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I’m sneaking in this “Works for me Wednesday” just before the end of the day…
I was doing my evening blogosphere rounds, and I found Chaotic Home’s brilliant idea for this “Works for Me Wednesday” post started by Rocks In My Dryer.
I just loved Chaotic Home’s tip – make sure you check it out – and after reading it, I quickly hopped over to Rocks in my Dryer. Totally inspired by these ladies’ wisdom, I decided I must share their ideas with you in case you hadn’t already seen them.
As for my idea – well I phoned Susan (techie twin and the other half of 5 Minutes for Mom) and asked her if she could think of anything that worked. So she suggested her daughter’s favorite “toy.”
Yes, 11 month old Julia has
a house full of toys, but her favorite toy – the one item sure to fascinate, entertain and calm her down, even in the middle of the night – is a plastic bowl, complete with lid, filled with puzzle pieces.
She will shake, open, remove and replace for endless entertainment.
Go figure… but it works for us.
Susan says
Yes, children are so brilliant aren’t they?
It is so funny how she attached to this “toy” and how it calms her down even when she is having an enormous “I-Can’t-Sleep-And-I’m-Mad” temper tantrum.
Gibee says
That’s hilarious!!! It’s the small things that entertain children, isn’t it??? And of course … why not … it makes sound, it moves, you can touch it, take it apart, put it together, open the lid, close the lid, shake it some more …
See? Even I had fun with this idea!!! LOL!