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There are worse things that can happen than getting your van broken into. This weekend, with the sad news of Canon passing away, my troubles of getting my purse and Jackson’s backpack stolen is staying in perspective. I am so grateful that we are all safe, that my son is here and healthy – and that he was not stolen!
But it still is a costly inconvenience. With car repair, and replacing all the contents of my purse, including wallet and makeup, as well as Jackson’s back pack and its contents, I estimate the whole thing will cost me around five hundred dollars! And a lot of time making phone calls and running around on errands. Not fun. So I am afraid that I have to tackle this before I can tackle any of the other pressing items on my to-do list. It is tempting to get angry and let my blood boil. But as I said, remembering the heartache that other families like Canon’s are going through makes me stop and focus on what matters. Yes, it is money that I can’t afford to spend. Yes, I don’t have time for it all. And yes, I am nervous that somebody out there may be having fun becoming me. But, I am determined to keep this as a lesson learned, thank God for all that He has given us – and even say a prayer for the perpetrators when I feel myself getting angry as I sit in traffic on my way to another destination on my new to-do list. So my tackle includes:
I am making my way through the list, but it could be a couple of weeks or more before everything is done. I will be tackling something house related next week though – I promise! And no worries ladies – I did call the police and make a report. |
turtle-hope says
What a pain! I’m glad you and Jackson are okay though. We just had a friend who’s purse was stolen from her as she walked down the street! She’s in her 80’s and she didn’t get hurt. She’s been pretty upbeat about it.
Good Luck. BTW, my Tackle is up.
ChupieandJsmama says
I’m sorry this happened to you. It makes you feel so violated. My parents were just the victims of identity theft so I know how difficult it is putting everything back together.
Jenny says
I had a bunch of stuff stolen when I was in college…I found my eel skin pocketbook (remember those?) in the dumpster at the hospital. I felt so “invaded”…so sorry you’re having to deal with this…
Jenn says
Your taking this way better than I might – having personal things stolen is one of my biggest fears – it’s such a personal attach on someone!
I wish you luck getting everything done, and glad you called the police!
I am also very thankful it was just the van, purse and book bag they stole – it could have been far worse!
(((HUGS))) momma!!! I guess we all have our issues – and term-oil, – is Friday the 13th coming up!? Maybe its the time change! I dont know but I am sick of stress!!!
Tammy says
oh no! Thats aweful!
I love the new banner BTW! I used it on my blog today
Christie says
Argghhh! How annoying to have to do all that! I’m sorry! But you’re right, in the grand scheme of things, what’s really important is that you guys are okay. We’re keeping Canon’s family in our prayers.
Barbara H. says
I can only imagine the head-ache of taking the time and making the arrangements to deal with all of those details. My heart goes out to you. I know it’s frustrating, even with the right perspective.
I just noticed the new banner, too! I’ll go add it in.
Erna says
I like the new banner tag . . . I just noticed it! I’ll be using it on my site from now on.
Erna says
Janet, this is an important tackle for you. I lost my wallet early in the year at a hospital (not sure if it was stolen or whatever) in a frenzy of activity. It’s hard when you lose your ID and all the important things inside. What I missed the most were the pictures I couldn’t replace. One of my parents when married, one of my brothers and I when I was about one, and one of my brothers and I (that I put together like a mini collage b/c we’d never have taken a family portrait when we were older). Other things were replaceable but these . . . they were valuable. My wedding picture, our family picture, and pictures of the girls I could reprint. So, I know there’s quite a bit for you to finish. :0)
Debbie says
How awful. I would be so lost if my purse was ever stolen. Your tackle is making a new tackle for me. I need to record numbers and put them in a safe place just incase that does happen to me!
I am sorry for your worries and having to deal with this. Sure hope they catch the person before they make more work for you! But you do have a wonderful outlook on it and that is good!
Jodi says
Many *hugs* and prayers to Canon’s family! And to you! How awful and scary to have your van broken into and things stolen!! But why, oh why did you leave your purse in there???? I hope you get everything replaced!! I have to figure out what I am doing for my Tackle it Tuesday, I think it may be a revisit to a previous one… *sigh* I can’t keep things clean! Argh
Try and have a happy Tuesday!
Mrs Lifecruiser says
EEeekkk! That’s the worst thing happening…. I hate things like that, because they are so unnecessary! Though I’m glad you’re all safe. Yes, it’s good thinking of what really matters.
Even my horror tackle list look pale, comparing to that!
Good luck with the replacing tackle 🙂
Ramblin Rose says
oh no first!! i havent posted after photo’s yet as I havent finished….