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This is the first of two reviews and giveaways at 5 Minutes for Books. Scroll down or click here for the second one.
I had an exciting opportunity to participate in the first ever blogger conference call with bestselling author Nicholas Sparks to mark the release of his novel The Choice. I learned a good bit about him, most of which can be summed up to say that he’s a busy guy. He reads like crazy, which is probably one reason that he writes such readable stuff. Rule number one of being a writer is “Writers read.” He was speaking to us from a hotel room where he had been on a publicity tour for ten days. He had read seven books in that time–a couple of novels and some heavy non-fiction as well. He also works out for a couple of hours every day, coaches a track team, and has started a private school, in addition to being a husband and the father of five children, and oh yeah–writing a bestselling book every year. I will be posting more about the interview later this week on my personal blog, Snapshot, if you’d like to hear more of the Q&A, and you can always browse his extensive website,
When I picked up The Choice, I was drawn in right away. Travis Parker sometimes feels like his life looks like a beer commercial–good times with good friends. All of his buddies have paired off and started families. He enjoys experiencing family life as “Uncle Travis,” but still doesn’t feel like he’s missing out . . . Until he meets his next door neighbor Gabby Holland. Because the story is told as somewhat of a flashback, it pulls the reader along in a suspenseful way. I read this book in only a few sittings, never being satisfied with only one chapter before I turned out the light. Travis Parker is a man’s man, but a man who truly appreciates women, or at least this one particular woman:
There was definitely something about Gabby that interested him. It wasn’t simply that she was attractive; there were pretty women everywhere. There was something about her straightforward intelligence and unforced humor that suggested a grounded sense of right and wrong. Beauty and earthy common sense were a rare combination, yet he doubted she was even aware she possessed it.
I have read a Nicholas Sparks book or two, as well as seeing a couple of the movie adaptations, but it’s been a while. (Incidentally, one question he answered was regarding the differences between the book and the movie projects. He said that he’s always been pleased, and he fully knows what he’s getting into. The same story gets told, even though many of the details end up being changed. Telling a story in a novel is very different from using the visual medium of film, so it often makes sense to make a few changes.) This story did not disappoint, and I will be checking out some of the others that I’ve missed along the way. I’m actually looking forward to reading his memoir, Three Weeks with My Brother. Sparks admitted that the kernel of the idea for most of his books came from either one of his experiences or that of a loved one, and by reading his books in order, one could get an idea what was going on, but pointed to the memoir as the book that clearly revealed the most about him, since it was actually about himself, not just an idea that became a fictionalized account.
The publisher is giving away 5 hardcover books and 5 audiobooks to our readers. Please leave a comment (and state which format you prefer), and come back next week to see if you’ve won. These prizes can ship to either U.S. or Canada. If you want to guide me to my next one by telling me your favorite Sparks’ story, please do!
From last week’s columns:
#46, Beth@Sportsmomma wins Queen of the Castle.The three winners of Dangerous Admissions are
#25 — Cynthia
#40 — Vickie
#37 — Rachel Bolin
Barb says
I LOVE Nicholas Sparks! Would love to win a hardcopy of The Choice.
If anyone needs a romance ‘fix’ similar to Nicholas’ books, I just read Coinage of Commitment and couldn’t put it down. Yummy!
Good luck to everyone 🙂
e-Mom says
Hi Jennifer. This is a nice review!
I’d love to have you link up at the November Christian Book Fair.
Blessings, e-Mom
Tina P says
I would love to win this book. Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors!!
Carol says
I’d love to win the new book. A friend of mine knows Nick and said she could get it signed!!
Caryn says
I read The Notebook and it was soo good. I’d like to read this as well.
Charlene Kuser says
Nicholas Sparks is a very good author,so far The
Notebook is my favorite I have not read The Choice,
so please enter me to win
Shannon says
Love ALL of his books. Would love to have this one too!!
Heather C says
Audio book would be great, what with all the driving I do. Also, I loved The Notebook. *sob*
Cecilia says
Hardcover would be marvelous. Thanx! 🙂
Nichole R. says
I love this author! I would prefer a hard cover copy.
kathy pease says
good luck 2 ALL 🙂
Nicky F. says
Sparks is my favorite author. I would prefer a hard cover copy.
Nina Cunningham says
I prefer hard cover! Thanks so much!
Pamela White says
Nicholas Sparks writes of hope
philip halter says
love to have it
Laurel says
Hardcover – my mind wanders easily with audiobooks.
Geri says
Hardcover, please!
Paige says
I would love to enter. I enjoy Nicholas Sparks, and am just reading 3 weeks with my brother right now.
LocaMama says
audio book which i will listen to while wearing my Christmas Shoes
Fruitbearer says
I would love to win a hardcover book for my sister in law (she’s a big fan of Nicholas Sparks). Thanks!
Crazyland Resident says
I just found this site, so I hope I’m not too late to enter… if not, then I would most definitely LOVE a copy of the book to read. Which I will then promptly pass along to someone else!!
Taryn says
I’d like the hardcover please
Linda Denisen says
I would REALLY lve to have this book……Then pass it on to someone else to enjoy.
Nicole Price says
I really want to read this book. Please enter me in the contest 🙂
Denise Mcgrath says
The book sounds great – count me in !!
ter says
P.S. I perfer hardcover as I am deaf and can’t hear the audio books. 🙂
ter says
I love Nicholas Sparks Books. I have read every single one of them except “the choice” which I do have on hold at the library. I have also seen the movie adaptations of his books, but the books are always better, hands down.
I sometimes post about books in my blog. I’m currently reading “Marly and Me”. I’ll post about it soon!
Susan says
I’m looking for another good read. Count me in for a hardcover copy!
Cynthia says
I would love to add this to my Nicolas Sparks collection!
Sarah W says
Love Nicholas Sparks….sign me up please! Either format works for me. Thanks!
CoachJ says
Let’s see….how about the audiobook, but if you draw my number and all those are gone, I’ll take a hardcover. Will that work?
Gloria Dornin says
I would love the audiobook, thanks
Heather L says
ooh, audiobook please!
Laura Hetfield says
LOVE LOVE LOVE N.S. : ) Please enter me into your contest for a book
Thanks for the opportunity!
Hannah says
Looks like a wonderful book!
Lee says
great review – I knew you had “journalist” in you! If I don’t win a book, may I borrow yours?
Angela Willis says
Id like a hardcover book. angelaandmelos (@)
Ann at mommysecrets says
My mother-in-law and I always read Sparks’ books together. It’s a fun little bonding adventure between the two of us!
Karen (Mommy of Three) says
I would love to win a hardback copy! My favorite book of his is The Notebook, it is a tear jerker…have tissue handy;-)
CC says
I love Nicholas Sparks’ books and can’t wait to read this one. Please enter me in the contest!
I’d like the hardcover please 🙂
CC says
I love Nicholas Sparks’ books and can’t wait to read this one. Please enter me in the contest!
Jo says
I would love a chance to win the hardcover copy. I’ve read all of his other books and own about half of them. I’ve been looking forward to reading this one.
JewelsHud says
This sounds great – I’d say hardcover – but it doesn’t really matter.
Barbara says
Definitely hard cover books for me! 🙂
Kim says
I love Nicholas Sparks as well. I have read all his books. Please enter me into the contest. I would prefer the hardcover but would also be happy with the audio version.
Jessica says
Sparks is my favorite! I especially love The Wedding and The Rescue… he has a way of writing that sucks me in and I can’t put the book down until I finish it. I can’t wait to read The Choice!
Sarah says
Hardcover would be my choice.
Jessica says
Nicholas Sparks is my favorite! I especially love The Wedding and The Rescue… he has a way of writing that sucks me in and I can’t put the book down until I finish it. I can’t wait to read The Choice!
Jill Rivera says
She is one of my favorite authors.
Kristen says
The deadline is my birthday! Audio please!
melody is slurping life says
Please enter me for the hardcover. Thanks.
theresa demars says
Angie Wycherly says
Sounds great.
Jennifer Rewerts says
I would love the hardcover book! I am a big fan of his books.
Josiane M says
Yeah Baby! This one’s for Me
Stephanie Campbell says
I have read every Nicholas Sparks book [most of them more than once] and am very excited about his newest!
Renae Horner says
I would love the hardcover book. I love him. He’s such a great author for women!
Brooke Smith says
I too loved The Notebook!!! Please enter me for the hardback!
Julie Sivley says
HUGE Nicholas Sparks fan! I would love an audio version of this book so I can listen while I “work” (sew!) Thanks!
Janet says
my sister loves Mr. Sparks and reads him faithfully- I would love to get this for her!
Penny G says
I would love to read one of his hardback books. I’ve never read one or seen one of this movies, so would be interested in checking it out. Thanks!
Hollie says
Nicholas Sparks is an amazing author! I have read all his novels, my favorite was “The Wedding”. I would love to win the hardback version of his new novel, “The Choice.”
Megan says
Hardcover for me please.
Tammy says
The book sound interesting! I would be interested in the hard cover books.
Christy says
I would love the audio cassette…would give me something to look forward to while driving
Laura says
The Notebook is my all time favorite book. He is a beautiful writer and I look forward to reading your interview on your blog.
Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry says
Love his books! And it’s about time for a good cry!
rebecca says
I love these books. Please enter me for a hardcover. Thanks!
Julie says
I’ve loved all the Nicholas Spark’s books I’ve read. The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, The Wedding, they’re all great!
Erin says
Sounds like a great book. Please enter me for the hard cover.
Michele says
He is one of my favorite authors! Please enter me for the audio book. Thanks!
Mandie Rose says
I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Nicholas Sparks’ books! It helps that he’s a local, so I can relate in an unreal way to the surroundings. It’s almost all I’ve read in the past two years. He was at a book signing locally promoting this one, and I missed him by about 5 minutes. I was disappointed, because I was going to have the 7 books I have by him signed, and buy the new one. I, like many others, recommend The Wedding, and True Believer, but only with At First Sight to follow up. TB was my least favorite until I read AFS, and it was redeemed. I’d love either version, really, if I’m lucky enough to win!
Tanya Moyer says
Love Nicholas Sparks! Would love a hardcover!
tdk says
like his books…
Callista says
I would love a copy of this book. I have The Notebook and A Walk to Remember on my bookshelf but haven’t actually read them yet. I’ve heard The Choice is good. I don’t use audio books though.
Chrisie says
I would LOVE a print copy. Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author. I had a baby 8 months ago and would love to read an adult book… 🙂
Holly says
I haven’t read a good book in a while! This sounds like just what I need!
mindy says
This book sounds really good!
Karin Bernard says
I think he is a great author, please enter me in the contest! Thank you!
ashley says
I am a huge fan! I love a walk to remember, The notebook,and the guardian. I would love either audiobook or hardcover!
Sarah W. says
I LOVE Nicolas Sparks writings! Please enter me for the book! I would adore it!
Amy W says
I would love to win the book as well!! I love his stuff!!
Shawna says
I would like to win the audio book 🙂
Nicholas Sparks is one of those authors that I specifically look for every time I am at a used book store. I would recommend the Wedding, The notebook or The rescue. Nights in Rodanthe is also a must have.
You mentioned reading Three weeks with my brother, this really is a great memoir. It had me laughing and crying the entire time.
I would love the Audio book of this.
CPA Mom and Soccer Mom Angela says
I’d love to win the hardback. He is a wonderful writer. Great review!
Linda Pinto says
I really enjoy this author’s work. I hope I win.
Nunny11 says
I love Nicholas Sparks books! The Notebook was a fabulous book. Please enter me in the contest!
Rebecca says
I have read The Wedding and it was a great book. I would love the chance to win another book by a wonderful author.
Jenny says
Please enter me for a hardback!
Jenny M says
Great- I’ve been looking forward to another Nicholas Sparks Mommy nap break- with a book-His books are so readable and my husband enjoys them as well. We loved the Notebook and a Walk to Remeber movies- they are great movies and I’ve turned my mom into a fan as well. thank you for the chance=)
Crystal B. says
I love Nicholas Sparks. Count me in.
bee says
Nicholas Sparks is my favorite! I’d like to win one of the hardbacks!!!
Sarah at In the Trenches of Mommyhood says
I’m a big fan of his–I’d love a hardcover book!
amber says
love Nicholas Sparks! I’d like the audiobook best but would definitely take hardcover.
Amy says
This sounds like a great book! I have not read Nicholas Sparks yet, but will be starting now. A hardcover would be perfect.
Angela C says
Hardcover for me!! I love Nicholas Sparks, he always makes me cry!
kardel says
I love all of the Nicholas Sparks books I have read. I would love to win the hardback book! Count me in!
Jodi says
Count me in!! I love his books!!
Lesha says
I’d love to win the hardcover. Thanks!
Janine says
I’ll take either (I didn’t realize he wrote The Notebook– need to read that & see it!)
Cynthia says
I’m a great lover of books and this would go nice in my collection of great reads!
Shama-Lama Mama says
Ooooh, the hardcover please. I love me some Nicholas Sparks!
Tricia says
Oh I have to win this. Nicolas Sparks is my total favorite. I would love either book or audio.
Shay Thatcher says
This sounds wonderful! It’s just what I need to relax.
Jill says
I love a good book!
Natalie says
I’d love to win a book!
Lisa Oguin says
Count me in for a hardcover book!
Amy R. says
I love Nicholas Sparks! I would love to win a hardcover.
Melanie says
I love all of his books but my favorites are A Walk to Remember and The Notebook. Even if you’ve seen the movies- the books are still a must read! Please enter me!!
Jane Anne says
I’d love to win one of the print copies. Thanks for sharing about the interview.
emily says
I would love one of the print copies.
Alexia says
I love Nicholas Spark’s books! Please enter me…I would prefer a hardback, but will take audio if I have to 🙂
Courtney says
Sounds like a great book!
I’d love to be entered for a hardcover. 🙂
Carolyn Sharkas says
sounds like a great book, I have read a couple of his novels. count me in. Thanks
Heather says
Looking forward to this one! Please enter me to win!
Christine says
Nicholas Sparks is one of my very favorite authors!! I just recently read A Bend In The Road… Very good!
Rani says
Would love either version. Thanks!
Michelle says
Ohhhh this sounds so good! Thanks for such a great review. I would love to add the hardback to my collection!! 😀
Mary B. says
Just read “Dear John” this summer – excellent. Would love to read this book!
Susan Stemple says
Oh how I would love a great book to read! I loved Nicholas Spark’s “The Notebook” so I am sure this would be a great read too!
I would love to have the hardcover (and some free time to actually relax and read it should I win 😉 )
Thea says
I would love to add the hardcover copy to my Sparks collection!
Dariana says
I tried to send this to 5minutesformom about a week ago. There is a contest at my blog in honor of Breast Cancer Survival month and you can win a host of goodies such as White Diamonds perfume, a bracelet, teddy bear, etc. Come on by if interested. Deadline to enter is this coming Wednesday at 6pm!
Sorry to place this here, couldn’t find anywhere else to post it in contests.
Stephanie J. says
I am a reading lover and would love to have a copy of his new book!
tammy b says
looks like a good pick. i’m in for the audio book please.
Heather says
I would love this book, too!
tanyetta says
the book please 🙂
Wenddie says
HI Please enter me for the Nicholas Sparks book. I loved 3 weeks with my brother, probably because it was from the heart and true. It reminded me of my sister and growing up with her. Nicholas Sparks ROCKS! Everything I have read of his is GREAT! Right now I’m reading “The Guardian”. Of coarse “The Notebook is another favorite. All the movies are also good. He’s definately my Favorite author.
Suzanne says
Sounds good, I’m always looking for a good read. I prefer hardback, but would totally use either format.
Jenna says
This book has intrigued me but I haven’t picked it up yet.
(Actual book format, not audio book for me, please!)
Richelle F says
Enter me for a hardcover book. Thanks!
Deanne says
I prefer a hardcover book. Audio books are great for traveling, but not with young kids (they wouldn’t appreciate it, nor allow me to do so while on the road). 🙂
Annie says
OOPS! My comment had the wrong e-mail address. This is the correct one. Sorry about the second post!
Annie says
Please enter me for either of them. Love his books and the movies.
Renee says
Huge Nicholas Sparks fan- enter me for the hardback
Laura says
I would love to read this book. Please enter me for the hardback.
I blogged the giveaway in my Monday Edition of Contests Galore
Sherrie says
Either format would be great!
Tara McBrayer says
Nicholas Sparks captures me with his words. I would love to win this book for some good time out of my own life and into his world.
Shana says
Please sign me up for the hardback copy. Thanks!
Teresa says
I have some friends that are always the first one in line for his new books and I have always wanted to check him out. I would love to win one of the hardback books! Thanks!
Melissa Markham says
I would be happy with either format! Thanks for the opportunity!
TheAngelForever says
I just started reading some of his books and this one sounds great as well. I would love either format.
Jody says
WOW. I LOVE Nicholas Sparks! First choice would be hardcover book! I have ALL of his books and the movies made off the books. A Walk to Remember is still my FAVORITE!
Melody says
Oh, I LOVE Nicolas Sparks! I’d be happy with either format although the book would be my first choice.
Susanne says
I would looove to win a hardcover. I’ve never read Nicholas Sparks but have heard so much good stuff about his stories. Loved the Notebook movie.
lace says
He writes great books. I have a few of his others. Please enter me for the book format.
Stephanie says
You sold me on the book. I’m captivated. Please enter me for a chance to win the book in either format. Thanks!
jenna says
I would enjoy either the hardback or the audio. I also really like Nicholas Sparks, and I like “The Wedding”.
Sara says
Count me in! Should I be so lucky I’d prefer a hardback.
Jennifer says
Nicholas Sparks is my FAVORITE author! My favorites would have to be “A Walk to Remember” and “The Notebook.” I’d love to win! I’m more of a reader, so I would prefer the hardback, but would be happy with either. Good luck everyone!
Happy Monday!
Jennifer 🙂
Amanda says
this book sounds very interesting, please count me in thanks
Katrina says
I’d love to win. Either book or audiobook is fine. Thanks!
Amy says
I would rather read, but would be pleased with either. Thanks!
April says
Please enter me. i love Nicholas Sparks. i have read almost all of his books. I would prefer the hardback. Thank you.
Courtney says
I would love a hardback copy.
Jean says
I would love a hard copy or an audio copy. I loved the Notebook.
AshleyR says
Either format works for me… I would love to win this book!!
Sarah Kimmel says
I’d love to have a hardcover or audio book. THANKS!
Lisa O says
I love, love, love Nicholas Sparks! I would love to win a hardcover of his newest novel. It is so hard for me to choose my favorite. I think The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and The Wedding are my favorites. Bring tissues!!!
Mama Zen says
I would love to win the book!
Stacey says
This book sounds really good.
Would love to win the audiobook.
Andrea says
i would love to win the hard cover copy of the book as well! 🙂
Doll Clothes Girl says
I love Nicholas Sparks. I’d love to win his hardcover version.
Tara says
You have to read The Notebook! I loved it.
Hardcover, please. Cross my fingers
Carey says
I would love to win the hard copy of the book. Hes a very talented author. I enjoy reading his books.
Liz says
I really want to read this book! I’ve enjoyed his other ones so much.
Alicia says
I’m a big Nicholas Sparks fan! And since I’m finally getting back into reading as my kiddos are getting older, I would love a chance to win a hardcover copy.
Coley says
It does sound like a great book!
Cassidy says
The book sounds great. Thanks for the review and the chance to win a copy. Put me in for a hardcover please.
stephanie says
me. please!
Beth says
I love Nicholas Sparks books! Either format works for me…
Wendy says
OOHH!! I am excited:) I am happy with either! Thanks so much!
Bess says
Sounds great! Enter me for a hardcover book. Thanks!
Lisa Brendle says
The book sounds very good. Thanks for your reviews.
Sheila at Dodging Raindrops says
I enjoyed the Notebook and the Wedding.
BChsMamaof3 says
Sounds like a really good book : ) Please enter me into your contest for a hardcover book.