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I am late for almost everything. The problem can sometimes be traced back to procrastination, but usually it is because I have too much to do and I am trying to cram too many things into too short of a time span. (According to my husband I am time dyslexic.)
Like today for example – my to-do list is impossibly long and the clock refuses to slow down. I am in trouble!
You see, tomorrow morning we have to go away for a weekend trip with my in-laws. But I haven’t even packed nor done my son’s laundry yet! (I shouldn’t have visited all my WW commentors today – but I feel terrible when I don’t get to them all.) I still need to write my post for Faith Lifts on Saturday as well as tidy up all the toys still scattered all over the house!
Oh my… it is going to be a late night!
eastcoastlife says
Procrastination! That’s me!
Just drop by to say :
Happy New Year!!!!
From a Singapore blogging chick
Christina says
Join the club. I think they should totally do away with time.
Liza says
Oh…. my life story… always seems to be running out of time….
I just blogged about my clutter. I think I’ll joing you guys on Tackle it Tuesday…(I’m about to tackle it now but will post about it on TuesdaY).
Rena says
I’m with you. Procrastination is my middle name when it comes to doing things I don’t like. And it’s a hard thing to overcome. Hope you enjoy your weekend away…and Happy New Year!!
mcewen says
Busy! Oh yes very……I’m trying to work out how we can ‘pretend’ that we live on the East Coast so that we can see the New Year in at 9 p.m. and then crawl into bed without anyone noticing.
Carol says
You’ll make it. I know your type; the save-it-all-until-the-last-minute-then -freak-out-about-it type.
Takes one to know one.
Sarah says
Ahhh, the aftermath of Christmas. You should see my ironing pile, like the Leaning Tower of Piza, lol. Hope you get all your jobs done.
Heather says
Heh, I could have written this myself! Us creative minds tend to over do it sometimes, forgetting that time does not grow with our schedules!
Have fun with your family this weekend!
Stacey says
I am sure you got it done. 🙂
Cheri says
Thanks for making time to stop by my site. And yes, I’m behind too – notice I just posted about Christmas day? Which means even though I’m behind blogging, I still haven’t finished the laundry, or restoring the guest room since my sister left, or…..
eph2810 says
Girl – you need to slow down…Cut some stuff off your list my dear friend…
nicole says
I am always running late when it comes to packing to go out of town. It is just a hard thing to do – FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!! It is always the mom’s job to make sure everything is packed and I just think that is alot for one person. You’ll get it done. Have a safe trip.
Tracy Hurst says
Janice- I’m right there with you! I just returned home from visiting my family over Christmas and the laundry is piled up, I am utterly sleep deprived, yet here I am looking at blog sites at nearly 10 p.m. I am so thankful for God’s never ending grace and strength! Isaiah 40 states that God never grows weary or tired! I pray God energy for us all! Blessings!
Jenny says
I can so relate. My middle name is procrastination.