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Now it’s your turn…
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday.
Technorati Tag: Wordless Wednesday
Written by Janice.
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by Janice
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Now it’s your turn…
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday.
Technorati Tag: Wordless Wednesday
Written by Janice.
Remember to sign up for our RSS Feed.
Janice is co-founder of 5 Minutes For Mom. She's been working online since 2003 and is thankful her days are full of social media, writing and photography.
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Lorie Shewbridge says
What a fantastic shot, he looks so happy.
Cathi says
And with such excitement!!
If only kids looked that excited when they go to high school. LOL!!
Jenna says
I keep seeing all these school kids and know before I blink, my babies are going to be in school!
Brandy says
Happy WW! Love that pic!! I have a second grader this year too!!
ShaRhonda Crow says
He is very cute! I have a third grader, so I know about catching those pics! LOL! Anyway, I am playing along, but my blog is private. Would love to add you as a reader! Just email me!
Catherine says
Man does he look excited to be starting the 2nd grade. I don’t think I was ever that excited to start any grade.
imother2.0 says
sooooo ready!
Twisted Cinderella says
Happy WW! What a great smile! I played today: – Seriously cute!
homemom3 says
always fun to watch them start that first day, brings back memories doesn’t it.
Naomi says
I know it’s silly but I love that they say “grade two” instead of “second grade” in Canada…
MommyNamedApril says
what a big guy 🙂
Parenting Pink says
Love the shot! It’s tough to get a picture of them when they get older! LOL
Rhea says
What a great shot! He looks so excited. Hope he had a great day.
Gahome2mom says
At least, he is all smiles and excited. lol Great shot! 🙂
Petula says
That’s a delightful picture. I hope he has a good first day!
Jingle says
Wow! He’s ready, huh?!
Shannon (The Mommy-Files) says
I love the picture! This is my son’s first day of Kindergarten, so I’m nervous but excited for him!
Stefany says
He looks happy to be starting school! Great photo!
Stacie says
Look at that smile!
TwentySomethingMomma says
Exciting! Love his expression in this picture – if only that back-to-school enthusiasm lasted all year long, though… LOL!
Happy WW!
shelly says
What a great face! Glad he seems to like school so far.
AmyG says
He looks like he’s thrilled to be starting a new year! I hope he has a great one!
Danielle says
What a great picture! Was he being chased to get on the bus? Ha Ha!
Kara says
YAY for catching him!!
Gattina says
That’s an important event !
angie says
he sure did have a great smile though great that he is that siked for school
here is mine
Cascia says
That’s a great shot! I hope he has a wonderful school year.
Amy says
He looks happy to start school.
HaB says
What a great photo to have to remember the moment!
Stephanie says
Ahhh…atleast he’s excited about going!
ali says
Yep, I sent a 2nd grader off into the big, wide world a couple of weeks ago, sniff, sniff. Love the picture–he looks excited to go!
Dexie says
they grow up too fast….
Maria says
He looks so excited that I’m excited for him.
Staci says
Look at all that excitement!!!
Cindi says
Cute! I miss seeing my kids off on the first day of school!
Melanie says
LOL, love this shot! What a great capture!
Courtney says
What a doll!
The Gang's Momma says
Ha Ha! Is that joy or terror?! 🙂 It’s a fun picture, regardless!
Deb says
He looks ready to go!
jen says
Love the excitement in his face. Hope his day went well.
LT says
And he doesn’t look happy about it at all! Great picture!
Andrea McMann says
Wow! He looks super excited! Hope he has a fantastic second grade year!!
CrAzY Working Mom says
I love that smile! Great shot. I hope he’s enjoying school. 🙂
Happy WW.
Shan says
Boy, he looks happy! LOL
Great shot. 🙂
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) says
I love that shot!
Here’s hoping Princess Nagger looks that happy going into 2nd grade – 1st grade she’s not so happy about…
Happy WW! 🙂
Susie's Homemade says
What a stinker!!! Let Mommy take the picture:-)
Rob says
LOL. Cool Picture. Hope you son is enjoying the 2nd grade. My son just started 1st grade and not liking it so much.
Kat says
Awesome! I love first-day-of-school photos! 🙂 Ours have to wear uniforms … I wish I could send them to school all dressed in clothes that reflect their personalities! That’s a great photo!!
PhoenixTheBloggingMama says
What a great shot, I have the same issue with my four year old! lol
crunchy domestic goddess (amy) says
what a great capture even if he was running away. 😉
Melissa says
Someone’s a little camera shy huh!
Kasey says
How fun! Mine started preschool last week. I took a million shots of her. Not sure how many more years she tolerate that! LOL
Leslie- La Mama Naturale says
Such a cute action shot! He looks excited! 2nd grade…ahh…the memories!
Buckeroomama says
There goes my hope that taking photos of the kids will get easier when they get older…
Sara Bonds says
He is too too cute. I love the look of joy on his face.
My post today is close to my heart. I welcome you all to learn a little more about me.
Corey~livingandloving says
gotta love the back to school excitement. 🙂
Maddy says
Hey you got his face, that’s more than I can usually manage.
debi b says
OMGOSH! He just looks so thrilled! If only all kids were that happy every day to go to school 🙂
Happy WW!
Heather says
He looks very excited!
Janelle says
Looks like you caught him! Cute.
Kiki says
Congrats to your 2nd grader. My lil’ guy goes back to school tomorrow. We are very excited for k4. Great teachers and some friends from last year are in his class. Happy WW and take care.
Michelle says
You got a great shot! He looks so excited!
Tonya says
Oh I love this shot is has alot of personality! Much better than a posed shot!!
kristin says
Kaila started preschool. Her thing as of now is airplane. LOL 🙂
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
I love your “can’t catch me” caption – his expression says it all! 🙂
Mine is also first day of school related this year – first and third grade for us. And preschool for Becca next week – can’t believe it!
Staci A says
How exciting! Hope he had a great first day!
Gabriel says
My kids also went back to school today, and they looked as happy as that handsome young man…
fidget says
The older they get the faster they get! I’m surprised you were able to catch him 😉
Jen says
Fantastic photo! Happy WW!