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Dwan Perrin, author of MommaDJane, has a nice camera but has never taken a photography class to improve her skills and move out of auto mode. She is guest posting today with an amazing opportunity for fellow 5 Minutes for Mom readers.
Something to check off my “Life List”
I love taking photos. I would say photography is a fun hobby of mine even though I’m a complete amateur. I just enjoy documenting our family memories and looking back at how much my kids have grown over the years. I consider myself a very active person and I travel often so taking a lot of photos at events and on our journeys is an exciting way to be reminded of all the things we’ve done together.
Even though I own a nice DSLR Nikon, I’ve never taken any photography classes and the auto setting is my best friend. Last year I finally added ‘take a photography workshop‘ to my Life List to encourage myself to take a little time out for my own hobbies, at least once.
I find myself wanting to take photos at night often. Anytime I take the kids to a theme park, whether it’s Sea World or Disney World we stay there past the sun going down. If you have ever been to Disney World at night you know how beautiful the park is with all the gorgeous lights and the fireworks show. Even with my camera on the auto setting it’s extremely difficult to capture that best shot. The image never quite looks like the scene you remember seeing. Shooting without a flash can cause it to be blurry or too dark, with a flash can cause it to wash out the scene and hide the true colors of the lights or fireworks. I can take 50 photos before getting one to look descent.
The same goes for Christmas lights….
I’m excited to take Kent Weakley’s Night Photography eClass. The fact I’m most pleased with is he allows 60 days to go over his course material. No need to sit at the computer for three hours trying to cram all the knowledge at once. You can take it all in a little at a time. Learn one step, go out and test it on your camera and then come back for more.
I’m a hands on learner so I have to try what I’m learning in order to get it and for it to truly sink in. Just listening in a class and going home with ‘notes‘ won’t work for me. Kent Weakley understands how photography works and knows it takes time to get that perfect photo which is why he allows extra time for learning.
Win a seat in Kent Weakley’s Night Photography eClass
The best thing about all of this is I get to take one of you with me to the photography class. Okay, maybe I don’t take you with me but you get to enjoy learning all about Night Photography from the comfort of your own home right along with me in Kent Weakley’s eClass.
Entry is simple. Just leave a comment on this post sharing a past experience taking a photo at night gone bad. Let us know why you need Kent Weakley’s Night Photography eClass just as much as me.
This contest will end on Wednesday, November 16 at midnight ET and a winner will be notified on November 17 with details on attending the eClass. This is open to anyone who can access – easy!
Written by Dwan Perrin, a single, work from home mother of three and author of
Brooklyn Bridge image from 123RF Stock Photos. Christmas lights image by Dwan.
Commercial Photographer in Delhi says
Taking picture in night looks great but most of the time I didn’t get perfect picture because no ideas that how to take them as in right direction. Your post boost up my confidence a lot. I like the pictures that you shared here. I hope one day I’ll also win. Thanks for sharing with us.
Angela E. says
I could really learn allot from taking a class like this, thanks for the chance!
Melinda Richardson says
I am not a professional, I’m what I consider a “starter photographer”… you know the kind, just got a nice DSLR camera, and not only don’t know how to use ti but haven’t even read all of my manual ! (though, I did START to read it and also bought a specialty book of how to use it). Problem is, I am not technical at all and get confused easily on the terms. Needless to say, I WANT to learn but have a hard time understanding all the jargon. I need someone to TEACH by showing!
A few months back, I went out to the Shelby Street Bridge in Nashville. The General Jackson Riverboat came by, and I thought it would be a great chance to get the lights and pictures of the boat passing by. Oh, but i didn’t have my tripod, nor did i know what the best settings were. I got home, and all of my pictures were fuzzy, blurry messes! I was so disappointed. I still don’t know how to shoot in the evening light. Fortunately, I did remedy the tripod problem and am ready for that by having purchased a nice tripod. I can sure use the tips Ken Weakley can provide!!!!
Kristin says
I love photography but sometimes if I’m out, I don’t have a tripod with me to stabilize and I’ve missed that moment by having a blur come through. I’d love to learn his tricks!
dollimama says
I am not good at night photography at all and would LOVE to improve. I need this class!
Alison says
We have a place where they have beautiful Christmas light displays. My children love it and I want to capture it for them but just cant figure out how. I would love to join this class!
RefreshMom says
Like you, I’ve lost the photo op by not having enough light, or the flash washing everything out. Most often, things come out blurry because my little-kid subjects aren’t still long enough for a slow shutterspeed and I don’t know how to compensate adequately.
Halloween is a perfect example. I probably have 100 photos but only about 5 that actually turned out the way I’d hoped and that was just a happy accident. I’d love to actually have an idea of what I’m doing!
RefreshMom says
I’d LOVE to take a night photography class–especially with all the great holiday photo ops coming up.
Kristin says
I need help with my fireworks and Christmas lights pics…help!! 🙂
kristena says
My night picture came out blurry and very dark. But I would actually like this class for my 16 yr old son. He has a creative eye and recently saved his money and purchased a digital slr on his own. My husband is out of work, but I would love for our son to take a photography class.
Tracey says
I would love to be able to take some night shots. Mine never turn out and so I just give up. I feel like I miss the excitement of the moment because I’m messing with the camera instead of enjoying the beauty. (Fireworks, theme parks, beautiful city lights, Christmas trees, etc.)
Tami M says
I need this so I can take amazing night shots of:
1. The moon rising over our mountainous horizon
2. Fireworks at Disney World!
I would LOVE to learn! I stink at Photography!! I NEED HELP! Ha ha! 🙂
Raejean says
I’m up for improving my skills. It would be nice to not have blurry pictures from low light or flash everything.
Sonia L. says
Couldn’t quite capture the fireworks at Disney World or my lit pumpkins this year. This class would be so helpful!
happy says
I have taken some night photography shots that I am happy with (the moon, the stars), but most of them don’t come out like I want them to. Usually I have to look up a tutorial online, but they aren’t always helpful. This class would be great!
JewelsHud says
I take photos all the time – my favorite night photos usually happen when we are around a camp fire just hanging out and the kids are playing – chasing fireflies – and those pics don’t really turn out all that great. Sad face!! Thanks for the giveaways!!
Renee H says
I’m definately amatuer but with my point and shoot I never hit the button fast enough to capture the shot I want for fireworks!
Honey Mommy says
I have taken some night photography shots that I am happy with (the moon, the stars), but most of them don’t come out like I want them to. Usually I have to look up a tutorial online, but they aren’t always helpful. This class would be great!
Suzanne (Crunchy Green Mom) says
I have the same camera as you, and I try everything from photos inside at the circus, varsity football games and sometimes even by the fire pit in our backyard. It’s a hit or miss… I want more hits than misses! I’d love, love this class.. I’m wanting to have better photos during the 4th of July and camping trips!
Home Ever After says
You know, I spent about an hour at the Sparklecorn party at BlogHer this year trying to get one great shot. There was a girl on the dance floor with pink glittery cat ear barrettes and they looked so good in the light. Due to either limitations of my camera or my know-how for shooting in a very dark setting, it took me forever and I still didn’t get the exact shot I wanted. This class would do me some good!
Danelle Ice / Home Ever After
June says
Some of my pictures turn out great & then there’s other that are blurry looking. I do need some help in that area for sure. (HELP)
Milcah says
I would LOVE to join you! I want to learn some tips and as a matter of fact I was researching videos in the early morning hours of yesterday. My night pictures don’t turn out well. One pic I took of my son looked like it was totally taken during the day because of the bright flash. I have a lot to learn.
Selena says
I have only attempted ight photography a few times but I just cant seem to get the hang of it. This class would be great!