate board when I was 8 or nine years old (eons ago!) but never got the hang of it. My hubs was a “Skater Boy” til he was 20 or so. My 9 yr old son has asked for a board and wants to try out the skate parks- thank goodness there are pads and helmets!
Jules says
Nope … I have never skateboarded or snowboarded. I’m what you might call a risk-averse kinda gal, so doing it via video game is right up my alley! My sons are 8 1/2 & 6 1/2. Both have skateboards and helmets and as many pads as I could find to keep them protected. They think Tony Hawk is “a Rock Star” & skateboard a bit here & there. But (thank heavens!) they haven’t really figured out any of the scary stuff yet. Snowboarding has yet to be discovered (and – truth be told – I’m not really feeling badly about that!) ; ) We’d LOVE to win this game/bundle for our Wii … thanks for a great opportunity!
Elaine Kontra says
I used to skateboard when I was 10, but I never did any tricks I just used it to get from point A to point B quicker and it was fun to go down the hills on our streets with. Both my daughters have expressed an interest in learning how to snowboard, but I am reluctant as I had a bad experience skiing in my 20’s. Also we have a skateboard now that my youngest daughter uses, but she just like to roll down the driveway with it.
Jodi says
I have never done either, but both my boys have done both. My youngest is chomping at the bit for the snow to fall here in MI, as he wants to go snowboarding really bad! Me, I am thankful that we haven’t gotten alot of snow yet!
He would be thrilled if I won this for him!
@annas04 says
Yes I used to skate board and still love to. I just bought my son a skateboard this year. He is 12 and starting to get into that skating thing. We also just got a wii for Christmas so we need a good start on games. Please Please let me be able towin this, my son would love it
lacey021619 at yahoo dot com
Kendra Field says
Our 6 year old taught himself to skateboard last year…and he’s pretty good! I would love for him to be able to skateboard inside on rainy days or when we can’t get to the skatepark
Jessica T says
I have tried snowboarding once, and my husband would like to go more often then he does! My kids haven’t tried it but are dying too! This would be sweet!
Steph says
I have never skateboarded or snowboarded. My kids are too young to try, but I do have a skateboard for my son when he gets a bit older.
Shawna OBrien says
I used to skateboard when I was in High School. My oldest son is just learning to skateboard now and he loves it.
Alison S. says
I haven’t ever been brave enough to try snowboarding.
Kimberly says
I’ve never skateboarded or snowboarded. My kids want to snowboard and have skateboarded a little.
riTa says
My youngest began skateboarding at a young age. After that every birthday required a trip to the skateboard shop for a new board and accessories. His goal was to own a shop. Eventually he did, called LifeSkateboards (the T was actually a cross, reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice for us). Now the grandsons could benefit from, would LOVE, this indoor skateboard entertainment.
Amber says
My son would probably absolutely LOVE this.
I have tried skateboarding, but it was kind of hard. I think it would be neat to learn to snowboard.
Kay M. says
My brother had a skateboard, and was pretty good…so were my two oldest sons. Now my younger sons are skateboarding, and I am scared to death they are going to break their necks!! LOL. I myself, have stood on one, but not ever ‘ridden’ one.
Some Lucky Dog says
When I was about 10 (many, many years ago!) I got a skateboard for my birthday. It was basically a shaped piece of wood with clay wheels that came separately. I remember helping my Dad put them on for me! My kids had skateboards when they were teens and one of them snowboarded. I am a snow skier, but no snowboards for me!
Kristi Duncan says
I used to snowboard, but I’m a better skiier, so when we get a chance I ski – my kids, however, snowboard and LOVE it!
Mama Zen says
I didn’t, but my daughter does!
Samantha D says
I have never skateboarded in my life, my husband did as a kid and my oldest boy is super interested in it!
Samantha D
Kimberly says
My older son is a skateboarding fiend! He loves to get out there and learn new tricks. He also loves to snowboard, but is sad that it’s been too cold to skate, and not enough snow to snowboard yet…this would really make his year!
LeAnn V. says
I have never skateboarded or snowboarded, however my kids have done some skateboarding. My oldest daughter who is fifteen loves to ski and her big goal this year is to try snowboarding.
Tina says
My son skateboarded when he was in high school and loved Tony Hawk. I would love to win this for my grandson who is now interesed.
Mia says
I used to skateboard when I was younger (like 30 years ago). My daughter and son just started this year.
Terra Heck says
My kids and I have done neither but I think my boys would have tons of fun with this. Thanks.
Amanda says
I used to love to skateboard but that was years ago. I can almost guarantee I would hurt myself if I attempted to do it now.
Stephanie Brown says
I have never done either, but my three boys love to skateboard. My eleven year old just loves Tony Hawk. This would be so great for all of them.
LaVonne says
my husband snowboards and he was just talking about wanting a new Wii game like this. 🙂 Daughter is only 3, but she will want to snowboard too one day 🙂
Ruth Hill says
I have never done any skateboarding. My daughter has, and she would love this!
Idaho Jill says
I have never done either one but have always wanted to! my husband skateboarded when he was younger…
Linda Kish says
I haven’t done either. My son used to skateboard. He has always loved skateboard and snowboard video games when we would go to Las Vegas. He’d blow a ton of money in the arcades on them.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Anne says
I’d love this for the Xbox, and my son skateboards.
Kristen says
Last time I was on the slopes I had knee surgery after, my daughter is scared to snowboard also but I’d like to get her to try.
Kristen M. says
I’ve never skateboarded and my total snowboard experience comes from playing SSX Tricky video games in the early 1990’s. My son (7) asked for, and is getting, a skateboard for Christmas this year.
Jen says
I was never very good, but sure…I tried a little!
monica says
I built a skateboard out of roller skates when I was a girl.
My boys have skateboarded some and all have tinkered with snowboarding.
Sadly, I’ve fallen too many times skiing to attempt snowboarding. I left my nerve in my 20s. lol
Stephanie K says
I have never tried either of them. Hubby has snowboarded. We have 4 boys 10 and under and they have all tried skateboarding once or twice. We got 3 beginner snowboards for them this year (found at thrift shop for $5!) so they are really having fun with those. Hubby snowblowed a huge hill in backyard for them. They’d love to try out Tony Hawk’s shred! Thanks for the giveaway!
stacey moore says
i’ve tried but i wasn’t very good 🙁 my son loves to skateboard and he would love this game!
@Colorado_Mom says
I tried skateboarding, suck at it. Never tried snowboarding, but I’m pretty sure I suck at that too! My 2 older boys are obsessed with Tony Hawk and one has a skateboard and the other wants one for Christmas!
Katie says
I tried snowboarding when I was in ROTC in Colorado. I haven’t done it since, but I miss it so much!
Daniel M says
have skateboarded in my youth
Stacie says
I used to skateboard way back when I was 10…then I had a nasty fall and kinda gave it up. Love it on the Wii now and so does my 3 year old!
Jill says
The only board I have ever been brave enough to try is the Wii Fit. We love the Mario and Sonic Winter Olympics, and this sounds like it would be a great addition to our game night.
angie says
when I was a kid skateboarding was the in thing to do we had a whole block of kids that skateboarded together
Sylvia says
I have attempted to skateboard but unsuccessfully. My hubby is the big skateboarder…nowadays he does more virtual skateboarding though. He dislocated his elbow about 10 years ago and that somewhat put a damper on his “career”. Haha. He’s played the Tony Hawk Shred at a friends house. This would be perfect!! 😉
SANDY says
yep, I skateboarded and did stupid things like skate on ice holding onto car bumpers.I now know what makes me overprotective- knowing what I did
Donna B. says
I skateboarded a bit in high school but I was never any good. My son however is a HUGE fan, and skateboards quite a bit. He’s on his 4th deck (and the first 3 hang proudly on his wall LOL). He’s been snowboarding a couple of times and loves it. I’d love to win this bundle, I think we both would enjoy it!
Christine Jensen says
I had a skateboard when I was really young, but I wouldn’t have been what you call a skateboarder..I have never snowboarded either..But hubby was a skateboarder in high School
Nancy B from Many LA says
I did some real simple stuff when skateboards FIRST came out (yeah, I’m old! LOL). My son does some skateboarding. We live in Louisiana, so we don’t do snowboarding here!
nrbird @
Darla says
Nope, I have never skateboarded or snowboarded, but my son has! He loves it!
Katie says
I’ve never done either because I’m too scared of killing myself, so this looks just right for me!