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Do you want to know a secret? Do you?
Well, this past July, I attended the auditions in Arizona for season 8 of American Idol. Which by the way, are handled quite a bit differently than they show on TV. The magic of reality TV is how fake it can sometimes be.
Auditioning for American Idol was something I had always wanted to do, and this year was my last chance. Next year I will be too old. I wish that I could tell you all about meeting the four judges and how Simon reacted to my song. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it that far.
Before you make it to that round, you have to first make it through round 1, singing for the producers. The huge mass of auditioners that you see on the audition episodes, that are lined up outside or packing an arena, all take part in round 1.
And as much as they want you to pity Simon, Randy, Paula and Kara for thinking that they have to listen to those thousands of auditioners, it just really isn’t so. They probably listen to maybe 75 -100 from each city. So don’t pity them. 🙂
On audition day, my friend and I arrived bright and early to the arena. Since we auditioned in Arizona, in the middle of the summer, they let us into the arena a bit earlier than scheduled. Thank goodness. It was HOT outside.
For the first couple of hours, the camera crew circled around the arena, as we sang the two required city songs over and over and over again. We clapped and cheered as the cameras approached us. Oh, and bikini girl, who you saw on the first episode, she was there getting tons of special treatment.
She didn’t have to sit in her seat in the arena. Nope, she was down on the floor, with a camera man following her every move as she kissed, posed and waved. In fact there were times we had to do crowd shots over again, so they could make sure bikini girl was in them, front and center. To be honest, I think we all hated her. We did give her props though for showing up in a bikini.
Finally, the auditions began. Twelve tables were set up on the floor of the arena, with two producers at each table. In groups of three, we approached our assigned table and one at a time we sang for about 15 seconds. The producers wouldn’t know anything about us, not even our names. Those 15 seconds were all we had to make an impression. Now you can see why the gimmicks get through.
(This is about 1/3 of us, just to give you an idea as to how many came out to audition)
I was in one of the last sections to audition, so I spent hours observing the audition process and coveting those who received a golden ticket, which meant an audition with the famous judges. I watched as many gimmicks went through, but that was to be expected.
When it was time for bikini girl to sing, we were all staring her down. Although from the stands, we were unable to hear her, we assumed that she didn’t have any talent. After being asked to sing one more time and a brief discussion between her judges, she was given the lucky golden ticket. At that moment, the entire arena erupted in boos.
It was finally my turn to go, after hours and hours of waiting. I was very confident and surprisingly not nervous at all. I can honestly say that I sang my absolute best and was very happy with my audition. But sadly, nobody in my group was sent through. My bracelet was snipped off and I was asked to leave the arena.
All in all, it was a wonderful experience and I am so glad that I was a part of it. It was fun! I am looking forward to watching this season of American Idol. It has always been one of my favorite shows ever since season 1.
Now I want to know, do you watch American Idol and are you as hooked on it as I am? Also, what did you think about bikini girl?
Written by: Erica
Kim says
I wouldn’t miss American Idol for the world!
Bikini Girl really bugged me. Her voice wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great either. What really bugged me was the weird way she moved her head when she sang. I laughed when she kissed Ryan Seacrest because he was so obviously NOT into here. I’m with you guys, I think she’ll be gone in Hollywood week.
Kari says
WOW!!! That’s awesome….good for you for trying out! I always wondered exactly what went on behind the scenes. Thanks!! 😀 Bikini girl…..booooo, cannot believe they let her through. She won’t make it far. As for AI….LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!! Whoohoo, ready for another great season!!! 🙂
Christina W. says
Who didn’t hate bikini girl? Even Ryan Seacrest was horribly uncomfortable. I have to admit that I was hoping she’d totally have a rotten voice. Still – I doubt she’ll get past Hollywood week.
My hubby likes to pretend he doesn’t love AI as much as I do – but he watches everyone right along with me, and he’s picked the final four from the auditions for the last three years!
Rachel says
I love AI and thank you for the “behind the scenes” info!!!!
As far as Bikini girl — she should NOT have made it through. She was pitchy and the stupid head bobble was ANNOYING! She definitely does not have “the chops” to sing big songs (or, really, any song).
Plus, her attitude was ridiculous.
Darcie says
Thanks for sharing your experience!!! I live in Louisville and figured with only 2 days of auditions that there was no way the judges could listen to everyone!
Bikini girl… 🙁 not impressed – she reminded me of Paris Hilton.
Maria (Conversations with Moms) says
Wow! It’s funny how T.V can make you think a whole different way. I remember bikini girl. What I didn’t understand is how she got through but as she left, Paula commented, “she was awful”.
Goes to show that people who get through the preliminary rounds, it’s not always about their singing but about the entertainment that the producers think they will bring.
Emily Albrecht says
I think you are very brave for auditioning. My sister-in-law also auditioned this year in SLC and when I found out how it worked I was a bit disappointed. I really don’t think it is fair now because some of the worst singers made it through to see the real judges. That just doesn’t seem right to me. I really think they should have to listen to all those people!
AND–I don’t even remember how bikini girl sang, but the fact she came in a bikini made me want to puke.
Lachelle says
I had a friend try out here in Arizona as well and she told me about the 15 seconds to prove yourself. She felt like the judges listening to those 15 seconds weren’t really trying too hard and didn’t bother making eye contact. But I guess it would be hard in 15 seconds to decide who was really good. Great job for trying out though!
Shannon says
Thats so cool that you audtioned.
Sorry you didn’t make it!
I love how you tell how it really is behind the scenes.
I think Bikini girl had a cute little body and she sang ok.
Angela at mommy bytes says
This is what I love about blogging. You get to hear about the things that go on behind the scenes. I don’t really watch American Idol myself. I’m sorry you didn’t get picked, but am glad that you auditioned so the rest of us could get a glimpse of the magic.
Joelle says
I’m warming up to this season slowly – and I was not a fan of bikini girls voice and even less of a fan that she made it through with her “gimmick” – ah well.
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
WTG for auditioning! I don’t think I’d have the courage, even if I wasn’t above the age limit. And thank you for posting this – I’ve always been curious about the parts of the process that they don’t show.
As for bikini girl? I agree with everyone else – she’s got to go!
Kate says
Yes, kudos to you definitely!! i cannot wait for Hollywood week and beyond :o) and while I wouldn’t mind having a bod like bikini girl, I couldn’t stop watching her head shake as she sang…is she related to stevie wonder or what?!
Phyllis says
Bikini gal had zero talent…she got through totally on her lack of clothing. I wonder how she’ll do when the show starts and she has to wear clothes?
Neat to hear the back story and how it works. Thanks for sharing.
rc says
Sorry you didn’t make it to the next round. Thanks for sharing your story.
Junglewife says
I’m in Indonesia and you would not BELIEVE how popular American Idol is over here in Asia! Crazy!!! Anyway, it’s one of the few shows that air almost right after it airs in the States – we watch it about 12 hours after it originally airs!
Thanks for your story – I kind of assumed that there was no way the 4 judges were able to listen to all those thousands of people, but I had no idea how they got around it. Did they make you sign something saying you wouldn’t blog/write about your experience until after the show had aired? just curious 🙂
I didn’t like bikini girl either. My husband asked me after watching the show – do you think she would have gotten less votes if she had NOT worn a biking. My comment was, I don’t know how good her voice really was (I personally thought it was not too bad, actually) but if she had not worn a bikini, and had lost the “I’m better than the judges” attitude, she may have actually gotten all 4 judges’ votes! Who knows!
Juicebox mom says
Interesting!!! thanks for giving us the real scoop!!
Lawanda says
KUDOS for auditioning for AI!!! That is AWESOME!
I knew they thinned them out big-time before the judges saw them, but I didn’t know how they did it. I think that it stinks the way they did it from the sounds of it. But I guess they have to whittle it down somehow!
I despise this part of the show where they make fun of people.
But I love it from Hollywood week on. Although sometimes the drama of Hollywood week makes me wanna puke too 😉
I personally could not stand bikini girl. I would not give her props either. Arrogant people REALLY get on my nerves. Just because she thinks she has a decent body does not mean she needs to show it off to the world.
Sarah at themommylogues says
I’m so jealous! I always wanted to try out, but never did it. And now. I’m too old. Ugh.
Bikini girl wasn’t as bad as I expected, but her Paris Hilton attitude shown through. I don’t think she should have made it.
Heather says
Good for you for following your dream! I’m not a fan of bikini girl!
Courtney says
I am soooooo addicted especially once it gets down to vote time. My favorites never win but thats okay as long as the one who does win is good.
Bikini girl was awful!!! I was so angry that Simone and Randy couldnt see past the Bikini. But i guess it wouldnt be entertainment if they didnt give us a bad guy to root against.
Janice says
WOOHOO Erica – good for you for trying out! 🙂 How fun! And thanks so much for the behind the scenes look at it all.
susieshomemade says
How exciting for you! Bikini girl set back Women’s Rights about 2000 years! What an embarassment!!
Diane says
Congratulations for having the nerve to go through with a dream of yours!!!!!!!!!!!
It doesnt matter about the outcome but that you took a step in that direction.
Sara says
Ohhhhhh how awesome! The bikini girl got in because the guys thought she was hot. That’s all.
fraizerbaz says
I do watch American Idol. I saw the Arizona audition episode. I live in Arizona, so I was curious about who I’d see on the show from Arizona.
The bikini girl was using her *assets* to sell her audition to the judges, obviously. Very smart, if you think about it. She will be easily remembered from that point on. Still, I would never want that kind of attention on me.
clenna in NH says
Her voice was so-so. Her gimmick catchy but talented? NO
Laura says
Sorry you did not make it. It is cool that you gave it a shot! Bikini girl is from my area and I hated her. She was annoying and the bikini had very little to do with it. She was cocky and tacky.
Susan says
Boooooo to Bikini Girl!
But I guess she got what she wanted. Millions of people to see her body and hate her. LOL
That’s so fantastic that you tried out and had fun. A friend of mine tried out here for Canadian Idol and said the same thing. She was glad she tried out even though she didn’t get through.
punkinmama says
Good job trying out!
I’m not a fan of bikini girl either. I look forward to watching her in Hollywood – when she won’t have a bikini on and Simon wondering who she is and how she made it there!
Tina says
We lurve American Idol here – I’ve not been terribly impressed with anyone just yet.
But, I do believe Miss Bikini Thang needs to go….and quickly.
Monica says
Yay for you for trying out. I cannot imagine what the process must have been like.
I agree with what everyone else had to say about Bikini Girl. I did not like her at all. And no way would I have sent her through to Hollywood after rolling her eyes!! No way!
I am a big American Idol fan. I wasn’t looking forward to watching it this year without my husband, but we were able to watch it together through the use of Skype! I just love technology!
Beth says
I was totally going to try out in PHX too, but after seeing how many people were there and how long I would have had to wait, I’m glad I didn’t.
Did I mention I gave birth 8 days later?
How’s that for a gimmick?!? 🙂
Jenn says
I completely agree with Valerie! Everything she said. Ditto. I really do not like bikini girl.
But kudo’s to you for trying out!
Valerie says
Kudos to you for auditioning! But BOOOOO to bikini girl. I understand gimmicks, I’ll even give props to her for at least trying. But a major disappointment in Fox for the amount of TV time they gave her, a major disappointment in Simon in his reaction to her and obviously voting her through simply because of her body, and even more major disappointment in Paula and Kara for not standing their ground and refusing to pass her through. I hate the message it sent to all of the young girls around the country — basically telling them that this type of behavior/total unclassiness is what will propel you through life.
Terra Jones says
I LOVE it! I was NOT thrilled with bikini girl though!!! Ugh, I wanted to barf my dinner! lol
Thank you for sharing the behind the scenes! I knew there was more auditioning than what they showed, but I had no idea!