Tweets from @5minutesformom on November 13, 2012 During #ERASEBullying Summit
All tweets were sent during the summit and are in reverse chronological order.
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Thank you @christyclarkbc for holding this #ERASEbullying Summit. Fantastic lessons and tons of action steps we can carry forth.
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
@ERASEbullyingBC @merlynhorton Great thanks… I’d love to get that link and blog more about your presentation and resources.
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
You “resolve” conflict. But you “stop” bullying. In bullying, victim does not go directly to bully. #BarbaraColoroso #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Question: What if teacher/adult is bully – never confront alone – if teacher, go a level above them. Go up chain of command #ERASEbullying
Paige MacFarlane @edupaige
System change requires teaching the adults in the system – adults need to be open to change – kids depend on us #ERASEbullying
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Student sharing how “buddy systems” in #schools w 12th graders partnering with 8 graders can help protect younger kids. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Student voicing importance of changing culture so that bullying is NOT cool #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Presentation at #ERASEbullying conf of ex of programs in place at Frank Hurt Secondary in #Surrey to create
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
@nrajan7 great suggestion – volunteering is good for everyone involved. #ERASEbullying
Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
Destiny adds: It takes time to build trust & create a safe place to talk about problems. #ERASEbullying #SurreyBC
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Handout explaining #ERASEbullying new online reporting tool.
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Problem is if culture of mean is normal, bully can feel like he/she is not doing anything wrong. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
If you tease a friend & he got upset, u would stop. But a bully would keep going. Diff is how u respond when person is hurt. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Diff of teasing & taunting – taunting one attacks another & gets pleasure from pain. Taunting is bullying. Teasing is not. #ERASEbullying
ERASE Bullying @ERASEbullyingBC
RT @cst179hurst: RT @davedotca: Parents – here’s a Family Online Safety Contract for you & your kids. #ERASEbullying
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Challenge – kids who are bullies have #leadership skills, but we need to get them using their skills for good. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
In a #bullying situation, we must own problem, fix it, learn from it & heal together. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Important step is bullies held accountable – Kids must see it handled at criminal level & discipline procedure in schools. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
We can’t give kids all the lines to say, but brainstorm ideas & give them core-strength & wisdom so they know what to say #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Give targeted kids opportunity to do good in other ways (but don’t put on an anti-bully committee) helping others helps them #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Teach kids self talk. Tell them say to themselves “I’m a decent person. She’s sure getting her needs met in a negative way.” #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Don’t tell #victim to ignore or avoid. Give words eg. “That was cruel. I don’t need this, I’m out of here.” #BarbaraColoroso #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Empower victims so they don’t succumb to #bullying. Give lines to say – but there are some programs that give poor advice #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
“High status bullies are not as likely to be removed.” #BarbaraColoroso #ERASEbullying
girlvana yoga @girlvanayoga
The #ERASEbullying summit is happening on #WorldKindnessDay. How can you be kinder to yourself and others today?
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Samantha Dray @sammydee15
Amanda Todd suicide spurs anti-bullying conference via @huffpostbc #ERASEbullying #onelove
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
When bullying includes behaviours such as extortion, assault, etc – use that criminal language as well as label #bullying – #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
#Bullying term has become so normalized – bullying is too common – becoming soft language – call behaviour what it is. #ERASEbullying
la Nitpickette @laNitpickette
Yes RT @ERASEbullyingBC Intolerance bigotry & hatred cloaked in religion still intolerance bigotry & hatred -Barbara Coloroso #ERASEbullying
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Lori McGrath @thewritemama
Tweet now to ask questions directly to an expert panel at the ERASE Bullying Summit #haveyoursay #erasebullying
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Virtual bystanders witness, destructive and comment indefinitely – online dynamics make bully/victim roles fluid & changing #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Talk to your child about online pornography & how to protect their personal information. #ERASEbullying #Parenting
Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
Barbara Coloroso takes on Dr. Phil: “Phil, its not that bullies don’t know they’re causing pain. They don’t care.” #EraseBullying
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Global BC @GlobalBC
Anti-bullying expert gives tips on standing up to bullies – #ERASEbullying
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Lori McGrath @thewritemama
Had a chance to blog a little at the break about the #erasebullying summit. Some highlights for those who aren’t here.
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Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
Barbara Coloroso: “We must do 3 things: 1. Pay attention 2. Get involved 3. Never, ever look away” Best advice ever. #EraseBullying
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LGBT Shrink @DrRonHolt
Bullies only do what bystanders allow. Become an ‘upstander’ by stopping #bullying when you see or hear it. #EraseBullying
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cindi seddon @cindi461
Sgt Pauicelli praises the work his wife the Kinder teacher does with her kids prevents crime!!! Hurray Kinder teachers #ERASEbullying
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Now presentations about #cyberbullying – Sgt. Frank Paulicelli & Cpl. Kurt Neuman – Youth Strategies in BC #ERASEbullying
John Oliver School @JO_School
Cyber-bullying can follow you anywhere… School, work, and home. You could be bullied 24/7. #ERASEbullying says Minister Shirley Bond.
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
To break cycle we must each do 3 things 1. pay attention 2. get involved 3. never look away #BarbaraColoroso #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
It’s not “if only bullies knew the pain” it’s “if only they CARED they where causing pain” diff between ignorance and apathy #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Words must pass thru 3 gates before u say or press send, is it 1. True 2. Necessary to say 3. Kind – Barbara Coloroso #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Brilliance – RT @christyclarkbc: The real Babs. Barbara Coloroso, world’s leading anti-bullying expert. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Many bullies have troubles of own, but not all do. Have sense of entitlement thought they cd get away w it b/c always have. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Intolerance, bigotry and hatred cloaked in religion is still intolerance, bigotry and hatred – Barbara Coloroso #ERASEbullying
Alisa Hutton @alisahutton
Powerful message from Barbara Coloroso…teach kids how to think, not what to think#erasebullying
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Barbara Coloroso is phenomenal. I’m entranced by her wisdom. I will be buying all her books. #ERASEbullying
Rueben Bronee @pointsofrue
The phrase “it’s just bullying” is an oxymoron. There is nothing “just” about contempt for another human being. #ERASEbullying
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Navi Gill @navigill9
Barbara Coloroso is an incredible speaker, blowing my mind. I want her to be my #empowerment grandma @GlobalGirlPower #ERASEbullying
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cindi seddon @cindi461
#ERASEbullying Barbara reminds us to love our strong willed kids – perhaps more resilient to the need to please others
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Jane Thornthwaite @jthornthwaite
There are no innocent bystanders says #BarbaraColoroso #ERASEBULLYING @ERASEbullyingBC #bcpoli
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Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
Label “bully” is too widely applied. Bullying is persistent, deliberately harmful & targeted. #erasebullying
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BC’s Education Plan @bcedplan
Pls check out BC’s new @ERASEbullyingBC website & reporting tool: #ERASEbullying #bclearns #bcedplan
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shane woodford @WoodfordCKNW980
On #lgbqt students @christyclarkbc says bullies pick on all kids as student asks why nothing specific on LGBQT students #ERASEbullying
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Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
The 4 types of bullying: verbal, social, emotional & relational, physical, & cyber. #erasebullying
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ERASE Bullying @ERASEbullyingBC
Learn how to use the new #ERASEbullying reporting tool: The website:
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Good question about getting extra help for #LGBT youth – @christyclarkbc responding that we need to talk about homophobia #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Good question RT @Enough2Bullying: What do you feel are appropriate consequences fo someone who is a bully? #EraseBullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
cyber bullying is actually social assassination – this is not “just” bullying #TheresaCampbell #ERASEBULLYING #bcpoli
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Bullying can move thru 4 types & fast – and physical assault is a criminal offense – take more seriously #TheresaCampbell #ERASEBULLYING
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Types of bullying: 1 verbal 2 social, emotional & relational 3 physical 4 cyber #TheresaCampbell #ERASEBULLYING
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Codes of conduct need to be implemented – how are we educating kids about the codes #TheresaCampbell #ERASEBULLYING #bcpoli
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Adults must be “aware enough to care” Theresa Campbell #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
“School staff are the best app!” Theresa Campbell #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Today is World Kindness Day – Be Kind Every Day! …
Christy Clark @christyclarkbc
.@ChrisGailus watching @DonMcRaeMLA intro new website. Thanks Chris for your passion. #erasebullying
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
@tarynaspell great to hear! gr 7 is such a critical year when bullying can get momentum. So happy yr class is taking action. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Minister McRae announces new #ERASEbullying website with a student bullying reporting tool – we’re watching a demo video now
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
@LiamBissonnette It’s true that the “golden rule” is the best rule. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
@dswordpress It’s true… those memories are burned in a victims mind forever. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
@jdkvcr but he handled it well and everyone laughed it off. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Minister Don McRae speaking now & shares he was bullied in 10th gr. Says every adult remembers names of thse who bullied them #ERASEbullying
Peter Meiszner @PMeisznerGlobal
Premier says bullying is not a right of passage, it does not build character — instead it scars children for life. #erasebullying @GlobalBC
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Premier Christy Clark addresses the issue of #bullying at the #ERASEbullying Summit in #Vancouver
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Buffy & Jay both shared how eventually they became friends w those who’d bullied them & understood insecurities caused it #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Buffy Cornell overcame her #bullying by joining a sports team, gaining confidence & finding a common interest & passion #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Buffy Cornell shares her struggle w #bullying- she 1st switched schools to avoid racist bullying – next school bullied again. #ERASEbullying
5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
Buffy Cornell is sharing how racism in her high school caused her extreme stress & so she moved schools. #ERASEbullying
ERASE Bullying @ERASEbullyingBC
Buffy Cornell now speaking about ‘How Bullying Impacted Me’ starting back in elementary school. #ERASEbullying
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5 Minutes For Mom @5minutesformom
@jenngyoon @erasebullyingbc Yes, I am imagine there will be much talk today re #LGBT youth needing help. It is such a huge issue.
Susan Carraretto @susancarraretto
The #ERASEbullying Summit in #Vancouver is now underway. Follow the conversation with this hashtag stream.
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