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Rachel here with some sleep tips just for nursing moms. Sleep is a top priority as a nursing mom but it can be so hard to get a good night’s sleep. We have some ideas to help you rest easier and make sure your sleep needs are being met.
What all moms really want for their first Mother’s Day is a good night’s sleep. And, guess what? May is better sleep month, so there is no better time than now to help new moms get the rest they deserve!
Sleep expert and acupuncturist, Damiana Corca, can offer moms tips on how to get better sleep, and increase energy and stamina with treatments and her new Program, Life After 7pm, which teaches moms of young children about small changes they can make to reduce stress levels and sooth nerves in the hours leading up to sleep.
According to a recent CDC report, 1 in 3 Americans are not getting enough sleep, and it’s no surprise moms of young children are among those not sleeping close to seven hours each night.
Here are 4 helpful products that Damiana recommends to help new moms get a good night’s rest…
- bamboobies® Washable Nursing Pads– Award-winning and eco-friendly nursing pads made of ultra-soft and soothing bamboo rayon velour, an absorbent inner layer and an outer milk-proof™ liner to help prevent leaking during newborn nursing
- Birds and Bees Easy Naps & Calm Nights Teas – A soothing and relaxing blend of milky oats, chamomile and linden flower that encourages calmness and entices sleep
- Mommy’s Bliss® Night Time Gripe Water– a safe and effective all-natural herbal supplement used to ease stomach discomfort often associated with gas, colic, hiccups and teething aimed at promoting a restful sleep for baby
- Rumparooz One Size Cloth Pocket Diaper – Rumparooz double gussets and hypoallergenic lining will keep baby rash free and comfortable. New moms no longer have to worry about middle-of-the-night blowouts that can cause moms to have to change baby’s bedding, clothes or draw a bath. Hallelujah!
I can tell you that after nursing 6 babies, having the right nursing pads can make all the difference in the world in the quality of the sleep you get. The first few weeks after my oldest son was born I spent many nights in tears because I thought waking up to my shirt soaked in milk was going to be the new norm.
Bamboobies are super soft so you’ll love wearing them but that outer milk-proof™ liner makes sure that you won’t wake up in a puddle.
So what is the secret to getting a great night’s sleep when nursing?
Take care of your own needs too.
I wish I had learned this lesson so much earlier. I think I spent most of my oldest son’s first year of life watching him sleep and neglecting my needs.
- Make sure you are comfortable.
- Make your sleep a priority.
- Make sure your sleeping arrangements make it easy for you to feed your baby at night.
- Do what you need to do to relax before bed
Bamboobies wants to help you get a great night’s sleep as a nursing mom. They are giving one lucky winner a Better Sleep Prize Pack ($170 Retail Value) that includes:
- Sleep Expert, Damiana Corca’s 21-day online program “Life After 7 pm for Busy Moms” Level 1
- bamboobies Nursing Pads (Multi-Pack of 3 pairs regular and 1 pair overnight)
- boob-ease® 100% Organic Nipple Balm
- Mommy’s Bliss Nighttime Gripe Water
- Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water
- Birds and Bees Calm Nights Teas and Tea Infuser
- Rumparooz Cloth Diapers (two patterns – Clyde and Peacock)
- Kanga Care Wet Bag (one)
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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Bamboobies.
Written by 5 Minutes for Mom contributor Rachel Lister, who owns Busy Mommy Media.
Breanne says
I don’t really have a problem falling asleep initially but I wake up too early.
Janet Boyanton says
I learned that when the baby slept, I slept. I was glad when he finally slept through the night.
Amy Tolley says
My struggling sleep issues are trying to get comfortable….
Daniel G. says
I toss and turn all night, hard to get comfortable
Candice K says
My sleep tip: Hang blackout curtains in your bedroom! We sleep longer and more soundly with ours 🙂
Candace says
My 22 month old still wakes up during the night for some reason.
Caryn Coates says
My 7 month old still wakes up a few times through out the night but since I put the crib right beside my bed he has been sleeping alot better. Still wakes up alot but its definitely better
Jen H says
My first was easy. good sleeper for the most part… we’ve struggled with 2 years and still no ideas!
Carissa Joslyn says
My sleep struggle is my son, now almost 4 has never slept through the night! he gets up at 3 or 330 am and stays up! I have tried everything. now, with a new baby on the way, i want him to sleep! lol
vera says
With my son, I co-slept, it worked for us and I was able to breastfeed on demand and get enough sleep to function the next day. Kept diapers in the night stand for night time changing. It’s not for everyone but it kept me sane. Will do that this time around as well.
Erica B. says
Getting a few hours consecutively is the hardest part.
Sharonc says
Don’t get into the habit of anticipating a problem. Sleep when your baby does if you can. Nap if possible.
Janine H says
I’ve always had insomnia, but if I fit exercise into my day I sleep a little better
Stephanie Larison says
My biggest sleep struggle right now is getting enough in one block of time. I have a newborn that was born on 4/14 and she wakes up every 2 hours on the dot for a diaper and a feeding. I know they grow so fast so I’m trying to cherish every second, lol but I’m so tired.
Richard Hicks says
instagram id is gmrich22
Crystal says
This is my first baby so I’d like to have our little one in a bassinet beside me the first few months and then gradually graduate to a crib with a strict bedtime routine. A girl can dream!
Nancy says
My tip: As much as you can, rest or sleep while baby sleeps. Other people can help with household chores, so accept all offers of help with those.
susan smoaks says
i put my favorite show on tv and just chill.
Nannypanpan says
I have twin toddlers and for the life of me can’t get them on the same sleep schedule
Sheila says
Calm mama=calm baby.
Heather LaRue says
A nice relaxing baby massage right before bed.
Aubrey says
I have my babies cradle right by my bed, it helps me sleep.
Suzanne D says
Who wouldnt love a better nights sleep!
Carey Hurst says
Co sleeping and it is a struggle lol .
Lavender in a pillow helps
Stacy F. says
Are we looking for sleep tips for Mama or for baby?! LOL. I was always adamant about the baby sleeping in their own room after 6 weeks and trying to save our bed for ourselves. Doesn’t work for everyone, but I liked the designated night time nursing chair.
Candace says
I have a 3 month old and a 4 year old, both who like to co sleep. We moved the 4 year old out but are trying to transition the babe. Lots of sleepless nights!
KellyPC says
I have anxiety so even when I’m exhausted I can’t get to sleep. I lay in bed for hours & worry.
stephanie o'day says
Don’t have a tv in the room. Don’t lay in bed and do other things. Only sleep in your room, in your bed. If you associate your bed with only sleep, you will sleep better!
robyn m says
I struggled the first year with my daughter and sleep, the thing that worked best was to make a routine and stick with it even when it gets really hard
Allissa Buseman says
My struggles have been the snaps on onesies, so I just try with all my might to keep sleep gowns on hand. Just lift it up and there you go! 😀 A tip is to diffuse lavender or other calming oils.
Sara A says
I’m constantly thinking of everything I need to get done the next day, it makes it hard for me to fall asleep.
Kris M. says
Sleep was the biggest problem for myself and my daughter for about half a year. Really working on consistent bedtime routines and sleep schedules helped. It’s a balance, because I personally really enjoy flexibility. I also had to reduce her dependence on nursing to sleep for comfort.
Tasha says
My son is 14 months and still wakes multiple times a night to nurse.
Katie K says
I have chronic pain so I struggle often to sleep
Jessica Funderburk says
Throw away everything you think you know and take it one night at a time. Every child is different and what works for one, absolutely will not work for the next. After 13 years and 3 children, I still have no idea what I am doing. 😉
Brittany Mandelkow says
My 10 month old always gets up 3-4 times a night. It’s a struggle but at least he just nurses a bit and lays back down. He has a 6 hour stretch last night though and it was amazing. I hope it keeps improving!
Meaghan says
My 10 month old still wakes up 2-3 times per night and is often up for over an hour. I average between 5 and 6 hours of sleep a night and am exhausted throughout the day, but when it comes time to go to bed, I can’t fall asleep 🙁 There are days where I feel like I’m totally losing my mind!!!
Beth Hern says
My worrying keeps me up at night. Always been that way. Just the littlest things keeps me up.
Sarah Hayes says
sleep has always been a struggle for us. I have no tips bc nothing Ive read has ever helped us
Laura Royal says
I’m eight months pregnant and just can’t get comfortable anymore.
Ashley C says
My 3 year old still wakes up on occasion in the middle of the night, it’s not usually a big deal but she always demands a cup of milk! I’m still trying to figure out how to break this habit 🙂
Laura Bernard says
My 2 year old still wakes up several times a night. I have no solution yet.
Lara C. says
It sounds stupid, but the best advice I’ve heard is just cutting yourself some slack. Call someone to babysit while you take a nap (although it can be hard to relax enough to fall asleep!) if there is anyone who can help!
Stefanie says
9 month old baby girl doesn’t sleep through the night.S
Rianna says
Winding down for the night becomes difficult when you are feeding your baby every couple of hours, but nursing in bed can really help!
Rachel says
I tend to have my phone on my nightstand and i pick it up and the next thing I know 30 minutes has passed. I need to move it far enough away that it’s not as much of a temptation, so i don’t lose that precious sleep time!
Katie Hall says
I am currently 37 weeks pregnant with my first so my only sleep struggle is my big pregnant belly and the fact that I have to wake up every two hours to use the bathroom.
Alena says
I have such a hard time actually falling asleep once baby is down. I lay there forever!
Lori Walker says
I wake up too many times at night.
Jaime Kirbawy says
Bedtime rituals have been a lifesaver here.
Marie L says
our son was born a couple of weeks ago. I try to nap at least once a day when he is napping so im not as exhausted.I also pump so my husband can help me in the night if needed. Thanks for the give away!
Kerri says
Our LO still struggles with sleep patterns. Consistency has been really important. The hardest part of that is getting mom and dad to respond in roughly the same way at 3am.
jennifer laur says
our sleep struggle is that our almost 2 year old is a very light sleeper! my tip is that *safe* co sleeping practices can definitely help mom and baby get better sleep
Victoria Pauls says
I’ve found with my third baby that each child has different sleep needs, and there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution! This baby likes her space to sleep well, whereas my twins needed to be held or co-sleep.
Dyann T. says
My name is Dyann and I haven’t slept through the night in 3 years. (Even longer if you count the 24 hour shifts working as a paramedic prior to my first being born.) My first nursed in the middle of the night at least once until 18 months, by then I was already late in my first trimester and getting up to use the restroom. Now I have a newborn nursing and a potty trained toddler who occasionally needs to use the restroom in the middle of the night.
Lindsey says
I guess my sleep tips would be to stick to a bedtime routine and try to put them to bed at the same time every night. White noise also helps. The bathroom fan seems to calm my baby, and my toddler has this hippo that plays music and nature sounds, and shines stars on the ceiling. It also turns back on if she starts crying, which helps calm her back down.
Karen S says
I use a humidifier as a white noise machine and i swear it helps my daughter sleep . I wish i had known the power of white noise with my first two babies, maybe it would have helped them sleep better.
Eileen Richter says
Well, I am a mom of 6 and havent slept a whole night since the first was born 35 years ago. LOL. So, not the best to give tips on sleep. BUT, I’d say to pamper yourself a little if you can carve out the time…to ask for help and allow yourself to slow down that race…read a little, listen to music, take a long bath. You cant be a good, healthy parent if you are shut down with physical or mental stress. Take care of you and do NOT feel guilty for it. (I did)
Jeanann says
I’m always the last one to bed worrying about all the stuff that didn’t get done. With four 5 & under someone ends up in my bed stealing my pillow every night. I’m nursing my 4 month old so I’m up at least twice each night too. One day I hope to get my pillow back & a full nights sleep.
Erin Ballowe says
This looks like great stuff!
Barbara Brooks says
For insomnia try to set bed routine, camomile tea, .Don’t fuss over the little things.
Caroline B says
Swaddling is my life-saver!!!
Kristen says
Sleeping in on the weekends is a struggle !
Suzanne says
My son was an awful sleeper until he was 3.5. He woke up super early and would not go back to sleep. My advice is “this too shall pass”. They’ll grow out of it.
krystyl olson says
My current sleep struggle is lately my daughter ALWAYS wants to sleep with me – we’ve never oficially done co-sleeping, but allowed my DD to sleep with us whenever she’s expressed that she wants to – HOWEVER. lately whenever she sleeps in bed with us, she pees the bed (AND WE HAVE A NEW MATTRESS!!) I am entering to win for a friend who is expecting in May
James Doyle says
I sleep better on a full night’s stomach lol
Hallie says
Side lying nursing for the win!
Meghan B says
Don’t stair at the monitor!
Ruth C says
I have always had trouble sleeping 🙁
Cindy Peterson says
Stay away from electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
Jill Jackson says
I slow danced to country music while holding my son every night until he fell asleep and left the music on really low and it worked.
Aly says
Its always tricky to get to sleep with engorged breasts, that leak almost all the time. Or get squished when rolling over. Or are just too sensitive to fall asleep with.
Amy Fox says
Luckily I’m in the glorious 2nd trimester with our first so my sleep has been quite good…. for now! I know the struggles that are ahead and this prize would be awesome to help out!
caroline m. says
As tough as it is, take the few days it takes to sleep train your child early on, sitting through some crying will be worthwhile when you get to rest later.
Viv Sluys says
Wearing a comfy bra when sleeping has been very helpful for me while nursing. I agree that having good nursing pads makes a huge difference; laying in a puddle of milk is not conducive to a good sleep!
Amanda Fontaine says
My biggest sleep struggle I think would be because of me. I cannot fall asleep unless I am in one of two positions. I wish I could sleep different ways to help accommodate my littles as they fall asleep nursing, I could stay like that FOREVER. 😀 <3 BUT, for us, bedsharing helped me a great deal.
Lara says
Just when your baby learns to sleep through the night, you have become so used to waking up repeatedly that you keep waking up repeatedly for no reason! Seriously though, it depends on the child. My older daughter is 3 and still doesn’t sleep very well, but my younger one slept through the night at 3 months. So different 😉
Alexandra Oller says
My tip is to tire my I eyes by reading twenty minutes before bedtime, it helps me fall right to sleep when I lay down.
Laura says
I’m a light sleeper. I can’t sleep without earplugs.
Em Mahr says
Swaddling and then transitioning to a sleep sack help my little one fall asleep and stay asleep longer.
Courtney Hoffman says
Cosleeping saved me the most. I was able to hear them stir before waking up, get her latched, fed abd abd back to sleep in under 20 mins. Diaper change as needed. Keep the room as dark as possible with enough light so you can see for diaper changes but not enough to wake them. Dont talk their ears off either, sounds harsh but its helpful to keep it silent.
Stacie H says
I’m trying to get all of the rest I can before the baby comes.
Linda says
To get a better sleep, I open the window to get fresh air on my sheets.
Watch relaxing shows or read before bed, now thats if the baby
Amber Dixson says
I never seem to get restful sleep. I always wake up so much during the night that when I wake up I feel like I haven’t slept.
Carrie says
I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I keep waiting for the baby to wake up, so I wake up to check on him.
Ellen Landreth says
My 2 month old baby is a great sleeper and goes down very easily at night! She still wakes up at least twice to nurse though, which I honestly don’t mind (I enjoy that extra cuddle time), but it would be so great to sleep through to the morning! We’ve found consistency to be the key bed time, as well as nap times during the day.
Robin Abrams says
My tip is to swaddle your baby. This has helped my little one sleep better
Dagmar says
My baby has the worst time going to sleep 🙁 I try everything!! Finally we have a pattern down
Kammie says
My tip is: Ask for help. It’s okay to ask a family member or friend to come help you out so you can get a quick nap (or shower, lol). Also- for those of us with brains that kick in with to do lists & such when it’s time for bed- writing these things down has been immensely helpful for me.
Jessica W says
My problem is I stay awake way too late while everyone else is asleep watching t.v. or reading b/c it’s the only time I get all to myself.
Brittany Stretchbery says
I wake up multiple times a night and have trouble getting back to sleep once I’m up.
Erika Letson says
My best tip is to safely co-sleep with a nursing baby. I found that was how I got the most sleep!
Katrina B says
We live by the 5 S’s at night! I think swaddling is a necessity for our family.
Richard Hicks says
Always have trouble falling asleep sometimes takingover an hour
Christina G. says
The only tip that I can give is to keep the baby in a crib very close to your bed so you don’t have to get up in the middle of the night. Thanks for the giveaway!
Brittney House says
My brain races because I got to bed so i’m constantly thinking and it keeps me awake.
Austin Baroudi says
My daughter has no problems at all but I can’t ever get to sleep! I ‘m a bit of an insomniac. And when I do get sleep I can never sleep for more than 3 or 4 hours.
Sara R says
My now toddler son did well with swaddling and using the six S’s from “The Happiest Baby on the Block”
vickie couturier says
my daughter in law,,has a crib connected to their bed so she can just reach and get the baby when he needs to nurse
Paol Trenny says
Whenever I have problems falling asleep I would read my book until my eyes get tired.
Tricia Hope says
My best thing was a supportive husband,he got up in the night as much as i did after 6 weeks home with baby!
meagan bs says
My problem is that I can’t stay asleep once I’m asleep… i’m such a light sleeper.
Lisa says
My problem was that my son needed to eat so often! But one thing that helped him was putting him in a sleep sack. I know not every baby likes them, but for us they were a godsend!
Angela Saver says
My tip is to read a book/magazine right before bed, but stay away from electronics to help fall asleep!
Dandi D says
My baby girl started sleeping much better when we moved her out of our room into her own room. But my son was the opposite–every baby is different.