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Knowing my girls as I do, I had anticipated their lack of passion for sticky sand and salty waves.
And sure enough, they are not big fans of the beach.
Julia did gradually make her way into the ocean and enjoy kicking along while Daddy pushed her on an air mattress and I did convince her (despite a bit of terror) to sit in an innertube while I held on to her. And she did relax and have fun… at one point she even said she didn’t want to get out.
But, she seems to forget any fun and most days she informs me, “Mommy, I’m not going to the beach today!”
Instead, my little preschooler prefers 3 hour trolley bus tours with Japanese tourists!
She and her Daddy have spent two afternoons being bussed around the Island site-seeing. And today she has asked Mommy to take her again.
The Japanese tourists love Julia’s pale skin and red hair and clamor to have their photos taken with her. I’ll take some photos on my iPhone and upload them to Facebook… so make sure we’re ‘Facebook friends‘.
Linda says
Too cute! I will definately take her place @ the beach though. LOL
Stephanie says
That is funny! Last fall we went away for a couple of days and paid big bucks for a nice hotel with an indoor pool. Only one child really enjoyed the pool. The other 2 tolerated it after a while. I’m jealous that you are some place warm and sunny!
Cascia says
It sounds like you are all having a good time. Who would have thought that she would rather hang out with Japanese tourists instead of going to the beach. I’d take a warm beach any day!
Happy Mama says
When I was in china 10 years ago as a 19 year old the Chinese would come up to us and want their pictures taken with us….Then you would see them pointing to us and our interpreters would tell us they were telling their friends that they we were their friends when that was the first time we had met!!!
Funny I would never run up to some one of a different ethnicity or nationality and ask to have my picture taken with them….I guess we Americans are kind of chicken to reach out!
Kelli says
I love the beach, but hate the ocean! I could lay in the sand all day. Of course getting sand in the car drives me insane!
emma says
Wow. It’s truly amazing who little kids just come into the world with certain personalities and preferences. I absolutely LOVED the beach as a kid. Still do. But how awesome that Julia knows what she likes and isn’t afraid to tell the world. That’s a sign of great parenting. Congrats.
Cat says
I’d have to side with the little one. Sand is one of my least favorite things in the world.
Upstatemomof3 says
How adorable is she!! I like the beach but I HATE sand. I know that makes no sense but it is true. I generally would never go to the beach but my son loves it. So, we go and I play in the sand but Eeww!!! I hate sand getting all over everything. Hope you guys are having a nice a vacation!!
susieshomemade says
She is so cute. Even with the resistence, it sounds like a great vacation:-)
Heidi says
OH how cute! I have to say, I’m not a huge fan of the beach myself, although I did like it when I was a kid. 🙂