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As the weather gets just plain frozen, I am dreaming about Jamaican paradise… Seriously if Jamaica is NOT on your bucket list, it needs to be! It is just plain incredible. I must go back! Somehow, I must get back there soon.
If you want to see more photos from my trip to Jamaica, you can check out my Jamaica photos on Flickr. And you can check out these hashtags on Twitter: #visitjamaica #halfmoonjamaica.
Have you been to Jamaica? Is visiting Jamaica on your bucket list?
What is Your Weekly Photo?
Mom Bloggers (and Dad Bloggers too!) post a photo on your site, link up and find others… Wordless Wednesday is tons of fun. (And I know it says “wordless” but I usually just can’t bear to not write anything! If I had created it, I probably would have named it something different! LOL So feel to link up your word-full or word-less Wednesday photos!)
Leave the URL to your photo (clearly mine are never truly “wordless”) and then visit others!
Here is a fun thumbnail linky:
And here is a basic link:
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday.
Written by Janice, co-founder of this Mom Blog 5 Minutes for Mom
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Twisted Cinderella says
Such a lovely pic! It is beautiful!
Better late than never! I am up with my WW for this week!
Wendy [mapsgirl] says
Wow! That water is so blue!!! I’m ready to run away…..
Cathi says
We went on a cruise for our honeymoon and stopped in Jamaica. Gorgeous!
Lolli says
That place looks unreal! Gorgeous!
Maya says
I’ve never been to Jamaica. This picture makes me want to visit now!
another jennifer says
Jamaica isn’t on my bucket list, but it might be now! Beautiful pic.
Happy WW!
Melanie says
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Someday I would love to go there!
Anitra says
Oh, I’d so rather be there right now! You take the best photos!!
@DWYDiM - Karen Nelson says
This is going to have to go on my Pinterest board! I love it.
@PamelaMKramer - A Renaissance Woman says
Looks fantastic to me! So relaxing. Makes me want to just plop down and watch the water.
Kristi {at} Live and Love Out Loud says
So beautiful! What I wouldn’t give to escape and soak in the sun right now…
Gabriel says
I haven’t been able to link to your WW posts lately. I’m not sure of why, but I never see the link after I enter it, and if I try to do it again it says it’s duplicated. Who knows…
Happy WW!
Gabriel says
And of course… now I see it! 🙂
Jennifer says
I want to go – how ’bout now? 😉
Tarasview says
oh you have NO idea how much I would love to go to Jamaica someday!! sigh. What a lovely dream 🙂
Amanda says
What a beautiful picture. Now you have me dreaming of somewhere warm!