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With the new year, there are all sorts of resolutions, so many of which center around eating better. I’m in that camp, not surprisingly. I know what I need to do. My biggest issue is that I need to eat more fruits and veggies and find ways that are fun to make them. The Raw Food Detox: Revitalize and Rejuvenate With These Delicious Low-calorie Recipes to Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your Energy Levels, by Anya Ladra of Raw Fairies in the UK, is a great start to this.
Raw Food Detox is a cookbook, but it’s more than that. I’m fascinated by the concept of raw foods because the less processed the better in my world. But I’m new to it. And it’s intimidating. Anya Ladra has put together a great introductory textbook that shows you how to go through a detox if you so choose – with three variations – that includes what to eat and when. Given that much of it requires eating every two or so hours, that part isn’t for me. But I’ll take what I can.
I appreciate that the introduction of the book includes a listing of all the “powerhouse” ingredients that are used throughout the book and their benefits. She also includes an index in the back of the book with suggestions on where to find some of the more unusual ingredients. One thing I appreciate is that while doing a raw diet can certainly assist in weight loss, that isn’t the focus of the book. It’s far more on the increase in energy and promotion of better sleep patterns and improvements in skin quality. I can get behind that.
The book contains a ton of recipes for raw foods that I would likely never have thought of on my own. I strongly appreciate that below each recipe is a note of what equipment is needed. While I have a spiralizer (which is generally optional) and a blender, I don’t have a dehydrator, and I’m not likely to go buy one at the moment. I know which recipes I can and cannot make with a quick skim.
And a lot of the recipes are fascinating. I would never have thought to make a mango smoother with turmeric, but it sounds delicious. The full color photos of each recipe provide a great visual and also help me decide if it is a dish I want to prepare or not. The sweet potato and courgette (zucchini) salad with arame and bean sprouts is one I’ll be adding to my regular repertoire, although I’ll buy my sprouts rather than sprouting the beans myself. I made the avocado and tomato salad with red pepper chili dressing, and it’s amazing. It isn’t just salads though. There are appetizers and main dishes and even desserts. The brownie squares are going on my list of items to make.
Personally, I love that I have a cookbook filled with items that I know are dairy free, so Little Miss can eat them without concern. They are also gluten free, but many rely on nuts – because you need protein – so if you have a nut allergy in the house, this will be limiting, though there are still plenty of recipes that don’t include nuts.
You can enter to win a copy for yourself! Just leave a comment below, by following the instructions in the rafflecopter.
In the interest of disclosure, Michelle received a copy of the book for review. All opinions remain her own.
Written by 5 Minutes for Books contributor Michelle who loves spending time in the kitchen and is always striving to find a healthier way for herself and her two children. Her husband is on his own. See what she’s been cooking up on her blog Honest & Truly! or follow along on Twitter where she is also @HonestAndTruly.
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
more organic
vmkids3 at msn dot com
dawn cook says
trying to eat healthier and give up diet soda
jacqueline says
trying to cut out sugars!
emily l says
Im trying to cut back on processed foods and sodas. I’m all ready a vegetarian.
[email protected]
Jason says
I am eating more fruits
Garrett says
More water, fruits & veggies in my diet.
Sarah Bjo says
I am trying to eat more real food, less processed junk
Melissa Eisenman says
Cutting out the sweets! I already eat VERY well, so I am just cutting out that sometimes dessert after the kids go to bed!
cathy henatyszen says
I try to eat healthy all the time, so all I could do is add more good stuff
carol says
would love to know more about this
Don says
This detox book sounds like a good idea for me to try.
Ginger G. says
I’m including more veggies!
cassandra mccann says
no i have not
Wendi P says
I have been really cutting back on animal products and trying to more whole foods instead. It is all about retraining my taste buds. Thanks for the chance to win!
Vera Khule says
Upping the greens. No sugar or white flour at all.
Danny Rubio says
Healthy detox book = healthy life…
Thank you…
Single Dad Danny
[email protected]
rebeka deleon says
i am trying to eat healthier than last year.
Serena Powell says
I am trying to cut back on dairy products.
Realia M says
more fruits and veggies for me
Chuck says
My wife would want me to cut down on my salting everything that I eat.
drina m. says
I am trying to eat less sugar.
janice says
I’m watching the amount of sodium I eat.
Randi Poole says
I have been working with a trainer and making sure I eat small meals throughout the day as opposed to one large one
Lynn Savage says
This year I’m cutting out processed foods and trying desperately hard to cut out fizzy drinks.
katie o. says
Eating a larger variety of veggies. We’re already vegetarians, but the types we eat aren’t varied much. =\
Lori D. says
To stay away from junk food.
Gina B says
Putting in more veggies – learning to cook main dishes with them, and my next challenge will be cooking with beans. All to reduce the meat!
Tamra H says
My husband and I are eating in a lot more often, eating more fruits and veggies, more whole grain. And most importantly for us, eating less!
maria elena says
i am already vegan… so i want to go more RAW vegan.
HilLesha says
I’m starting to eat more organic food.
Jill H. says
I am eating more fruits and veggies and less fried foods
Ttrockwood says
I am maintaining my healthy vegan diet while adding fresh vegetble based juice from my new juicer to pack in more nutrients! This cookbook look so awesome!
Cassandra Eastman says
We are watching what we eat much closer, not eating out. More fresh fruits and veggies and watching our carb intake!
Christine says
No fried foods
Jen V says
I am trying to add a lot more vegetables to my diet. I plan to start each day with a green smoothie.
Sarah says
We’re trying to introduce new foods, especially new veggies, into our rotation
jenny stade says
I have been trying to eat healthy. But i am also very interested in the “raw” food idea. 🙂
Sadie says
We are trying to eat more green veggies and soups.
nichol tone says
I’m trying to eat hesalthy
screwnicolas says
Most of the times, trying to eat more fresh veggies! Avoiding heavy calorie intake foods!!
Laura Lane says
Lots more veggies. Cutting out most processed foods.
Jessica T says
I started counting calories
Brandy Wilmoth says
Yes I am! I’ve started using MyFitnessPal on my phone to keep track of my eating habits. It’s incredible when you realize how bad most foods are and how much of them you eat in a day!
Bluerose says
After a bad test result, I was scared into trying to cook from scratch more and cook with less sugar. We’re eating less processed foods lately.
June says
More fish and a lot less red meat in my diet.
Ginny says
Eating more fruits & veggies. I’m also tracking my eating on sparkpeople. Makes me think about what I’m eating. Do I really want to log that in?? LOL
Sarah says
Would love a chance to win this book, thanks for the giveaway.
Am gluten intolerant and am always looking for new good recipes!
Daniel M says
trying to stay away from junk food
riTa says
I am very interested in this subject.
My sister-in-law is battling cancer and totally changed her diet and life style and lost much weight. Looks great, glows!
Chava says
I would love to learn more
Christine says
I am actually trying to eat plant-based so I would LOVE this!!!
amyc says
Eating more fruits and veggies and less sugar.
Rhonda C says
Eating more raw foods, Nothing out of a box.
angie says
trying hard to eat better learning some of the best way to eat was the farmers way my grandparents ate when I was a kid
Brittany says
I am trying to eat healthier by cutting out processed foods. Thanks for the chance to win.
Heather Hayes Panjon says
Eating Fresh Fruits And Veggies
Angela E. says
Fruits, veggies, homemade soups, and rice.
amy v says
i’m trying to eat less processed foods!
[email protected]
Heather! says
My NY resolution was to use more healthful ingredients in our meals, and to use fewer harmful ones. It’s a fairly simple step, but an important one, and it’s going well so far! This would certainly help support those efforts.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Charlene S says
Eating more fruits and veggies.
Leslie Galloway says
We’re trying to eat more fresh veggies, and just more fruits and veggies overall.
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (
DebbieKL says
I am trying to make more of an effort to eat raw foods. I do believe they are best and would love to get some recipe ideas!
Denise M says
i am cutting out sugar and processed foods
Anne W. says
I’m cutting way back on processed foods and sweets (other than fruit).
heather says
No fried foods thank you for the wonderful giveaway happy new year.
Marnie Byod says
That looks so great and delicious. What I really love when it comes to cooking is that I can explore even more and I am happy of course.
Anne says
Plenty of vegetable soups, salads and great grilled veggies.