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Have you ever considered that pregnancy can affect your vision? This is Anna here to share a look at how pregnancy can change your vision. Many thanks to Vision Direct for sponsoring this post and providing such a helpful infographic.
Pregnancy brings LOTS of changes to your body, not to mention the changes it can bring to your mental state and emotions. Ask me how I know.
Being sick at the site or smell of food.
Body parts growing to crazy proportions.
Commercials for baby products making you cry the ugly cry.
Muscles that you didn’t even know you had aching.
Having the worst breakout since you were a teenager to turn around and then have the best skin and hair ever.
As if all of that wasn’t enough for you to go through something else that can change during pregnancy, that most women don’t think, about is their eyesight.
No, you aren’t going to go blind, but pregnancy and all the crazy hormones that go with it can make your eyes blurry and your prescription glasses worthless…for the time being. Usually your eyesight goes back to what it was after you’ve delivered.
I don’t remember my first two pregnancies affecting my eyes much but with this one my eyes have definitely been affected. I thought it was just allergies at first until I read that pregnancy can affect your eyes, making them dry, blurry, tired, and so much more. Some women can experience improved vision during pregnancy!
So reasons your eyesight can change during pregnancy can actually be a sign of a different or more serious issue so also talk to your OB or midwife and let them know any changes you experience.
Here is an interesting infographic from Vision Direct UKÂ that reveals how pregnancy can affect your vision.
Did pregnancy change your vision? If so, did your vision get better or worse?
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Written by 5 Minutes for Mom contributor, Anna Hettick who blogs at
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