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In an ideal world, every mother would have an unlimited amount of time to snuggle, feed and play with each of her babies and children.
But… let’s be honest… sometimes the spaghetti is boiling over, your baby is crying, your toddler is finger painting the fridge and your grade schooler needs help with her math homework. An extra hand would be a big help.
Great news… the Bottle Snuggly is here to help!
This adorable invention lets you feed your baby hands-free so that you can use both your hands to juggle the rest of your kitchen chaos. And dinner time can run a little more smoothly.
Now of course neither we nor the inventors are suggesting the Bottle Snuggly replace breastfeeding or cuddling with your baby while bottle-feeding. There’s nothing more important than closeness with your baby. But when life is a bit chaotic, the Bottle Snuggly is here to lend you a much needed hand.
Each Bottle Snuggly is lovingly hand-crafted with quality materials. You can choose from a beautiful assortment of colors and fabrics.
Lil’Angel Couture has generously offered to send six of you a Bottle Snuggly of your own. We will randomly select 6 winners and each of you will be sent a unisex color/style Snuggly.
If you (or a friend of yours) could use the extra hand of a Bottle Snuggly, just leave a comment and let us know. We’ll draw the lucky 6 on Sunday, September 2nd. (US Shipping addresses only this time.)
Or if you can’t wait, jump over to Lil’Angel Couture and pick one up now.
Update: The winners are:
#39 – Celeste
#54 – Shannon from Little Miss Miracle
#66 – Nichole
#36 – Alexia from The Mommy Rambles
#22 – Carey from Sunny Days at the Beach
#67 – Tessa from Striving To Be Better
Sirisha says
Can some one please help me find where I can order one of these bottle snugglies as I have 4 month old twin boys and I am working mom with little or no help from my husband.
Momo says
Pediatricians always caution against propping bottles with babies. I have never seen one expert or doctor EVER recommend using something like this, which is just a pillow standing in for a blanket or other propping aid. For those who said that it’s not meant for the mom to leave baby alone while they eat, the description above states you can prop a bottle in your kid’s face so “you can use both your hands to juggle the rest of your kitchen chaos.” Assuming the baby is in the kitchen with the mother while the mother is dealing with “chaos”, I’d think it unsafe to have a baby in the kitchen at all. And if the baby is in another room while mother is in the kitchen apparently cooking (what other kitchen chaos is there?), her attention certainly isn’t on the baby who could be choking or overeating or who may finish their bottle and be pulling in stomach ache producing gas bubbles. This invention seems absolutely horrid, honestly. Plus studies show that babies who are not given attention will not thrive. Why on earth should a baby feed itself when it does not have the strength to hold a bottle yet? This is ludicrous and the only thing worse than making something dangerous and selfish like this is how many women are so orgasmic to get their paws on one. I never knew so many women were so uneducated or who put their baby after a bunch of other stuff like “kitchen chaos.” How about feeding the baby, THEN dealing with cooking? No common sense here. But then these are women who refer to their breasts as “boobs”, too. Good Lord.
Shana says
I’m surprised there aren’t more negative comments about this. I’ve only breastfed so I don’t know all the in’s and out’s of bottle feeding, but I thought bottle propping was strongly discouraged because of the possible risks to the baby, not to mention the lack of closeness with a caregiver. The picture of the baby holding a bottle all by itself just makes my heart ache, honestly.
Tessa says
Ohhh, I love this, it is better than the blankie prop I normally use.
Nichole says
I’ve never seen this. Enter me!
aBookworm says
I could use this. Kiddo likes to do 10 things simultaneously, this will help ensure he gets some sustenance.
michelle says
I’d LOVE to give one of these to my cousin who’s having her baby in a month, I know she’d LOVE IT!
rebecca says
What a great item and a wonderful website, too. I’d love to win this. It would be put to GOOD use. Thanks for letting me play along.
Angela says
This is totally great. We could use that here!
Chelsey says
This looks like a pretty cool thing. Would come in very handy with my new little one.
Ashley says
oh please, please! just brought home my sweet newborn and would love to try this out!
Jenna M says
I would love one of these!
Faith says
Wow…that would come in handy with the little one.
Jamie Bird says
I would love to be entered- what a great idea!
Crystal B. says
What a great prize. Count me in please.
shannon says
Love it….Sign me up!
Jessica says
Jeez…All the negative comments…I guess they are assuming you would just strap it on and leave the kid in a room all alone…I would only want to use it if I was in the room, but it would give you an extra hand, enter me, I think it is a good invention when used with some “mom-sense”
Doreen says
Oh my e-mail is purposedrivenlife4you [at] .
Doreen says
Love this!! This surely would come in handy for an extra ‘hand’!! 🙂
Taowyn says
That is an awesome product. Is there one for the pacifier?
Jennifer M. says
What a great product! I wish I would have had one years ago. But I’ll happily take one now!
Jen says
That’d be fantastic. I’m a flop at breast feeding after 2 long fought attempts
Angela says
Good product. Would like one.
Linda says
I have a few friends that could benefit from one of these!
Katie says
Please enter me! I am expecting number 3 and this would be great! Thanks!
Mary says
My sister, who is in the army as is also married to a soldier, is pregnant with twins and this would make an AWESOME gift for her!! What a great idea!!
Kira says
Fantastic! This would be a fantastic gift for my sister in law, whose baby just turned 1 in July and is due with Number 2 on April 14th!! She will have hands full. Please enter me in!
Susie aka Mayangel523 says
I have a friend expecting her first very soon. This would make a great little gift for her!
Jessica Tan says
looks neat – count me in!
amygeekgrl (Crunchy Domestic Goddess) says
just comments here – please don’t enter me, thanks.
i haven’t ever bottle-fed, so i am unsure how this works, but what does the baby do if they want to stop the flow of the formula or breastmilk that is in the bottle? this seems like it could be dangerous to me.
and as for hands-free feeding, how about wearing baby in a sling with baby at boob-level? 🙂
Celeste says
Count me in, please!
Cherie says
Wow! This is a great invention! Fabulous! I’d love to win one!
Laura says
I love this product! Can’t wait until Sep.2, I’m ordering one now. Who’s that adorable baby girl in the pink bow? 🙂
Alexia says
I could totally use a bottle snuggly! What a neat idea…I’m sure it would help me alot when I have both boys screaming to eat!
stacey says
how perfect!
Michelle says
I would love to be entered. Thanks!
Lana says
Looks pretty neat!
JewelsHud says
This is better than a 3rd arm!! 🙂
Wendy says
that is a much safer way than propping with blankets!! Please enter me:)
Stephanie says
This would be so helpful with my 3rd on the way.
Biddy says
that is an awesome invention! sign me up!
Caryn says
I would love to try this on my baby boy!
Myrna says
I’d like to enter please. Looks great.
Andrea says
What a cute idea!! Please enter me! 😉
Tracy says
My sister could really use one of these for her newborn twins.
LeAnne says
This is wonderful! Enter me also!!
Erin says
This is a great idea! Please count me in!!
Carey says
The products out there today, are just getting better and better. Count me in.
LisaF says
I would love to win one of these! Thanks for the giveaways!
Sarah says
Love it! Sign me up!
Karmyn R says
This would make a great gift for someone! Great idea.
Jennifer says
Wow. I can’t say that I agree with this product at all. Please do not enter me in this contest.
kailani says
What a great idea! You should have seen how I propped up Baby Bug’s bottle when I needed to. hee hee
lisa says
my sister had twins in April and could really use this! Please sign me up! Thanks!
Donna says
My baby would love one!
Adrienne says
This would be a great help as our 2nd comes. Please sign me up!
Sarah says
Enter me in baby.
Rebecca says
Looks great! Would love to try it!
Laura says
This sounds a lot like someone propping a bottle up … which could cause choking.
Just making a comment on this one… please DO NOT add me into the contest.
Southern Girl says
What a neat idea! I know my SIL would love such a thing for my nephew Goober.
Beth says
This is a great invention! I would love one!
Tina says
Cute!! I will definitely be able to use one of these when #3 arrives 🙂
staci says
i would love a bottle snuggly.
Kara says
This would be a big help for me while taking care of 3 (soon to be 4) kids 3 and under.
Saph -Walk With Me says
This is great!! Please count me in! =)
Alyssa Avant says
With a 3 year old and 5 month old I really need this.
Nikki says
How cute and what a handy little invention. I would love to have one of these. Please enter me in!
Kim says
I have two people that I know that would love this.. Enter me please..
Rani says
We are expecting #3 and this little invention would come in quite handy. Love your site and visit often…