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Julie is dreaming of getting her eyelids fixed with plastic surgery.
What do you think she should do?
What do you think of plastic surgery? Would you ever do it? Do you think others should? What would you say to your daughter if she wanted cosmetic surgery?
Julie started a conversation on Say It Face To Face asking those tough questions. Here’s her video…
You can leave a comment here with your thoughts on plastic surgery, but BETTER YET add a reply to Julie over at Say It Face To Face.
You can watch my reply to Julie at Say It Face To Face.
I can’t wait to hear what you have to say…
Lisa says
There are a few things I am not so happy with, but I don’t think I could do it just to change the way I look.
Now if I had scars because of an accident of some sort, I probably would.
Casual Friday Every Day says
If I knew I’d come out of the surgery alive (!) and knew it would look good, then yes.
One surgery I’m strongly considering is lasik eye surgery…
Melissa O. says
I have the ugliest saggy stretchmarky tummy ever. I have 3 kids and want1 more but though it seems only a fantasy, I dream of having a normal tummy again one day. One I wouldn’t be ashamed to let anyone see. I even feel embaressed in front of hubby because it’s just so loose and baggy. I think a tummy tuck would be great but I doubt I could ever afford one. I think plastic surgery is ok but some women abuse it.
Vivi says
For medical reasons, to ease pain, yes, I am for plastic surgery. Otherwise, no. Fake is fake.
faerylandmom says
I think plastic surgery is a sticky, personal issue. However, it was invented to help victims of accidents who had been disfigured in some way, and in that way, is a wonderful gift of medicine. Personally, though I don’t think it’s wrong for someone to choose plastic surgery for non-medical reasons–to each her own–I don’t know that I fully understand why someone would go that route if there were no medical reason.
I have struggled a lot with my body image since I had children. I went from a size 7 to a size 12ish after having four children. I am not overweight, but motherhood has definitely left its mark! My oldest is six, my youngest is two, and I have only come to a place of true contentment with my body in the last year.
I used to think a tummy tuck or laser work on my stretch marks (which are many and HUGE) would be nice. Now…not so much.
A few weeks ago, my four-year-old daughter was tickling my tummy, and asked why it was so squishy. I told her it was because it was all stretched out from carrying each of them for awhile, and that it just shows that I’m a mommy. She was quiet for a moment, then said to me, with a big smile on her face, “Mommy, when I grow up and have babies, I hope my tummy looks just like yours!”
I nearly cried. I wouldn’t change my badge of motherhood for anything…I still have days where I think it would be nice to lose a little weight/have a little less sag/be able to wear a bikini/etc. Then, I remember my daughter’s admiration of my “mom tummy”, and I smile, and let go.
Auriette says
I would only have plastic surgery if I had a terrible accident or if I was experiencing problems, like if my eyelids drooped the point where I couldn’t see well. I don’t like pain; even having a shot is an ordeal for me. Yes I’m a wimp, but it means I’m not going to consider plastic surgery just for looks!
Jennifer McCullar says
I’ve had 2 breast reductions, to read more about my story here:
Hillary--Mrs. Einstein says
Honestly, I don’t really know how I feel about it. I know there are things about my body I’d like to change, but I also know that for me, plastic surgery is not an option. I guess it’s a personal decision, but not one that I’d ever make for myself. For me, I don’t really like the image it would portray to my daughters, that mommy didn’t like her body so she changed it. With everything else I’m going to face while raising my girls (especially the body-image concerns), that is one conversation about myself I don’t want to have.
In full disclosure, though, I have had plastic surgery on my chin, but it was part of a bigger, necessary medical procedure. It wasn’t fully cosmetic, and I was a minor at the time.
Tiffany says
Absolutely 100% YES!! I’ve already let my hubby know that once we are done have kiddos a tummy tuck will be in order and possibly a breast lift.
I had my breasts done a few years ago and it was THE best decision I ever made! I have never regretted it! It boosted my self esteem and allowed me to finally be comfortable in my own skin.
Shirley says
I had my eyelids done several years ago and have never regretted it. I had developed bags and my lids were getting droopy, looking older than the rest of my face. I told my surgeon that I didn’t want that deer in the headlights look…like I was permanently alarmed. I wanted a natural look and that’s exactly what I got. People just say that retirement really agrees with me, not “Did you have work done?”
I think people (and that includes men) should do what makes them feel better. It is a very personal decision and I would never say a person should not get it done. Of course, there are those who are addicted to cosmetic surgery and that is just sad. They will never be satisfied with the way they look no matter how many procedures they have done.
Michelle says
I’ve never gotten plastic surgery because I’ve never had the $ to throw away…IF I won the lottery I might, it’d be nice to have bigger boobs than my 12 year olds, and maybe get rid of the bump on my nose…I’d like a tummy tuck, but that’s major surgery, I’ve taken care of tummy tuckers at the hospital…not sure I’m willing to have that pain! I’ll stay fluffy I think!
Mary says
If I could lose baby weight and had the $$$, I’d get a tummy tuck and boob lift.
Steph says
Actually… I would love to reclaim my “girls” one of these days. It would be nice to not have to do the “tuck and roll” manuever in order to put a bra on.
Badger Momma says
I used to think ‘no, never’. Now, I’d love to get a little work done. I don’t feel old until I see a picture of myself. Would love to get a little rejuvenation here and there done so that I look a little younger like I feel.
ClumberKim says
I had plastic surgery (breast reduction) and my only regret is not doing it 20 years sooner.
Shelly says
I had a form of plastic surgery; I had reduction surgery and I am happy that I had it. My back was in unbelievable pain and I was always uncomfortable. If it’s for medical reasons, I’m all for it. But I think some people get carried away with surgery. If it makes you look plastic in the face like some of those stars do on t.v., you’re going too far.
Shaun says
I have no problem with minor plastic surgery. I’m not a fan of the women that get their boobs done, just to have bigger boobs, especially the ones that get them HUGE! I also don’t like it when people get face lift after face lift till their faces don’t move (Joan Rivers). But a tummy tuck to fix the mommy flab, eye lids, liposuction, bring it on!
julie says
no never had any…but would think about a tummy tuck since I’ve had 5 kids.Not against it at all.