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Jennifer received a copy of the book for review, as well as a fee for writing the post. Additional compensation was received in exchange for administering the giveaway.
I’m not one of those moms who has picture books all over the place. I think I sort of missed out on that. Don’t get me wrong — we have books. We have some picture books, and early “I Can Read” books, and chapter books. But I know that many parents, teachers, and librarians love picture books for children from preschoolers through all the elementary school years. Even though I don’t buy picture books often, whenever they come into my house for review (as Because I’m Your Dad did), I find that my third-grader always picks them up and enjoys them.
With a teenage daughter who is interested in possibly pursuing a career in art, I find that I’m looking at illustrations a bit more closely, and so is she. The ones in this book are by Dan Santat, whose work is colorful and whimsical, fun and distinctive.
Check out some of it in this book trailer below:
About the book
Because I’m your dad, you can have spaghetti for breakfast, French toast for dinner, and rocky road ice cream in the bathtub.
In a text that’s both playful and loving, a father expresses his hopes and dreams for a one-of-a-kind relationship with his child. Whimsical monster characters bring the silly and sweet scenes to life and keep the book universal. The book’s ending, a moving tribute to the author’s father, guarantees intergenerational appeal.
Because I’m your dad, I will do all of these things for you and more . . .
because that’s what my dad did for me.
About the author
Ahmet Zappa is the son of late rock musician/composer Frank Zappa and, as he puts it, “My awesome mother, Gail.” Because I’m Your Dad is both a tribute to his happy childhood and a promise to his daughter, Halo. Ahmet grew up with a learning disability and now writes books to help children discover how wonderful reading can be. Through his production company, Monsterfoot Productions, Ahmet has developed several television shows and movies, including “The Odd Life of Timothy Green.”
Free for everyone
Check out the free Fun Time with Dad coupon printables
See more fun artwork from the book at the website.
Enter to win
Two of you will win a copy of Because I’m Your Dad and a cute Monster Bowling Game for fun time with Dad. Just use the rafflecopter below to enter.
Melanie Johnson says
My dad and I went fishing alot.
Amy Tolley says
i grew up in a military family my father wasnt home much he was always gone but when he was home i would help him work around the house or fix the car…i was his side kick…
carla g says
a fun dad moment with my own dad would be wrestling… even outside in the mud with him and my brother. I’ve always been a tomboy at heart, so I like to do those sort of things. All of my children are boys (it was meant to be!) so I wrestle with them!
Becky VanGinkel says
I grew up in the country, and my dad used to have this old truck that he would take out and drive us around the fields in it, teaching us how to drive, and just have fun. One day when I was about 9, we were driving around in that old truck and a mouse came out from under the seat and ran over my foot! I remember screaming so loud and almost peeing my pants I was so scared.. lol My dad was laughing so hard, and he stopped and opened my door and shooed the mouse outside:) I’ll never forget that.
[email protected]
Sindy Murray says
I like how my husband play sports and encourage my kids!
michelle m says
When we would fly to Ohio to see my grandma
Savannah miller says
My dad coaches a make a wish womens softball team and I remember as a kid I use to love going to the games. Now as an adult I realize just how amazing he is to be involved with make a wish
stephanie says
helping my dad work on his 68 camaro!
Rachel says
playing baseball in my backyard.
meme says
When we were little my Dad would come home every Friday from work with a pocketful of change. He would take the change out of his pocket and through it up in the air and then we all would come running to find the change. We got to keep whatever we found and Dad made sure we all walked a way with at least a dollar or two.
Saver Sara says
Spending lot of time cooking with my dad and finally teaching him something – how to make kolaches!
amy williams says
love playing board games on game night and we still do
Nancy says
I love to go fishing with my father.
Pamela Halligan says
My dad and I would take long walks around our neighborhood. It was a great time to connect.
Jenee says
My fun memory is actually from right now – our son is a toddler. My husband is very good at playing and doing sound effects. Now our son has started making all these noises with his mouth! It’s hilarious!
michelle koerner says
My dad wasnt there so much, but hubby is a great dad. I remember when my first girl was about 18 months and my second only a couple months. My 18 year old snuck into the baby room and poured baby powder EVERYWHERE. All over her bead, the floor, the dressers, the dog, the crib, and her baby sister! At first when we saw it we were speechless. After checking the baby (who was completely fine and continuing her nap!) we had to dissolve into giggles… there were tiny little footprints all through the powder!
Jenny says
My dad always chaperoned field trips and now does that for my kids. He is a fantastic dad and grandpa!
Cindy Ray says
When I was younger and my dad would want to say sorry he wouldn’t say the words he would ask if I wanted to go get ice-cream
Bree says
My dad taught me to ride a 2 wheeler! I still have a little scar from that day lol
Shannon F. says
Um I’ve been trying not to think of memories with my dad since he just died in December 2012. lol BUT I have sweet memories of my hubby and our daughter! I remember the first time he saw her… he almost passed out but he had the biggest smile on his face! lol
Staci A says
My dad coached my softball team growing up. It was always so much fun!
Rhian says
My dad and I used to re-enact the lift scene from Dirty Dancing!
Brandy W. says
I remember going to the Hydroplane Races at Seafair in Seattle when I was little for maybe 5 years in a row. We’d get up extra early to get good parking and stake out a piece of grass for us to play by the water all day during the races!
hollowsins says
I was fishing with my dad one day when I caught a snake on the line. panicking, i threw the whole pole into the lake. I don’t think he ever laughed harder and now I do too.
nannypanpan says
my dad snuck out of the house and made noises outside my sisters and my window…scaring us to death
Steph says
Fun dad memory…my dad helped me make a large Snoopy paper mache head for Halloween. It was great fun and turned out awesome.
jamie braun says
my dad was trying to show off while teaching us roller hockey and totally wiped out! will never forget it
Alycia says
My dad and I always took camping trips twice a year – I have such good memories from all of those times spent together.
Rochel S. says
We use to go on walks with my Dad at night! It was great quality time!
Sarah says
I used to shop with my dad, and it was my favorite thing! To this day, he’s still my favorite shopping buddy.
samantha w says
I remember going fishing with my dad, my brother and I both loved having this special time with him
Laura Jacobson says
Oh a fun memory that I have of my dad was when we were growing up, we always had a night out with dad every month…where dad took my sister or I….to do something fun. MY favorite memory was going to the Christmas display with my dad. I had so much fun!
Jeannie says
I use to go fishing with my dad and it as so much fun! It was definitely our special time where we got up before everyone else and went out on the boat.
Sara Floyd says
My husband, being a new dad, was really afraid to hold my daughter at first, but now they play all the time!
Dawn Monroe says
I remember going out in an old boat and fishing. It started to storm and we had to hurry back but the boat was sooo slow. Scary then but a great memory.
chris says
My dad taught me how to weld and now my kids think I’m the greatest since I can teach them. I’m sure the novelty will wear off soon…
angela m says
Going camping with my dad.
LaVonne says
My husband, as first time dad, tried to clean up a poopy explosion (the kind that gets on your own clothing not just baby’s) in Old Navy with toilet paper. It disintegrated and went all over his shirt. It was comical.
paige aka mrs. bacon says
Skee Ball with my dad at Tilt after my girly lessons. He was determined that I would not be a princess….and learn to throw properly. I still have the doll we won.
julie_bolduc says
my dad teaching me to drive!!!!! I will always remember that 😉
Stephanie Grant says
Getting to drive his big truck for the first time when I was about 12…we were out on an old country road and he decided after much begging to let me give driving a try it was scary but fun at the same time!
Liz says
I shared with a friend recently that my father took me to register to vote and to vote in my first election. Contrary to her belief, it was not the George Washington/John Adams/John Jay contest of 1788.
sarah cooper says
fond memories of fishing with my dad when we rented a cabin on the lake each summer!
Aaron Z says
I’ll never forget one rainy day when my dad threw me into a giant puddle in the backyard. As he dangled me above it, I thought he was bluffing. But with one quick toss, a great lifelong memory was born.
Jennifer L. says
My dad driving when we arrived in Europe for the first time. He couldn’t read some of the signs and went down a one-way street the wrong way. (It doesn’t seem funny now – but as kids we thought it was pretty funny).
Terra Heck says
My dad used to sing karaoke to a small portable machine at home and we’d all chime in. We danced and sang like it was nobody’s business. Thanks.
Cindi says
When I was very young, my dad was working out in the yard. I was there just being a child! I picked up something and told my dad that it was a good fishing worm…It was a snake. Luckily, not a poisonous one.
Thanks, Cindi
Jennifer says
What an adorable book! I can’t wait to add it to our collection.
Anitha Kuppuswamy says
My Dad taught me how to ride a cycle!
Watching all types of sports with my dad, which got me interested in playing all types of sports.
Mel says
My Dad taught me how to ride a bike.
Jingle says
My Dad and I used to ride the ocean waves together until our toes and lips were blue from the cold when I was little! I loved it. Happy thoughts!
Charlene S says
Going to the lake with my dad.
Christine W says
My favorite dad memory is when we brought our son home from the hospital and my DH was so scared and even though we had taken all the classes he didn’t know what to do. I just laughed and helped him since I had been the oldest of 6 kids and babysat my entire life so I had a head start on parenting. Thanks for the chance!
Denise M says
My Dad is a riot, one time during a road trip he sang Home on The Range for about 3 hours straight making up his own lyrics
Anne Taylor says
I remember one summer, years ago, we were at my uncle’s lakeside cabin and everyone was water skiing. Well, my dad decided that he wanted to try. All I remember was the boat taking off, my dad letting go of the rope and then seeing the bottom of the skis under the water with him upside down under them. Omgosh after we knew he was safe, we couldn’t stop laughing!
Anne Lehnick says
I remember my dad always drank Dr. Pepper. He would stop at 7-Eleven and get a Dr. Pepper and get my sister and I small Coke Slurpees. When he wasn’t looking, we’d grab his soda and pour a bit into our Slurpee. Even if he didn’t see us, he knew we’d done it because he hardly had anything left in the bottle (glass bottle days).
Anne says
A walk in the park turned out to be more than special with a surprise meeting with an old friend of my dad’s.
Alyson says
Since my Hubby is the stay-at-home parent, this would be great for our daughter (6 years old) to read together.
Cassandra Eastman says
My dad always tells me about when I was around 4 years old, I tied something around my ankle and my dad said “Don’t do that your foot’s going to fall off!”, I said “Go get a band-aid!!!” … great memories! 🙂