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The R-word hurts. when you choose to use the word, retarded, it offends, it upsets and it HURTS.
“Most people don’t think of this word as hate speech, but that’s exactly what it feels like to millions of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and friends. Using “retard” as a term of derision is just as cruel and offensive as any other slur.
Spread the Word to End the Word will raise the consciousness of society about the dehumanizing and hurtful effects of the R-word and encourage people to pledge to stop using it. America will be asked to declare their support for more respectful and inclusive language, specifically that referring to those with intellectual disabilities.”
Please join us in pledging support for “End the R-word Day”!
Here are a few simple things you can do to Spread the Word:
- Update your personal Facebook status to read, “I’ve pledged to end the R-word at” so that all your friends will see your commitment to end the R-word and then be able to click right thru to make their pledge!
- Update your personal Facebook picture with this image.
(to save, just click “file” then “save page as” then “save”) This will be another way to raise awareness to your friends when they see in their news feed that you’ve updated your profile pic. - Are you on Twitter? Be sure to tweet the same status message as above, “I’ve pledged to end the R-word at” or “How often do you use the word retarded? It’s time to stop. Spread the word to end the word on 3.31 – #rword” to let your followers know about the pledge. Also, use the #rword hashtag to have your tweets aggregated into our #rword Tweetstream and be sure to join the Tweet Chat from 4-5pm at and share your R-word stories.
- Subscribe to the You Tube Channel and reply to the feature video with your video about the R-word!
The time to make a difference is now, and together we can all Spread the Word to End the R-word!
Storm says
I signed the pledge last week and already have the button posted on my blog.
casual friday everyday says
I’ve always cringed when I’ve heard that word. Just like when people make off handed comments about, “that’s so bi polar” or “i’m feeling schizophrenic today”. None of it helps people who are living with mental illness or disabilities feel any better about themselves.
Angela says
Thank you for spreading the word! I have it up on my site as well.
Kara says
I just want to share that having 2 children with high functioning autism has made this the most painful of words. I am so touched by this posting. I pray that everyone will take, and follow through, this challenge.
Heidi says
Thank you for spreading the word about this very hurtful word. I also posted on this topic today:
Maddy says
HOrray! I’ve nearly done mine. I meant to post it over the weekend but I was overtaken by events. Well done you.