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It’s Susan here… logging in from a little farm in Northern Italy.
My husband, daughter and I are staying with my husband’s family on their cute little hobby farm near Venice. All of Rob’s immediate family and most of his extended family live here, and so we try to visit as often as possible.
But this is Julia’s first time here. And she loves it!
Although I have to admit, it’s probably not so much ‘Italian life’ she’s in love with as it is ‘farm life’. She can’t get enough of feeding the animals and watering the garden. And eating fresh cherries and strawberries plucked right before her eyes is another of her top-rated activities.
Come with Julia as she shows you around a little…
Here I am walking with my Nonno to feed the animals.
There are lots of fun animals here on the farm… like Hugo the Goat and this mommy peacock. Hugo’s the daddy and granddaddy of all the other goats here and wow does he SMELL!!! | |
And you gotta watch out for Peter the Turkey — He’ll charge you if you’re not careful. He’s not very good at sharing his territory.
But my favorite animals are the baby goats. They’re soooo cute! I love to feed them corn with my Nonno.
Okay, let’s go for a walk to the garden. I help my Nonno plant and water lots of veggies… it’s too bad they take so long to grow. Mom says we’ll be gone before we can eat them.
But I love to smell all the flowers that are already here.
Here you can see my Nonni’s house where we’ve been staying.
Well, that’s all for now… I’ll walk you out… thanks for visiting!
mira says
there are two “mira”‘s? really?
such idyllic photographs. simply beautiful.
Amy R. says
Looks like you are having a Wonderful time!! Thanks for sharing all of the lovely pictures and for letting us experience your trip with you! 🙂
dexie says
thank you so much for sharing. lovely photos and lovely place. not to mention how beautiful Julia is.
Susan says
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments!
I’m so happy you liked the photos. Yes, it is very beautiful here and I’m so happy that Julia’s schedule has finally adjusted and she’s able to really enjoy herself.
And thanks for asking… my allergies are doing a lot better thanks to the nasal spray I was able to get. But I still spend most of my time inside to stay away from the pollen.
Laura says
Those are some dreamy scenes (and isn’t your darling girl dressed so perfectly for the occasions!). My hubby and I honeymooned in Toscana, and we’d go back in a heartbeat. Thanks for sharing your wonderful time with us here!
melody says
Oh, what a beautiful place! I completely love the photos of Julia living her dream life on the Italian farm. Such precious memories. Thanks for posting.
How are your allergies?
Lauren says
My grandfather’s family is from Northern Italy, but I don’t know any of them. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos!!! Glad you are able to spend time over there. We’ve been at my in-laws’ the last 2 weeks while hubby works in theire city, and they have loved every minute of having their grandaughter here.
Krista says
I am so jealous! I would love to have family in Italy and give me an excuse to go visit! Pictures are beautiful! Have fun!
jen says
I love the photo of Julia and the dandelion best
wonderful post
Brooke says
How precious! Thank you for showing us a bit of Italian farm life. 🙂
Mira says
How wonderful for your family. Looks so relaxing and fabulous.
The Preacher's Wife says
oh shut up! an Italian Farm?? I am sooo jealous and that is completely against The Preacher Wife Code. :))
Hope you are having a wonderful time!!
Nell Taliercio says
Takes my breath away! We have family over there…I want to visit now!
MikkiatUnderHISConstruction says
Oh, I’m so jealous. But happy for you. I would so love to go to Italy.. one day.
Enjoy and cherish your time! God bless.
annaliza says
beautiful, Italy is too! hehehe. stay well!
Sallie says
Oh, Julia is so cute leading us on this little tour!! I love farms!! God bless!! Oh, are your allergies better? I hope so 🙂
Jenn says
That was soo much fun! She is soo cute, what a little hostess! The pictures are so wonderful!
emilyhope says
Such adorable photos. Thanks for sharing.
Jana says
The pics of Julia are too cute! Thanks for the tour. 🙂
oh amanda says
Thanks for sharing your visit. How fun & beautiful!
Heidi says
Oh, that was so neat! We spent 5 months in Italy (Crema) when I was only 5 years old~ my dad was on business with the Olivetti corporation. I would love to go back one day and see it through “adult eyes”. I have memories~ I can still taste that hard bread and the pizza from the pizzaria. Yummy!
Enjoy your visit!
Carey says
Looks like a lot of fun. Shes so cute! Your in laws place looks nice. I hope your enjoying your visit.
Sarah says
Beautiful pictures!
Faerylandmom says
These are gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing.
military mommy says
Absolutely beautiful. I hope it is rejuvenating to your soul. The country does that for me.
Love, Michelle
tanyetta says
perfect. i love it. she’s so polite to even walk me out! 🙂
toooooo cute!!!
Michelle in MX says
That’s adorable and it looks wonderful, not to mention that your little one is gorgeous in her dress!
The Wooden Porch says
That is just too cute! I love baby goats too. I used to help breed/birth them.
ChupieandJsmama says
Great pictures!! It looks so beautiful, I wish I were there with you. Julia looks adorable and like she’s enjoying her visit. Keep the posts coming 🙂
Humble Housewife says
What a wonderful time you are describing! The photos are beautiful… Julia is a doll! Hope her schedule is adjusting! 😉 Know just how that goes when we go back to the states!
Adventures In Babywearing says
Gray is going to LOVE these pictures when he gets up from his nap! Ah! Looks so amazing. I hope you are having a wonderful time!!!
Heather (Heather's reality show) says
Thanks for sharing with us Julia! That was too cute Susan. I have always wanted to go to the European countryside and you just gave me a little piece of it with these pics!