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How are you keeping up with those New years Resolutions?
2012 is off to a great start
So far, I am happy to report, I have been doing relatively well on my goal to attain more balance in my life (although I admit I’ve been swinging my balance farther toward family time and rest than I have toward work…). 2012 is off to an amazing start.
The main thing I’ve been working on this week? Spending more quality, relaxed time with my kids and cooking real food for dinner every night.
On Saturday, I made my family Basil Chicken Salad Wraps using Tyson® Grilled & Ready® chicken strips. Oh. My. Goodness. My mouth is salivating just thinking about how amazing they were! The recipe was so incredible that I shared it on my blog that night.
The best part about our dinner was my husband’s reaction, though. He knew that I was getting “something frozen” from the grocery store, and he turned his nose up, proclaiming to the kids that he wasn’t going to eat the frozen dinner. I lured him up to the kitchen after I was finished making the chicken wraps and he saw that THIS meal was anything BUT frozen.
He had thirds.
Stay on track with your goals in 2012!
Tyson Foods and Hungry Girl have teamed up to coach women through the next month via the recently launched “30 Days, 30 Ways, 30 Rewards.”
As of January 2, you can visit for everything you’ll need to get on track and stay on track all year long.
Each day that you visit the site during January, you’ll find three ways to balance an active lifestyle: a nutritious and quick recipe (with fewer than 500 calories), a clever tip (including some from Lisa Lillien, aka Hungry Girl) and a chance to win a health-themed prize.
So far, the tips provided have been so helpful:
Day 1: Eat before your workout
Day 2: Surround yourself with happiness
Day 3: Lighter weights, same benefits
Day 4: Find better-for-you swaps
Day 5: Set mini-goals for yourself
Day 6: One step to a sculpted core
I’m excited to see the tips for the rest of the month.
Enter to win!
Tyson and 5 Minutes for Mom is offering a giveaway for a free bag of Tyson® Grilled & Ready® products as well as Hungry Girl’s new book, Hungry Girl Supermarket Survival Aisle by Aisle HG-Style!
To enter, leave a comment below with your favorite tip on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions.
This giveaway ends January 23rd and a winner will be chosen by and announced the next Sunday in Around The Blogosphere. Please see our site’s terms and conditions for more information.
Disclosure: Tyson provided me with the book and a coupon for a free bag of Tyson chicken for review, but the thoughts and experiences expressed here are my own.
Written by 5 Minutes for Mom managing editor, Lolli. You can find me blogging at Better in Bulk and tweeting at @1momof5.
Kristi P says
I write things down. They seem more real that way.
heather c says
I use my fitbit to reach my fitness goals, and know that if I reach them, I’ll get a huge reward, like a sweet vacation!
heather cuse says
Nicole Larsen says
My resolution is to lose weight so I joined Nutirystem 🙂
Deborah Wallin says
My best tip is to get a support network. My children encourage me to walk on the treadmill, and offer me encouragement when I do it.
[email protected]
Sand says
My resolution is to try new things so I’m always searching for something new to do or try.
Amber Laughard says
I tell all my friends what my goal is so that if i don’t finnish my goal i can blame them 🙂
[email protected]
James S says
i always try to make my last meal atleast five hours before i go to sleep.
Emma Peel says
write it up and keep it in sight like on the kitchen counter or fridge
happi shopr says
Don’t start off expecting perfection – there will be slip ups. Get over them and move on with the plan.
Marcy Strahan says
My tip to keep new years resolution is to keep it written down & pin’d to the Icebox!
Front & center reminder…that I see everytime I open the Icebox!
Rachel Blanks says
Treat everyday as if it is a new year! If you mess up and eat those three Oreos, forgive yourself and just make sure you stay on track the rest of the day! Surround yourself with those who will help you reach your resolution goals, no matter what they may be!
Melanie C says
My tip is, find your motivator, write it down, hang it on the fridge, or wherever you need it to be reminded of whatever your resolution is. This will help keep on track with your goals.
Name* says
I just keep reminding myself no to fall off and to remember my resolution
cassandra says
My best tip is to start it as soon as possible so you don’t get lazy and keep putting it off.
Claire McKeon says
Keep a picture of both me at my worst and me at my best (weight wise)
Jennifer J says
Make small resolutions through out the year, so there is not too much pressure in the beginning of the year. Thanks!!
Rachel says
realistic measurable goals
Melanie says
I don’t expect perfection from the moment the ball drops. My resolutions are a goal of where I want to be by the end of the year, so if I slip up a day or two, I just get right back on track and keep going. That helps me not give up.
Heather Poindexter says
I write stuff down so I don’t forget.
April Grimm says
I like to write down my goals on paper, it keeps me inspired.
Shaunda Eppes says
I’m trying to lose weight so I allow myself 1 dessert a week
Deborah Wellenstein says
I share my resolutions with my family, so I am accountable to them for my success or failure.
dwellenstein at cox dot net
Veronica Garrett says
My tip is to write down your goal and steps needed to attain it in a journal. This keeps you focused on your goal.
tracey byram says
Set 2 goals, one you’re likely to achieve, the other a little more difficult to achieve
SaraLee E says
I started a daily journal to help me stay on track
Karen says
Tell all your friends, so they can calll you out if you start slackin’. Thanks for the giveaway.
Dara Nix says
I have made sure that my goals are attainable and within reach! As long as I know that I CAN achieve these goals, it is easy to stick to them!
amie d says
I set realistic goals and am not to hard on myself if I don’t reach them. I just keep them in sight and try to do better in the future. Thank you!
Allison says
My best tip is to write down you goals and review them daily. Also, check them off as you go!
Molly says
I think its important to remember the quote “A year from now, you’ll wish you had started a year ago.” It reminds me to be mindful and stick to it. It can only get easier!
crystal allen says
i try to stay positive and focused on my goals daily. When I wake up, I remind myself of my goal and when I go to bed, I do another reminder. thanks clallen at ntin dot net
Gianna says
I don’t make resolutions.. My husband is wanting to get more chicken in his diet.
Jessica G says
At my gym you have to reserve a spot in cycling classes ahead of time. That usually guilts me into going!
shirley pebbles says
I think setting small goals makes it easier because you’ll obtain them quicker and get motivation to carry on.
LeAnn Boehne says
Use a smaller plate to help control portion size.
amy says
finding a friend to be accountable too – you can be accountable to eachother lol
Whitney says
My favorite tip is just not letting myself get hungry, eating small meals here and there so I don’t become ravenous. It makes portion control much simpler!
Jennifer says
I journal to keep my resolutions down on paper.
Eliza says
Look at the bigger picture, momentary setbacks aren’t the end of the world.
Amanda Starr says
Small steps towards big goals, trying to change everything at once can be overwhelming.
Danielle Oyen says
Favorite tip on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions. I plan on keeping my resolution by cutting back my portion size while still enjoying a sensible meal and exercising at least 1/2 hour everyday.
Renee G says
One of the ways that I am meeting my resolution to lose weight is by eating soup for lunch each day.
Allison Downes says
Set small goals to achieve your bigger goal
Betty says
resolutions have to be attainable. While it sounds so spectacular to reach for the moon, you have to know yourself and have a reasonable and reachable goal otherwise the resolutions get easily shrugged off as undoable.
ro says
start off with a simple goal and make it a part of your ritual, like brushing your teeth!
Terri Martin says
I try to set achievable goals that i know i can accomplish with planning and effort.
katie mitchell says
Dont set goas you cannot achieve and take baby steps to reach your goals
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
start with goal that is easily reached that way you c an succeed and then set a new one
vmkids3 at msn dot com
trishden says
I’ve always heard that the best way to keep a New Years resolution is not make one. Seriously any commitment should be made when your in the right frame of mind and not based on the time of year. Thanks for a great giveaway!
sarah t says
my favorite way is to keep my goals realistic and adjust goals as needed
Candie L says
I need to have a plan. This means how will I accomplish my goal. Thank you
Britt H says
Share your goals with a friend – or better yet, a group of people who are all motivated to achieve the same goal. Not only will you push each other to stick to your resolution (and feel that twinge of guilt when you don’t stick to it) and have people to share your successes and failures with.
Ed Nemmers says
Partner with your beau!
Nisaa says
no comment
Terry Cross says
Make realistic goals and don’t get discouraged if you get off track
Tricha says
It is a great idea to start b y taking small steps instead of trying to do everything at once.
tracey johnson says
slowly work up to my goals. no over doing it and getting hurt. thanks
Samantha Hill says
Post-Its here, there & everywhere! They are gentle little reminders for me until my resolution becomes habit 😉
aimee derouen says
Set small manageable goals
kathy pease says
mine was to get into shape by summer and i have been walking daily on the treadmill and eating better
awoodssmith says
I helps me to stay on track if I give myself small rewards for making progress along the way.
Tracie Trump says
I have a resoultion partner, [email protected]
Diana Bradford Hatch says
Just be determined and take one day at a time!
Diane W says
Have healthy options that are easy to grab so you don’t eat other foods.
Remember small changes add up to big results!
Karen Gonyea says
I learned that I need to be realistic in my goals… I didn’t put the extra weight on overnight and it is not going to come off overnight !!!
Natalie says
My way to keep my resolution is to keep positive !
Thank you
Barbara says
my way to keep my resolution is to forgive myself if I mess up a little & just get back in the groove of it
Debbie C says
Allow yourself a few lapses, acknowledge from the start that you might fall off the resolution wagon and are allowed to climb back on the next day or the next week.
James Coyne says
I think the goals should be simple and not complicated
meme says
Don’t set goals that are impossible to achive. Set realistic goals that can be accomplished and take it one step at a time.
Diane F says
Take it one day at a time and set small goals to reach your big goal.
Denise S says
Taking things one day at a time in small steps.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Tawnya S says
I think realistic achievable goals are important. I tend to give up if I have to work too hard or change too much. Baby steps!
Diane Baum says
The best advise I would give is don’t make one, just do it
Caryn S says
Share your resolutions with family and friends so they can hold you accountable
The Knapps says
Writing it down and keeping track always helps me. This year I’m trying to lose baby weight, so I write down what I eat and it keeps me on track.
ferriz says
dont pick anything too big or crazy. set your goals small and then once you hit them keep building. like a new years resolution to lose 10lbs by summer. if you hit 10lbs in april then say “ok 10lbs to summer” and just keep going. that way it doesnt seem so impossible or scary!
John Mostyn says
Start your resolution on December 1 to get a head start.
Kathleen M Smith says
It is important to be realistic about your resolutions and have a plan that is reachable, measurable and flexible and avoid “everyday” or “never again” (unless it is a medical or addiction issue).
monte says
to keep your new year’s resolutions is to write it down and look at everyday
Erica C. says
My biggest tip to keeping up with your New Year’s resolution is telling people about it. The more people you tell…the more likely you are to feel like you have to stick to it!
amy v says
Best tip: don’t be so overly strict that you don’t allow for mistakes. Learn from them but don’t beat yourself up! When it comes to food, enjoy whatever you’re eating so it’s worth it! I know this works because it’s been 6 yrs and I’ve kept the 40 lbs off and am maintaining my weight! Just keep moving and lift weights. 🙂
annae07 at aol dot com
Wendy Rozema says
for me writing it down and keeping a log helps!
Michelle says
My best tip is to not make a resolution but to make a plan instead. If you have a roadmap, you’re more likely to get there.
Jason says
The best tip is to not make a resolution that is so overwhelming that you can never live up to it. Keep it simple but effective
Paula Hafner says
The bast way is to be reasonable and realistic when you make a resolution. That way it’s easier to keep.
Jason Vaughn says
List the reasons you made it in the first place.
trista says
Sadly, drink less coffee…. lol
Desiree Dunbar says
I am trying to be healthier by eating more balanced meals
Shane R. says
Last year I was able to keep my New Year Resolution of losing weight by using the Lose It app on my ipod to count my calories and stay on track.
Shari says
Make small goals and gradually work towards bigger goals.
Shari says
Start off by making small goals and work up from there. Every little victory will make your resolution a little easier.
Lisa says
I keep my resolutions by thinking about the outcome.
valerie says
Get a buddy to help keep you on track.
Marc-Andre Taillefer says
Keep telling yourself that you can make these changes to better yourself.
Tim says
If your resolution involves weight loss, never go shopping on an empty stomach.
Jill l says
My resolution was to get closer to God. Less time on the computer or in front of the tv would free up my time to pray. So I guess making time for whatever you resolve to do is important.
Katrina Page says
I think that the best tip is to just never give up. Yeah, I didn’t feel like working out yesterday so I didn’t. But today, I’m going to do it. And tomorrow.
ts8256 says
I try to wake up every day and think about what i would like to acomplish for the day and pray for the strenght and resolution to accomplish my goals.
Nicole H. says
I think you can stay motivated by rewarding yourself for accomplishing your goals!
Claire says
Set measurable goals like “eat 2 servings of veggies a day” rather than “eat more veggies”
Melissa says
Get the whole family involved!! My husband, 11 year old daughter and myself recently joined the local gym. We go as a family and keep each other motivated throughout. It’s also a great way to catch up on family time when life gets a bit busy.
Cori Westphal says
Write it down! Keep yourself accountable. If you are trying to watch what you eat, literally watch it! When you write down what you eat, you will be amazed at how hard it is to have to write down that you ate an entire bag of M&Ms, versus a whole bag of baby carrots. And sometimes it just feels good to vent, to write what’s going good, and maybe what’s going bad too!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Heather W says
My tip is to share it with someone who you trust to keep you on track
lovefool827 (at) yahoo (dotcom)
Linda G. says
Set goals that within reach so you will feel better about keeping your News Years Resolution
eleanor r says
I have found that the best way to keep a resolution is put it in writing and read it every day.
Don says
I am not one to make New Years resolutions, I end up breaking them too fast.
bhaley518 says
On the 1st i spend 30 mins making nicely decorated signs for myself and post
them around the house… they maybe the resolution itself, encouraging words and gentle reminders.. it makes me think twice if I am having a week moment
ria says
Be specific about your goals so you can keep track of them
RaettigFamily says
Mine was be more faithful to God so I’m going to make sure that I spend a lot of time in his word
melissa s says
write it down, keep a log
Tammy says
Pray pray pray!!
Robin says
My goal is lose 20 pounds this year so I will track my progress by weekly weigh ins and if I fall behind in my goal then I will workout an extra day in the next week to get back on track
robin says
my resolution is to lose weight. I have a jar of colorful marbles that represent .1 pound each. I take out accordingly each time I weigh. My sons have a joke that Mom is “losing her marbles!” 🙂
Kelly Marceau says
Set realistic goals and make plans on how you plan to acheve those goals
My goal this year was to be more mindful of our budget so just taking a minute before I make that purchase to decide is it something that we really need or not. I have put many things back that we did not need rather then just running up to the cash register to pay.
Marie Howard says
I tape it to my fridge!
Kathryn says
By having a visual reminder of what I am working for!
Rg says
I can’t wait until this summer to show off my hard work!
rebeka deleon says
mine is to get fit and healthy so i just start early in the morning and usually that helps to keep it up all day. get it out of the way!
Angela E. says
Keep telling yourself that you can make these changes to better yourself.
Rachel says
I think the best way to keep your new year’s resolutions is to be honest with yourself about what you can realistically accomplish.
Kati S says
The best advice I’ve seen for making a resolution (or a general new habit) was from Set detailed and specific goals, avoiding vague expectations or accountability.
Also, only concentrate on one goal at a time, overloading yourself with too many resolutions and drastic changes all at once isn’t good for staying power!
CMC says
I make my resolutions into smaller, more palatable pieces. For example, thirty pounds to lose is a lot – I make it five, then five, then five, etc. It doesn’t seem like such a monumental task if I break it up!
Trista says
Write it on a post-it and stick it in your daily planner – keep moving it as the week goes 🙂
Alison Flores says
It helps me to have things written down & to make charts! It is also a great help to involve others so I have some personal cheerleaders!!
Julie Lynn Bickham says
Don’t be to hard on yourself, don’t rush your goal, in time you will make it!
danielle says
Set one goal and work everyday to maintain or achieve it. Make sure your goal is realistic. Once you have reached to maintained your goal you can set another, no matter what time of year it is.
cwaltz says
Set up a reward system for successfully following through on your goals/resolutions. For example, you might resolve to treat yourself to a Starbucks coffee if you walk daily for one month. That way you have something to look forward to after working hard towards a goal.
marla k says
Track/log everything you eat. This way you are aware and accountable. You can see where your downfalls are and your energy lulls are and plan for them and change your eating habits accordingly. It helps me tremendously!!!! 😉
Caitlin says
Be realistic and don’t get discouraged by small set backs
Kelly D says
My favorite tip is to set a small goal and work your way up to the bigger goal.
jaime says
be realistic so there is no disappointment and feeling of failure..
Erin says
My husband and I are motivating each other! We’re working out together!
Jacki Wakelin says
Best way is to tell someone … that way the are always checking up on you!
Angie says
I don’t make resolutions but I’m definitely on a quest to be healthier by eating better. I’ve lost about 75 lbs in the past year!
Amy Y. says
Take one healthy day at a time
Ann* says
I can keep my new years resolution by eating foods like the one you suggested made with Tyson chicken.
Van says
Major workout’s already underway, I’m lucky because I have a very high metabolism already.
eg kaufman says
Eat what you like, just in moderation 🙂
Staci A says
My tip is to include your family. One of my goals is to be more active, so we’ve been taking walks as a family. It makes it much more fun!
Kathy S says
Don’e let one failure derail you. Try again.
Marci says
I buddy up with my girlfriends and we keep each other accountable!
♡♥♬ Louis ♡♥♬ says
don’t think about it as a resolution but more as a goal – so you will stay more motivated
Amy S. says
When I set my goals, I do it early so that I have time to think it over. It has to seem attainable, not far-fetched like losing 20lbs/month or learning everything about physics…well that year, but ever, really. 😀 Then, I find a way to dipict my life after reaching my goal and keep it visible all the time. When I decided to lose weight, I was 220…I hung a picture of a lady that was just a little thinner…each time I reached her weight, I’d hang a new picture of someone slightly smaller than me.
Crystal Brandon says
Never have ridiculous goals. Only set goals that are reasonable.
amanda says
Tell friends and family and they will help you stick to it : )
Carol says
I look at the big picture, and see myself thinner, so I stick to my healthy new regimen
Rachel says
my tip would be to write it down and look at it daily
Debbie Kennedy says
I keep my resolutions reasonable – like trying to lose 5 pounds every 3 months…..even doing that would get me 20lbs down by the end of the year!
Danielle Davis/Grady says
My tip on how to keep My New Years Resolution is not to let any junk food in the house..My Resolution is to eat healthier & get back to my prebaby weight!!
Audrey Griffis says
we not only make individual resoultions we alosm make one fore the whole family to work on together that way we are all invovled and want to succeed
[email protected]
Ruth Hill says
Break your goals down into small, manageable steps.
Michelle Macaluso says
Don’t set yourself up for failure by making a resolution that is too far out of reach
Charlene Canfield says
Just start each day fresh! Don’t beat yourself up if you fall. Just get back on!
Gena says
My best tip is to make resolutions that benefit others, not just yourself necessarily….they’re easier to keep when others are benefitting!
Rachel Miller says
I really like the idea of setting little goals….I get frustrated if I set crazy ones 🙂
susan varney says
be strong, be determined,be honest, and keep your willpower-if not you only cheat yourself and sometimes even your family
Casey Everidge says
set goals you know you can reach. then when you reach them you can set bigger ones.
Tami says
Don’t make em! Ha. I just try to let the new year be a reminder of what direction I’d like to head in life, and serve as a fresh start.
John says
I told my resolution to my wife. Now I have no mercy!
Natalia says
Tell about your goal to your enemy and you will keep your promise! 100%
Marianna says
Have friends family members available to help you and hold you accountable
Heather Vogler says
Just focus on the desired end result.
dinos_still_exist (at) yahoo (dot) com
Vickie COuturier says
My best tip is not to set your goal so high,start with a lower goal that is more easy to get too then set your self another after that
Nadia says
Don’t give up altogether if you stumble once or twice….or thrice.
Christina Gould says
My favorite tip: Think progress, not perfection. Thanks for the giveaway!
Marlena U. says
Work out with people who strive for the same goals and have fun…it makes a world of difference!
Garrett says
I’ve started working out at the gym.
Christine says
be realistic
Janice Cooper says
My tip is don’t set an over-realistic goal or resolution. Be patient and have will-power.
ShannonMcGrew says
Set realistic and achievable goals. And don’t be too hard on yourself, Cheat sometimes.
Lachelle B says
I have a friend who makes one new resolution each MONTH. I love it because it supposedly takes about 30 days to build a habit and it’s not nearly as overwhelming to focus on one new thing each month!
Sarah W says
I try to set very specific and attainable goals so that i can actually measure my progress
Denise B. says
Tips I don’t have, because I don’t make resolutions. I prefer to take each day one at a time and strive to make life better each and everyday.
Idaho Jill says
specific goals work for me!
Linda Lansford says
I keep my resolutions by determination
sheryl cullum says
Cutting down on portions and no seconds 🙂
amasfuntime at yahoo dot com
Kyl Neusch says
set small goals
Jennifer says
I always set realistic goals!
jannajanna says
make small attainable goals to stay on track.
Happy Blogging! Thanks! Janna Johnson [email protected] janna@feedyourpig on gfc
Kristy T says
Definitely to stay focused on the end goals, and don’t let anything bring you away from them!
Susan Ladd says
The way I keep my New Year’s resolutions is I have a note on my ref each morning that lets me know that I am on diet this year and it is working for me. I want to thank you for this fantastic sweep and hope to win 🙂
mindy says
use realistic goals thanks
Tara G says
I have been bringing my lunch to work which is helping me to eat healthier and to save money.
crystle tellerday says
get support from family and friends
daisy burgos says
my tip is to open up your heart and eyes more to the lord he’s the only one who can achieve and keep your New Year’s resolutions without failure
[email protected]
Vanessa says
It takes 28 days for something to be a habit so powering through January will make it a reality! momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
@MryJhnsn says
Follow through is not easy but doable
Sarah says
The best way to keep resolutions is to have accountability! Let others know your goals and tell them you’ll keep them updated. 🙂 That usually helps. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
sandra says
do it with a friend
Christine Jensen says
Make achievable, specific goals.
Kathy Stevenson says
Only pick something you know you will stick with!
Lynda E says
Hubby and I are walking every night on the way home from work. The important thing is to do it before we get home, because once we get in the house, that’s it!
Barbara M says
Best tip – have a resolution you’re passionate about – will help you stay motivated.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
debp says
I would say, make obtainable goals. For example, instead of saying I want to lose 36 pounds this year, say I have a goal of 3 pounds a month to lose.
[email protected]
renee walters says
My best tip is to not quit. I give up to easily. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
[email protected]
coliebear says
My tip is to stop buying junk food.
my tip is to journal everything u eat, if u have a habit of over eating. it helps your stay in control and accountable of yourself.
kadia3 at yahoo dot com
Jeni Monroe says
My fav tip is to drink at least a gallon of water a day to help flush your system =)
Janet F says
I keep my New Year’s Resolution by choosing a goal that is attainable for me.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Jen says
I’m trying to make monthly goals not just big yearly goals.
Cheryl Free says
Write it down, visualize, resolve ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Chuck says
Do not be lazy about it, just get out there and do it!
Shannon says
Set goals that are attainable.
Nancy says
To help you keep your New Year’s Resolutions, write them down as well as the reasons why you want to keep them
Amy says
My resolution is also to cook real food for my family and to have sit down traditional dinners with placemats and all! We started just after Christmas and did very while for the holiday break until the over blew out… back to the microwave until we get the oven fixed!
Michele Anne says
I plan to involve friends who help to motivate me.
Kat Meller says
I’m going to drink more water and walk the steps instead of taking the elevator as much as possible – especially if its only a floor or look for the “furthest” parking spot to pick up a few more steps instead of driving around looking for the closest spot. Hey every little bit will help
Susan Smith says
I keep my New Year’s writing it down and showing it to other members of the family.
heather h says
I always make sure I write in my journal my daily progress of goals this ensure that I keep it in my mind and I am always focused
Jessica T. says
I try to set a reachable goal instead of an unattainable one!
DeeAnn S says
My best tip is to set achievable, realitic goals. If you reach too far and don’t make the finish line, it’s too easy to say “I can’t do it”. Then you won’t!
Lizzy says
My best tip is to make goals that are realistic!
Ivy T says
I like to keep inspirational quotes around (like on post-it notes) on places where they will remind me of why I’m working on this goal/resolution. Sometimes I’m overly critical of my appearance, so I’ll put a quote on the bathroom mirror so that I’ll see it when I’m getting ready for the day.
Alicia says
Don’t let a “failure” make you throw in the towel. You’ve still got the rest of the year. Just dust that off and keep going!
Alison S. says
Accountablity for my goals. Scary and fun at the same time. 🙂
beth says
My favorite tip is to use my slow cooker as much as possible. It really frees up my time!
Amber says
My favorite tip is to make a very specific new year’s resolution that you can quantify. My new year’s resolution is to cook 4 dinners a week at home from scratch, not just to eat healthier.
shelly says
My best tip: don’t set yourself up for failure. Make a resolution that you are going to stick with.
Elisabeth says
My best tip would be to set smaller goals throughout the year that support your main goal! 🙂
June says
I plan on drinking more water to keep myself with the more full feeling, so that I do not want to eat as much.