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Nancy, a 5 Minutes for Books staff reviewer, is here to share her plan to read more in 2015.
I’ve heard many people this month mention how they are hoping to read more this year. Would you like to? It can be hard to add something to our plates, but it can be done.
If you’d like to add some free books to your bookshelves, check out our current giveaways
on some great novels over at 5 Minutes for Books.
In 2014 I read 93 books. 49 of those were books I read to review, either here on 5 Minutes for Mom, or on our sister site, 5 Minutes for Books, which means I managed to read 43 books for my own personal reading pleasure. And while I love getting books from publishers or publicists for the purpose of writing a review, I also have a long TBR (to be read) list over on Goodreads.
I’m sure that most of you don’t read close to 100 books like most reviewers do, but anyone can make a plan to read a bit more than last year. If I don’t have a plan on what I want to read, I either waste time trying to figure out what book will be next, or *gasp* don’t read at all.
That’s why I love challenges like the one Pop Sugar posted at the end of last year. If I take some time at the beginning of the year to make a list of what I’d like to read, I find I not only read a higher quantity of books, but also enjoy what I’m reading more as I don’t end up with some random book off the shelf at the library or at the top of the free Kindle book list that I may not really enjoy.
When I first heard about the Pop Sugar reading challenge — it was all over my Facebook feed so it was hard to avoid — I had no plans to do it: 52 books? On top of my review books? Not likely. And for logistical reasons I can’t really use review books for something like this (I did make one exception for a book I was going to read anyway but was lucky enough to also receive for review).
But I let myself loosen things up a little. I went through the unread books on my shelves, both physical and Kindle, and easily found places for them to go. You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know by Heather Sellers was an easy choice for a memoir; Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, a book I borrowed from my mother-in-law long ago, was a no-brainer for a play. Some titles were harder to come up with and took some searching but luckily Goodreads is happy to provide lists for many topics.
I also allowed myself to repeat titles. Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch works for both a book with more than 500 pages and a Pulitzer Prize winner. I picked Lois Lowry’s The Giver for a book that became a movie, and it also happens to fit as a book set in the future. And there are some titles I won’t be able to fill in until I’ve read them — I don’t know which book will make me cry or which one I’ll read in one day, though The Giver may be the only three-peat as it’s only 200 pages.
Forty-three of the non-review books I read last year were part of a similar challenge, where you read a book with a title starting with every letter of the alphabet. There are challenges to read all of the Pulitzer winners, or a book by an author from every state, or all of the banned books. I liked this challenge because there a wide variety of types of books and it’s helping me clear off my bookshelves.
If you’d like to read the books I came up with for the challenge, click on over to my blog.
Are you participating in this challenge, or another one like it? Link up in the comments below; I’d love to see your list. If you are hoping to read more in 2015, feel free to share our image on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or pin it to your goals board.
Sarah L says
I don’t think I can read more. I already read about 2- 3 books a week. Thank heavens for libraries.
Betty C says
I already read a lot. I usually read at least one book a week. I have my kindle with me all the time and read during breaks and lunch at work and if I ever have to wait for service. One example, today on a whim I stopped to get pizza before going to work and it was a 10 minute wait for preparation. I read 2 or 3 chapters in my latest book. It also helps that I’m a very fast reader.
Tammy Woodall says
Yes, I am trying to read more. It helps to be able to read reviews and not just the overview of what the book is about to enable me to make a decision if I’m going to read that book or not.
Richard Hicks says
I want to read more this year. Seems there is never enough time left in the day!
Kathy Pease says
Yes this summer I plan on doing a lot of reading out in my backyard on the swing seat
Amanda Sakovitz says
I would love to read more this year. I really haven’t found the time to yet. When I do have free time I usually have just been watching tv.
shaunie says
Absolutely! So many great books to read this year ( and last year too). It doesn’t have to be a novel, just something interesting.
Jean D. says
I’ve been a reader since forever, but I’ve strayed away from books, and am reading more on the internet. This year I’ve decided to return to books. So far so good!
Alison Gibb says
Wow, 93 books last year? That is awesome. I do plan on reading more this year. My Mom is a avid reader and she always has a great selection for me to choose from!
Tamra Phelps says
I’ve always loved to read! I bet I come pretty close to 52 books a year already, so if I read any more I’d never get anything done, lol.
Michelle D. says
Yes, definitely! I love reading and always keep a book on my nightstand to remind me to read every night before bed.
Maria C says
yes I love to read but been always lazy
Susan P. says
I read a lot and will look at all the lists to see what others I would be interested in.
Heather Hollands says
Yes, I am trying to read more. My goal is 55 books!
Rebecca Parsons says
I decided to try to read more by downloading more books on my kindle that are genre’s that I like to read. Hopefully I can stick to it.
Alison says
I would love to read more, but due to my sleep disorder I have a tendency to fall asleep doing anything really sedentary like reading. So my challenge is to find more interesting books that are stimulating enough to keep me awake, or else carve out time for reading in places where I’m less likely to doze off, like in the bathtub or outside.
Vickie Couturier says
I love to read and will try to do the challenge when I can start im not sure but im still finding time toread every nite
Toni Marie Caravello Feimer says
I am not participating in the challenge but would love to read more in 2015. Once I get past a surgery and a housing issues, will do more reading. Thanks for the reminder.
clarissa says
i would love to but homeschooling 4 children has me so busy reading and preparing their stuff that I dont’ really get to read on my own (plus I have 3 other children that are not in school yet)
Misty says
Yes I am trying to read more out of the Word of God making time daily for this!
Jodi says
I am going to try and read more this year. I didn’t read hardly at all last year.
Barbara Montag says
Yes I am trying to read more this year.
Reading is a great relaxation break for me.
thank you
Dana Rodriguez says
I would really like to but I don’t know when I would have the time!
Karen Glatt says
I need to tell you, but I always read every day! I love reading and I read History books, cookbooks, magazines, and biographies. I check all my books out at the library!
breanna pollard says
sure am
Meagan bs says
i’d love to read more books in 2015, but i’m starting school and i’m not sure how i’ll find the time.
Nicole D says
I am trying to read more on my kindle, and get the most use out of it, since I have not been using it as much as I thought I would. I always try to read new genes of books.
Cheryl says
I’m not trying to read more. I’d love to find time for books, but I’m burned out with all the blog, email, and newsletter reading.
Dawn says
One small part of my reading this year will be to fulfill the categories in An Unconventional Librarian’s 2015 #DiversityReadingChallenge. My 14 year old son is planning out books to read over the year that fit this challenge as well. I often search online or make my own versions of reading BINGO charts for my younger kids, too, so they can join in the fun. 🙂