Janice and I created 5 Minutes for Mom in March of 2006… back in the early days of “Mom Blogging”.
In those good old days of mom blogging, we all had “blogrolls” in our sidebars and we found our community of “mom blogging friends” by clicking through each other’s blogrolls for blog suggestions.
When our blogroll started to get too big, we created a huge blog directory to categorize and help everyone find each other.
But times changed whether we wanted them to or not. And most of those early day blogs closed or moved to new urls. Our directory became out of date and full of links to long-gone blogs.
Some of our fabulous friends from the early days are still blogging and many — like us — are supporting their families through their blogs and social influence.
And as the years went on, we met countless more amazing blogging friends online and in-real-life at conferences and other meet-ups.
Blogging has been the most phenomenal journey and blessing for both Janice and me. We support our families through this crazy business and we appreciate every person who has ever read or shared one of our blog posts.
While one of the greatest challenges for bloggers over the years has been the transition from people reading blogs and chatting to each other through comments to instead chatting on social media sites like Facebook, we believe in riding the waves of change.
So we are active on our blogs as well as our other social channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and a newer site called Mix.
Bringing Moms Together Again In Our Facebook Group
We loved those good old days of blogging and the community we had back then before we all polished our photos to perfection.
So recently we kicked our Facebook group back into action.
We want to use this Facebook group to help connect and support each other as women, moms, bloggers/business owners in a fun way that’s more private than our blogs or public social profiles.
Since many of us are bloggers, we’ll include some threads for sharing and supporting each other.
As “Moms”, we’re all at different stages of the parenting journey and I’m hoping that we can help each other and share our experiences.
We’d love it if you join our Facebook Group.