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Yes, we got a makeover!
What do you think of our new look?
We’re really excited to finally have a new design here at “5 Minutes for Mom”. For quite a while now, we’ve been meaning to change our dear blog’s look and feel, but we’ve been so busy running the site, we didn’t have time to change its clothes.
So… finally we decided to just go for it.
There are so many fantastic blog designers available these days, and when we asked for your referrals, we had so many to choose from that it was hard to decide.
Finally we selected a work-at-home mom named Avie whose company is called Fritzer Designs.
And we can definitely tell you that Avie is the most patient woman in the entire world!!!
Working with us on a design is no easy task. We are terribly picky and we never really know what we want. But Avie was such a joy to work with and she persevered through all our requests to try this and that.
She’s also created for us a set of new buttons that you can choose from if you want to change the button you use to link to us. (You don’t have to switch to the new button from the old… it’s just an option.)
And if you have a store or website listed with us where we’ve given you an award, we have a new set of award images that you can choose from. (For the award images, please contact us. Also, please note that we don’t give out awards to personal blogs, just stores and websites.)
If you’d like to change the button that you currently have on your blog linking back to us, you can now use one of these.
Just pick a button and copy the code below it.
Thanks again to Avie for her great work and undying patience!
We are thrilled with the Avie’s work and we whole heartedly recommend Fritzer Designs for your next design project.
Jenn says
How fun! 🙂
Pam says
I love it! I’ve already changed the button on my site to the new one. I love the flowers and the pink (my favorite color). It’s so fun!
allhisblessings says
I love it!
Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry says
Just gorgeous!
Lundie says
It looks awesome! 😉
MorningSong says
I love your blog make-over!! It is great!
You ladies sure have great taste!
Susanne says
Love it, girls! It looks great!
melody is slurping life says
Love, love the pink and brown. I have to get my new button for SL now. Looks great!
Tirzah says
It looks really nice!!
CPA Mom and Soccer Mom Angela says
Awesome new look! Way to go Avie. I put your buttons on both my sites. If you ever need any buttons for YOUR site, I can give you mine. Tehehehehehehehe.
Avie the designer says
Hiya Gals
So glad you all like it! It was such a pleasure to work with Janice and Susan! They are two wonderful ladies doing a great service for MOMS all around! Enjoy the new look!
Avie 🙂
melissa l. says
i like the size of the font much better!
Katja from Skimbaco says
Looks fabulous!
Sarah says
Love the new look! I had a little trouble focusing on the old site. This is so much easier on the eyes. 🙂
MommaBlogger says
Wow, it’s a lot easier to find everything. I got too confused before, but now I can find it a lot easier. It really looks great!
@nnaliza says
looks really really nice!! love it!
jen says
love the new look 🙂
Nell says
Love the face lift. Your designer did a fabulous job on it. It has the same spirit as the last look, but as a new young fun feel! Good job all around.
My Quotidian Mysteries says
Oh wow – it’s stunning! Totally darling! I’ll get my button up pronto!
Jim Durbin says
Very nice ladies. The site has much better usability now, and looks designed. It’s tough to make the choice, isn’t it? Our sites grow organically, and then we take that step to get them designed.
I heartily approve. Good job Avie.
Jennifer, Snapshot says
It looks so great. Great job, Avie! I love the buttons, too. I think that the sidebar navigation is really great as well.
Mikki says
Looking Good!!!! Fancy, cute, warm colors… Very snazy!! LOVE IT!
tanyetta says
I have a Mac and the site shows up PERFECTLY! LOVE it!!!!!!
p.s. I’m using Firefox! 🙂
Susan says
Thanks everyone for all your comments and feedback.
We’re so happy you like the new design!
Crissybug, that’s frustating that the sidebars aren’t showing on your IE. Are you on a Mac?
Is it displaying properly for everyone else?
christieo says
I love it! it’s actually similar to the one i had in my head for my own site but since i was designing it myself, i didn’t have too much to choose from. very cutesy!!!
Kara says
I really like it!
Jennifer Lavender says
I love it! What a fun new look.
kailani says
LOVE IT! Pink and brown is so in right now.
chickadee says
it looks wonderful! love the new banner.
Mama Duck says
Looks great!! We’re working on our own redesign as well right now, agh.
Jenna says
I greatly prefer this design! By far! And I’ll update to the new brown and pink button when I get a chance! 🙂 Good makeover!
Crissybug says
Funny…I just pulled it up on Firefox, and it looks fine. It must be the way it is viewed on Internet Explorer. I am not tech savvy enough to figure it out.
Cole's Mama says
I love it! The layout is easy to navigate and the design is fun!
Crissybug says
The new ‘look’ is awesome. I was wondering what the settings are for your margins…or whatever they are called. When I pull up your site on my computer all the buttons and links on the left sidebar are all the way at the bottom. I probably need to have a widescreen monitor or something. Other than thati it is fabulous!
Melissa says
I love the new buttons and the new site!
Melissa R. Garrett says
Yes! I love it! It’s a lot cleaner looking 🙂
Barbara H. says
Looks great!
Adventures In Babywearing says
It’s wonderful! What a nice job! Changing your button right now on my blog! They are so cute- which one to pick!?
The Pumkin Patch says
I love it! Very girly!!!
dana says
I love it! It looks fabulous!
Grace says
I’m not a mom, but I still find your site useful! I love the new design!!