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Tonya here… The end of the year is almost upon us. This is a time when a lot of people make resolutions for the coming year and finish off to-do lists before the year ends. If home organization is on your list, then I’m here to help. Thank you to Force of Nature for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.
Prepare your home for winter with this free printable checklist and discover a new non-toxic way of cleaning your home so you can remove harmful chemicals.
As we move from season-to-season we tend to purge unused items, clean out garages and closets, and re-organize based on the season we are moving into. I need to get better about purging, I tend to be a bit of a collector because I love to re-purpose items, but I do love preparing for each season and keep checklists of things that need to be done so I don’t forget anything. I’m going to share my winter checklist down below, but first I want to talk about cleaning your home and removing harmful chemicals.
So, if one of your resolutions (or something on your to-do list) has been to remove chemicals from your household and switch to non-toxic family-friendly cleaning products, then I’ve got a great one for you from Force of Nature.
Plus, we are giving away three starter kits, and you can save $35 off your first starter kit too.
Force of Nature is a non-toxic cleaner and deodorizer that is as effective as bleach but is so safe you can spray it on pacifiers, teethers, and baby toys without needing to rinse them. It cleans as effectively as Clorox Clean-Up, Windex, Formula 409, Scrubbing Bubbles and Resolve with zero toxic chemicals and is so safe your kids can help you clean.
This product isn’t like most cleaners though…
You fill up a bottle with tap water, then squeeze in a pre-mixed capsule of salt, water & vinegar. Then Force of Nature uses electricity to transform the solution into a cleaner & deodorizer that’s called electrolyzed water, which is a common green cleaner used in the industrial space. The active ingredient is hypochlorous acid, which is common in wound healing, eye care and veterinary care products because it’s so safe & effective.
You can read more about the science behind this here. It is also 100% allergen free and can save you more than $70 per year compared to other natural brands.
Here are some great features of this unit:
- you can store extra activator capsules on the back of the activator base
- if you leave the activator base turned on after the solution has finished processing it will keep a 14-day countdown on so you know when you need to make more.
Learn more about Force of Nature and connect with them here:
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Now that we’ve got your cleaning products replaced with non-toxic cleaners, and saving you money too, let’s get you organized for winter too.
Here’s your checklist for making sure your home is prepared for the cold weather. If you click on the image, you will get a printable PDF file to keep on hand while you prepare your home.
Click here to download the free printable…
If you’d like to win a Force of Nature starter kit, leave us a comment letting us know which part of your house you find cleaning the hardest.
Then complete your entry using the form below.
Three people will each be sent 1 Force of Nature Starter Kit valued at $89.99. Prizing is open to the US only.
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Disclosure: This post is sponsored, so extra thanks for reading and sharing.
Written by Tonya Staab, contributor at 5 Minutes for Mom
Talk with us: @5minutesformom and
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Jenny Enkhbat says
Loved the checklist! Will you be doing one for spring cleaning as well? I would love to use the checklist for clients of our <a href=""house cleaning company. Thanks,
Reliant Home Comfort says
the bathroom is tough when it comes to cleaning a must ! Never forget to have your furnaces cleaned too,
Alena says
Αs a way to be successsful with freelancing, its essential to bbe self-disciplined, motivated, and organizeԀ.
Should ʏyou elect to take the route of freelancing, youll
need to have the aƄіlity to seek and acquire prߋspective jobs, be very efficient in scheduling your time, and haνe good math ѕkills for the aim
of ƅilling and taxes.
Deb says
The bathrooms. I hate cleaning all the tile.
Eileen Boyce says
The bathroom is the hardest.
Terry Cross says
The bathroom is the worst for me
jberry says
My shower stall is the most difficult part of my house to keep clean, mildew, ICK.
nickie says
My shower is the hardest
Charlene S. says
The master bathroom is the hardest to clean & keep clean.
Denise W says
Hands down it is the bathroom- the shower and toilet, to be more specific. I can’t ever seem to stay on top of it when it comes to the grime and dirt.
Holli Joren says
The bathtub – I HATE it. It’s porous and I can’t seem to get it completely clean.
Charlene says
The shower is absolutely the worse part of my cleaning routine.
laura bernard says
I love cleaning!
Hesper Fry says
For me, the hardest part of my house to clean is the bathroom!
Kerry p says
Dishes are the hardest. It’s uncomfortable for my back. Putting away laundry too. That’s a self discipline issue
Candie L says
Can I say the entire house? Between a husband, two teenage boys, and 2 dogs, it never appears to be clean. Thank you
Meme says
Definitely would be the bathroom.
Ashley C says
I hate cleaning the shower!
AliceC says
The bathroom. Just not my favorite.
Kimberly Louise Brown says
Wow, never saw this before.
Jerry Marquardt says
The bathrooms are the hardest to clean and to keep cleaned.
Janice Gabriel says
I find c;leaning the bathroom, especially the shower area, the hardest.
Cathleen N says
Bathroom ugh
Vikki Billings says
It would have to be my kitchen. I have arthritis and its tough for me to scrub the sink, counters, fridge and microwave. Probably the bathroom too.
Erica Hall says
I’d say the bathrooms are the grossest (boys!) but the kitchen is always a major disaster when my husband cooks.
Rachel says
I fine the kitchen the hardest to clean shew all those dishes when you have a dish washer but still wash by hand.
Kaleigh says
The kitchen is the hardest to keep clean!!
shawna says
Bathrooms are the hardest for me to clean.
DaniV says
It is hardest to clean my bathroom
Maria Gagliano says
The bathroom. I hate cleaning it.
Lisa V. says
I find cleaning the kitchen the hardest.
Christina Y. says
I feel like I’m always cleaning the restroom or the kitchen.
kathy pease says
I find cleaning the bathroom the hardest
Crystal Rose says
Cleaning my porches is one of my least favorite things to do. Often it’s too hot or too cold so it’s pretty unpleasant.
Meagan BS says
I hate cleaning bathrooms, especially my daughters. She is so disgusting!
Sarah Mathias says
The bathroom is the hardest to clean. Especially the tub.
Jessica Whitehouse says
I don’t like washing dishes or mopping. I do it because I have to, but I don’t enjoy it.
Rose Santuci-Sofranko says
I find the kitchen the hardest because it is the most time consuming…dishes, countertops, appliances, floors, sink… all need cleaning often.
Robin M says
The floors-always dirty!
Karley Moore says
My kitchen is the hardest to clean because people are going in and out every day not cleaning up after themselves. Thanks for the giveaway!
danni lynn says
the bathroom
The Bathrooms for sure
Debra says
Valerie says
The kitchen. Just always seems like it needs cleaned.
Christina Griffith says
Bathroom and kitchen!
Klydra Pugh says
The kids bedrooms
Thanks for the chance
June Vazquez says
Definitely the bathroom! With 5 people sharing one bathroom it can get dirty quick.
Kelly McGrew says
My hardwood floors are hard to keep clean!
Cheryl B says
Always the bathrooms. They never feel clean enough.
Susan Smith says
I hate cleaning the bathrooms!
Kelly says
I find cleaning the bathroom is the most difficult. It is a small space and the scents with cleaning supplies are so toxic, that breathing becomes a problem. I would love a tool that is less toxic, and that still cleans .
Molli Taylor says
the kitchen is the hardest for me… with 7 people , it gets so gnarly so fast.
Tracy hayner says
Christa Bengtsson says
The shower is the hardest to keep clean and I hate cleaning it.
Jennifer campos says
The bathroom but just really the shower 😕
Crystal M says
There is no such thing as a “chemical free” cleaner. Anything made of atoms is a chemical. Water, salt, and vinegar are chemicals.
Breanne Smith says
I hate cleaning the bathrooms!
Jessica Padilla says
The bathroom followed by the stove are the hardest for me to clean.
Deborah Caudill says
The bathroom is the hardest place to get clean. It seems like someone is always making a mess in there.
Kathy Davis says
The hardest thing to clean in our house is my husband’s bathroom. Nuff said!
C Turner says
The kitchen sink seems to accumulate dishes faster than I can keep up with them.
Lauren says
The kitchen is the most difficult for me to keep clean.
Anne says
The bathroom because of one simple reason…..boys! 😆
Chelsey Bennett says
The shower is the hardest for me. The only thing that gets it clean is strong smelling chemicals that I can’t stand, so it doesn’t get cleaned as often as it should.
Mary Mougeot says
Hardest for me, is my shower area. Merry Christmas!
Jeanne Coulombe says
For me I would say the bathroom
sylvia says
the bathroom is usually pretty tough to clean.
Sara says
All rooms are hard to clean…simply because it isn’t fun, lol! However, the most difficult is the kitchen. So many nooks & crannies that you have to hit!!!
Edye says
Totally my bathroom! :/
aimee p says
my bedroom
Dana says
My bathroom is the hardest place to clean.
Nicole Martin says
My bathrooms are the hardest to clean..
Nancy says
I am not fond of cleaning the oven.
Margot C says
That’s simple. I hate cleaning the bathroom. You would think that toilets could be designed that didn’t have so many little crannies begging to trap dirt and bacteria.
Del says
The hardest to clean is the tiled floor.
Leigha Campbell says
I find that the kitchen is the hardest for me to clean. It’s never ending 😕
Laura Royal says
I find that cleaner the shower is the hardest because I can never actually make it look clean.
jenny says
My entryway is tough to keep clean- with kids always going in and out!
Mandi says
I’m going to say the family car. It’s an extension of our home and gets a lot of miles with family of six.
Wendy R. says
Our tub and shower is the hardest for me to clean, along with the hard surface floors.
Amanda lea says
I hate hate hate cleaning our stone shower. I always stays sort of wet so I have to scrub it out as least once every two weeks. I use bleach which is a killer!! Would love to give this a shot and its looks futuristic lol
doug g. says
probably the kitchen. We live in a apartment and it has a too small kitchen with no-where to put anything so it gets messy fast!
Kayley says
I find the shower to be the hardest…no matter how hard I scrub, some of the soap scum remains.
Heather Bokanoski says
The space behind the toilet!! Yuck!
LoriP says
The master bathroom since all of the kids love to use it instead of their own bathroom.
Debbie says
The kitchen floor and the bathtub are the hardest to keep clean.
Tiff Cho says
The kitchen is the hardest for me
Patricia Ong says
Kitchen — it never ends!
mrsshukra says
The windows and screens are hardest!
Jen F says
I find it hard to clean the bathroom because…well it is the bathroom, but it is the laundry room too!
Maryann D. says
I find the shower area in my bathroom the hardest to clean. I feel I am trying to clean it every day.
BusyWorkingMama says
I find cleaning the bathroom to be the hardest.
Angie says
The kitchen is the hardest for me
Robin Abrams says
The bathroom is the hardest for me
Melissa Storms says
I really hate cleaning my bathrooms the most.
Jen R says
The area of my home I find the hardest to keep clean is our basement area that houses my teen sons and their bathroom!
Will G says
The kitchen. it always seems to get dirty so fast.
Rachel says
I find that cleaning my bathroom is the most challenging.
Anne says
The kitchen.
Julie says
The kitchen, it never stays clean for long.
Jay Jackson says
Bathrooms are always the worst.
latanya says
the kitchen
April Bush says
I really hate cleaning the bathroom, especially the shower.
Dandi D says
I really hate cleaning the bathroom–it’s so nasty!
joanne major says
I also hate cleanin the toilets in the house Men always miss
Clem says
Junglewife says
I hate cleaning the bathrooms.
As an aside, I understand you’re referring to “toxic” chemicals. But I hate it when people say “rid your home of chemicals”. Because literally everything is a chemical! Even plain water is a chemical!!!
Amber Ludwig says
Totally the bathroom!! So many cracks and cravasses! Pun intended lol!!
Judith Watson says
Always need cleaning tips!