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Lolli here…
Today is my kids’ last day of school for the season. Tomorrow we wake up to summer break (and you’d better believe I’ll be turning all of my alarms off!). Summer for me means more time outside AND more people in the house for more hours every day.
Since my kids are all school aged right now (elementary school, middle school, and high school), they practically spend more time away from the house than they do at home. Now that everyone is home for the summer, I really do need to start thinking differently. How perfect that June is Home Safety Month. It’s time for ALL of us to take a closer look at how safe our home environment is.
Making a home safer doesn’t have to be difficult or confusing. Learn as much as you can about how to make a home free from dangers and assess the risks of others who live there. Then take the time to update your safety products and home safety plan. Safety really can be simple.
This week, I was invited to take a free home safety audit from Kidde. When I started the questions, I honestly expected to do pretty well. Boy was I shocked to score a low 57% safe on my audit. I obviously have a LOT of things to take care of around my house to make it more safe for the kids.
Now that I’ve completed my home audit, I’ve made a list of the things that I need to replace, fix, or buy new. Here are a few of the things high on my list:
- Replace all batteries in smoke detectors and check all dates
- Buy smoke detectors for rooms that don’t have them (especially bedrooms)
- Purchase a rod to block the sliding glass door from being opened
- Reorganize the medicine cabinets and make sure that all of the medicines have childproof lids AND are out of reach
- Buy escape ladders for the bedrooms
A few minutes of repair today can save a trip to the doctor tomorrow.
Photo source: Smoke detector photo from BigStock Photo. The happy summer kid photo was taken by me.
Anonymous says
ブランドスーパーコピーバッグ、財布、靴、時計各種のブランドは表して、かばん複製品をコピーしますルイヴィトバッグ コピールイヴィトン財布 コピールイヴィトン長財布 コピーブランド偽物、偽物ブランド、ルイヴィトンコピー、 ロレックスコピー、シャネルコピー、グッチコピー、エルメスコピー、 ボッテガ?ヴェネタコピー、 バーバリーコピー、ミュウミュウコピー、トリーバーチコピー、バレンシアガコピー、ディオールコピー、ブルガリコピー、ブラダコピー、 ドルチェ&ガッバーナコピー、オメガコピー、フランク ミュラーコピー、gagaコピー。ルイヴィトン 時計 コピールイヴィトン 靴 コピールイヴィトン アクセサリー コピールイヴィトン 小物入れ コピールイヴィトン コインケース当店の全ての商品は、全部一番安い値段で販売いたします!ご来店を期待しております!
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Anonymous says
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assignment pedia says
Sometimes is is difficult to find the place you can do this, but it is there.
paige jagan says
we dont even own one fire extinguisher! what was i thinking??
shirley zolenski says
There are a few areas that need attention but I need to quit putting off getting that fire extinguisher
Patrice says
I scored a 78%. Our kitchen needs some improvement!
Johnny says
I am a Home Safety Silver Medalist! We have chimney but we don’t use them.
Gina Ferrell says
I need more fire extinguishers. I am a Home Safety Silver Medalist!
Heather W says
Smoke detector on every floor needs attention. None in our basement
Debra F says
I need a fire extinguisher in the kitchen
Renee Richardson says
You scored 40% on this audit. You are a Home Safety Spectator!
I know my kitchen needs a lot of attention. Thanks for the awesome giveaway 🙂
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
Jeremy S says
I scored 73% and it said “You care about safety but may have forgotten to fix a few things along the way.”
jjsell76 at yahoo dot com
Roxann Clark says
need more extinguishers
Marlene V says
I don’t have any fire extinguishers in our house — time to get one
Lindsey says
Wow! I scored a 60%! It seems we need to have a little more childproofing and check our alert systems more often.
elaine b says
i have one Fire extinguishers. but would feel better having one more
Erica C. says
Our kitchen could be helped.
christal c says
I need more attention in the attached garage
christal c says
fire extinguishers in there
Van says
I need to purchase one more fire extinguisher.
Dana123 says
Our garage needs some special attention.
s riches says
We need another fire extinguisher and a carbon monoxide detector.
Brenda Elsner says
We need fire extinguishers and updated testers.
candace swoveland says
dangg my house needs it everywhere how awful
Joe C. says
Need extinguishers throughout the house.
Joe C. says
Another time I thought I knew more than I actually did.
Sarah says
I scored 65% – safe but not sound. Need ladder from second story for escape.
Christy Weller says
I need more extinguishers
[email protected]
renee walters says
We need to get a carbon monoxide detector!
Jessica A says
I need to put some work into outlets and only one high voltage appliance and putting plastic caps in the outlets when not in use.
[email protected]
Gianna says
My kitchen is one.
Meghan Finley says
You are a Home Safety Spectator!
Brittney House says
The upstairs hallway!
Carla says
We need new fire extinguishers.
Whitney Lindeman says
We need to get an extinguisher and new smoke detectors.
Caitlin McClure says
we need smoke detectors
carol lewis says
Our downstairs bedrooms.
Trevor C. says
a fire pole to get from 2nd floor to the 1st floor in seconds
Angela W says
The basment does not have a smoke alarm
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
You scored 88% on this audit. You are a Home Safety Gold Medalist!
Ani says
We need an extinguisher.
Shirley Hicks says
we need to replace our smoke detectors in the entire house
Tim says
I am a Home Safety Bronze Medalist. I do not think I passed the audit.
June says
I subscribe by email.
June says
I know I need to check batteries more often and run test’s on the smoke alarms.
trisha mckee says
I need fire extinguishers upstairs.
r hicks says
got a 75% score. Could use additional CO detectors in basement
brich22 at earthlink dot net
409cope says
We need to add a few fire extinguishers.
Jeff says
We need a few more things for home too.
Erin E says
I need more fire extinguishers. Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Erin E
busymom369 at gmail dot com
dani marie says
we got a 70% but we totally need a carbon monoxide detector.
We need more extinguishers
Deborah M says
Yikes! We only scored a 53%. We need more fire extinguishers
Wendy says
“You scored 65% on this audit. You are a Home Safety Bronze Medalist!” We need to plug in our carbon monoxide detector, which we haven’t since moving.
Breanne says
I got a 73% but I need to get fire extinguishers.
Alicia says
I need a fire extinguisher
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Jennifer says
“You scored 33% on this audit. You are a Home Safety Spectator!”
Yikes.. I think I have a lot to work on – everywhere! 🙁
Caroline Morin says
Our master bedroom definitely needs one.
Pauline Milner says
Actually, I found that we are well covered in all areas. We are a very safety concious household.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
Mary Calabrese says
we need to upgrade on smoke detectors.
Denise B. says
We could use one in the garage.
brandy g. says
Do not have a extinguisher. Need to get one
Miz Vickik says
We need fire extinguishers~
Kyl Neusch says
work on Fire Extinguishers
Candice Hull says
68%–wow. We don’t have any carbon monoxide detectors and live in a really old house that is all gas. Need to get more fire extinguishers too. The computer room with all the cables could use some work too. I’m living in a death trap!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Patricia Miller says
Definitely need this.
Lillea says
I have never used a fire extinguisher. I have one, but have never practiced using one and actually pulling the trigger, I just have practiced without actually pulling it for real.
Laura Jacobson says
Oh I forgot which room…I need to actually work on the whole house with the electrical cords and checking all the lights for maximum wattages!
Laura Jacobson says
It said that I am a Home Safety Spectator. Scarey. Lots of thing in the quiz that I have not thought of. Good info!
I got work to do now!
paige chandler says
My kitchen really needs safety attention. UGH
Richelle says
I scored 57% too. Bronze 🙁 I need to work on child safety surprisingly. I was a little confused since my children are kind of past the age where they need soft corners and door knob locks. Geeze, maybe they aren’t.
Tarah says
Home Safety Bronze Medalist
Heather Garcia says
Scored a 70 need to put extinguishers in every room not just kitchen
Harold D says
Smoke Detectors is the area in my house that needs attention.
Monique Rizzo says
My kitchen!
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
naomi c says
Apparently MOST of the house needs attention! AH!
Sheila K. says
I need to add fire extinguishers!
crystle tellerday says
i got 68% i could use some help
Cynthia C says
I could use escape ladders for the upstairs bedrooms.
Kathy S says
We need to get a carbon monoxide detector!
Rob says
could use more detectors on our first floor living area.
Jennifer says
My kitchen needs a tackle!
Donna L says
We have smoke detectors & fire extinguishers in our home.
Ann Fantom says
I took the Kidde Home Audit Survey:
We scored 57% on the audit. We are a Home Safety Bronze Medalist
We need to get safety ladders for our 2nd story rooms
Neil M. says
I think my basement needs one of those
Lori D. says
I subscribe via email.
Lori D. says
Guess we could do better with our basement also.
Katherine says
The basment does not have a smoke alarm~
Margaret Smith says
Took the survey and got 80%. Our basement needs attention.
Thanks so much.
tamar says
The home office needs attention.
Kelly says
I scored and 85% on the audit, not to bad but some room for improvement.
Fire Extinguishers. i DONT HAVE ONE & SHOULD GET ONE.
Staci A says
You scored 68% on this audit. You are a Home Safety Bronze Medalist!
We need ladders for the upstairs windows and to practice our fire safety plan more often.
Don says
I am kinda of safety nut, so far I’ve done everything the right way in our home.
Rene says
Lolli thank you for the insight on home safety. I guess i don’t think about it as much as i should. I will be taking the test and fixing what ever needs it. Thank you again.
Cristen C. says
Fire extinguishers. We have none 🙁
Chuck says
Guess I need to purchase one more fire extinguisher as well.
Jenny says
We need more fire extinguishers.
You scored 78% on this audit. You are a Home Safety Silver Medalist!
Angela E. says
I subscribe by email.
Angela E. says
I have the smoke detectors & fire extinguisher in my place.
Anne Lehnick says
We apparently need to replace our smoke detectors. Didn’t realize you needed to do that every 10 years.
lana says
Do not have a extinguisher. Need to get one
Daniel M says
need more extinguishers
angie says
thanks for making me aware of a few different things there are a few spots that my attention needs drawn to
Garrett says
I did not real bad on the test. You always learn something new.
Barb says
I definitely need to take this audit! Even though my dh is an engineer, I’m sure there are areas we’ve neglected.
Denise M says
we need to work on Fire Extinguishers
Michelle says
I’m a new mom, window treatment specialist and “tweeter”. I have created a page to offer some advice on how to make your window shades child safe. Remember the only safe window treatments are cordless or motorized, but you can prevent cords from getting into the little one’s hands with some of our tips. @cellularshades
Harmony B says
We only need to fix a few things
You scored 73% on this audit. You are a Home Safety Silver Medalist!
Nice job! You care about safety but may have forgotten to fix a few things
Jolene says
Thanks for this post. What a very important tackle you did and enlightened us as well.
Amber Smith says
Wow, I only scored a 48% on this even though I thought I was mrs. safety, lol. Apparently there are numerous rooms in my home that present safety issues that I need to correct. Very interesting survey which has opened my eyes to quite a few issues I need to improve upon.