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Jackson playing hockey on the pond during our New Year’s vacation.. |
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Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday. Technorati Tag: Wordless Wednesday |
Mandy says
Oh my goodness! That’s a lot of snow. And, I thought we saw a lot at Big Bear….but it was all melting.
CaseyDeuce says
He makes ice skating look so easy!! Thanks for letting me participate in WW!!
Amy says
He looks MORE than ready to play!
christieo says
My GOSH that’s a gorgeous backdrop of snow! What a great photo!!
Esther says
None of that here in FL!
Jonara Blu Maui says
Oh wow..that looks so fun!
diXymiss says
Great shot! Our snow is gone, but it’s still c-c-cold. Here’s a peek outside my window today:
angie says
Lucky guy! I’ve never even put on ice skates before!
Leeanne says
I miss snow! We actually hit 59 degrees here in South Florida. It was chilly. Great pic!
Sara says
That is a great picture and it looks like so much fun!! I want to be out on that ice, well, maybe that would be too cold…
Ann says
I’m having a lot of those…Canadian moments. (Just returned to my apartment in QC)
Hockey is a great sport, just a little cold.
kristin says
How fun is that!
Qtpies7 says
Great shot! That is probably the only sport that none of our kids have tried. It is just way too expensive here.
Michelle says
It just doesn’t get any more Canadian than that !! Awesome picture made Rob very happy to see that picture and me too of course.
stephanie says
Wow! Hockey OUTSIDE! That’s a novelty when you’re from Arizona! We do have hockey teams, but they play in an air-conditioned building on fake ice.
Michelle says
That’s a fun picture. One of these days I want to try ice skating. 🙂
Katrina says
Hello! First time with this! What a great picture! I’m in Canada, too, so this is very familiar to me… my boys love to play on the ice!
Amber Pollard says
Love the pitcure
Lisa says
What a great hockey pic! Love it!
Naomi says
Tara B. says
That is MOST DEFINITELY Canadian!
ali says
That looks cold!
Sweet Serendiptiy says
That snow is amazing! We were hoping for some here in SE VA yesterday, we even had a winter storm warning…but we got nuttin’. My kids would be in heaven if they saw snow like that! Great pic.
Andrea says
Oh, and there’s no link for me to click on either… 🙁
Andrea says
I don’t see Mr. Linky either…I’ve been having this problem a lot recently!! Am I the only one? Well, it stinks not to be able to add my link on Mr. Linky, but here’s my link if anyone wants to check it out:
Kim says
Wow, that’s a lot of snow!
Monica says
Wow! That’s a LOT of snow!!!
I just posted my contribution to today’s Wordless Wednesday… my first entry ever! 🙂
Take care and thanks for hosting this fun and quick carnival!
The Gang's All Here! says
That looks so crisp and clear. I’ll bet it was coooold!
Andrea - Red Knows How says
What a great moment to catch!
Debbie Yost says
That picture just makes me cold! How much snow is there?!
MamaDuck says
Oooo, makes me miss that snow ;).
angie says
love the pic
Alicia says
That makes me shiver just looking at it!
Jen E says
That looks fun!
Abby says
It almost makes the cold and ice look line fun!
Angela at mommy bytes says
Look at that snowbank! We haven’t gone skating yet this year, but hope to.
Ginger says
So cute! My 5 year old wants to learn to play hockey. He’d be so jealous!
Alicia, The Snowflake says
Oh what a fun pic! I love all of the snow! Too cool!
Lisa says
Ohhh, that’s an awesome picture! I miss snow, I miss ice (for ice skating and the like). And holy cow, is that a huge wall of snow behind him, or is it ice, or a combination?!?! I’ve never seen that!!!!!
killlashandra says
That’s cool he’s actually playing on a frozen pond. Looks like a shot from a movie. 🙂
DJ says
Way too cold for me!
Krista says
Go Habs Go!
Love the jersey 😉
mommy-momo says
wow! thats sooo crazy!
corrine says
looks cold and fun!
pam says
I love the Montreal jersey.
If you are ever in Quebec, it is a must to take in a hockey game!!
Happy Wednesday everyone!!
AmyG says
Beautiful picture!
Jessica says
Looks like a blast!
Roxanne Green says
OMG that’s exactly why we moved from upstate NY!!! I don’t miss it a bit.
ParentingPink says
Love this picture. What a wonderful shot!
Amy says
What a cool shot. 🙂 He looks pretty official!
TheAngelForever says
Wow, that a fabulous experience. I am sure most hockey players dream of doing this one day.
BECCAuse i said so says
yay! canada is fun 🙂
Melissa Multitasking Mama says
I just can’t let my kids play hockey- looks so dangerous (but cool!) Happy WW!
Andrea McMann says
Oh my gosh! Look at all that snow!!
Just Mom says
Nice shot, though. 🙂
Stacy says
Great shot!! 🙂
Happy WW!
Spoiled Mommy says
WOW-what a beautiful and awesome shot!
Happy WW!
Cascia says
What a great shot! That’s a lot of snow in the background.
BlapherMJ says
Wow… how exciting to see!
Upstatemomof3 says
I love it!!! I am a hockey mom too.
Sheena says
OMG I’d be so scared to skate over a pond, bravery!
Gattina says
Wow, that’s a lot of snow !
Maggie says
He looks like a professional!
Keri says
That’s one heck of a snow pile! Great picture.
Heather says
Wow look at that wall of snow!
Lynne says
Great Pic!
Sarah says
Great photo! My oldest will be 3 soon and my husband can’t wait to get him on skates.
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Wow, looks like a great pond – he’s having a blast! 🙂
Shasta says
That looks like so much fun!! What a great picture!
Belinda A. says
Wow, that’s a whole lot of snow!
jenn3 says
Never mind. It’s working again.
jenn3 says
Great picture. I’m a big hockey fan.
I don’t see Mr. Linky? I guess I’ll have to come back in the morning…
tanyetta says
love love love this shot!
Jenny says
Wow! That looks cold…but also like a lot of fun!
Tara says
That pictures makes me cold! lol
Colleen - Mommy Always Wins says
What a great shot! Looks like fun (though COLD)!
Grasping for Objectivity in my Subjective Life says
Great pic!
Candi (All Day Night) says
Great picture! I can’t believe all the snow. We’ve barely had any in the DC area, but I’m not complaining ;-)!
Michelle Potter says
Is that a wall of ice in the background??