At the Ultimate Blog Party 2011, we are offering a new featured prize sponsorship opportunity.
*** UPDATE: Featured Prize Sponsor Spots Now Wait Listing ***
Each featured prize will be a $100 Visa Gift Card sponsored by a blogger or company. As a featured prize sponsor, you’ll have your name and link on the main Ultimate Blog Party 2011 Party Post.
While the standard prizes will be listed on a separate prize page and the winners drawn from the prize entry form submissions, this year we will include a featured prize for each MckLinky List and one for the Comments section.
There will be one prize for each of the six MckLinky Lists for Categories of Blogs, the MckLinky for Twitter Handles, the MckLinky for Facebook Pages and one for the Comments section.
Each of the feature prize sponsors will agree to provide their winner with a $100 Visa Gift Card. These feature prize sponsor spots cost $100 each.
Remember as a feature prize sponsor, you will have your name and link on our MAIN PARTY POST.
Considering the enormous traffic and page rank awarded to that page, the advertising opportunity is hugely discounted and will likely be sold very, very quickly. *** UDPDATE – Currently Full, but still provide info for waitlist ***
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
Also, last year we had a Grand Prize of a Laptop sponsored by Toshiba. If you would like to be considered for a Grand Prize sponsorship, please let us know.
If you are interested in gaining greater exposure and promotion through the Ultimate Blog Party, we’d love to discuss other event sponsorship options with you. Contact us.
Grab Your Featured Spot By Filling Out The Form Below…
Once you’ve filled out the form, check your email and click through on the validation email as quickly as you can as we’ll be awarding those spots on a first come first serve basis. This form does NOT count submissions, so we will email you to let you know if you got one of the nine spots.
If you would like to submit a prize listing for FREE, please fill out the UBP 2011 Prize Submission Form here.