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Social media helped win this election. It empowered the young, it spread a message and now it will help record history.
The pieces fit together as if predestined: The foundations – from technology to civil rights – finally in place. A nation and a world desperate for hope. Even an inauguration in the afterglow of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, Barack Obama will become the 44th President of the United States.
And whether we are Democrats, Republicans, or Independents, (heck, I am not even an American!) we can thrill at how far we have come in the last five decades. Our world will be profoundly and forever changed by this historic moment.
As significant of a role that social media played in the election, will be its role in celebrating and recording Obama’s Inauguration as President of the United States — from Facebook to Twitter to CNN to USA Today to YOUR blog and a million dot coms in between.
The world is reading… what are you writing?
Link up and tell your piece of history.
If you are a blogger, leave the permalink to your post about Obama’s Inauguration in the link table below.
Also, please link back to this post so that your readers can find others who are blogging Obama’s Inauguration.
If you’ll be twittering during the event, you can tell us in the comments. Also, you can follow us, we’ll be twittering —
Kee says
I think this was a great idea! Regardless of how anyone voted, I love reading all of the different views! I just wrote what I was feeling, not thinking about the fact others, might read it too. 🙂 It is a collection of impressions
stephanie says
Wish I’d seen this before I wrote my post, since I linked to a few posts I read yesterday. Oh well. If I missed your post, feel free to stop by and share your link.
Besides the links, I shared a few thoughts on new beginnings and sharing with our children. Hope you can stop by! 🙂
Grace says
I posted about a critical (and wonderful) change I see occuring among Christians who did not vote for our new President…something I believe God has been waiting for. Thanks for the opportunity to connect these Inauguration posts. I’m eager to look at them to get an overall picture. Bless you!
Louise says
I think i was just rambling but I wrote with my heart
laura says
my post about the inauguration is about hope and what that hope is doing for me personally right now in the midst of my own recent health crisis and decision to regain good health.
Cindy says
Thanks for putting together a gathering place for blog posts about the inauguration. It surely is an historic day no matter your stance on President Obama.
Ann Harrison says
It is so WONDERFUL to feel hopeful. Happiness today!
Maria M (Conversations with Moms) says
I watched the inauguration today and must say that I was not disappointed. I’m a Canadian but know that today marked an important day in history. My blog post was about was the inauguration meant for me.
Kristi says
Thanks for this chance to share our thoughts with one another – no matter how you feel about this election, it surely is historic! I feel burdened to pray for and show Barack Obama the respect he is due as the president of our country. Fear God, honor the king!
Heather H says
Words seem so trite, but I did my best!
Cristin says
I was at a loss for words too! But I still managed to post!
Scary Mommy says
I was pretty speechless, but I linked up anyway!!!
Kari A. says
Had to write something down – just felt so momentous and I know it will be one of those “moments in history” that will be with me forever. I kept looking at my kids and thinking they will never know a world where having a black president was unheard of. Isn’t that a wonderful thought?!
Cascia says
You bet I blogged about this! You can read all about it on my new political blog.
Melissa says
Thank you so much. I am excited to read other women’s views on here.
TheAngelForever says
Thanks so much for connecting all of us that have been writing about this special day. I know I will be watching and can not wait to hear what they did special at school with my oldest today. They have festivities, but not sure what they are going to be.
Maddy says
Still recovering from Dr. Martin Luther King Junior day around here………..onwards and upwards in the meantime.
TemeculaPhotographer says
Thanks for the link up. I am so proud that I am able to witness this exciting time in history!
Maria M (Conversations with Moms) says
I will be twittering about it during the event and blogging about it after it’s over.
Rachel Langston says
Thanks for this opportunity to share our thoughts on this occasion!
Normal to Natalie says
i found this after i wrote my post about the conversation i had today with my daughter about tomorrow.
Mrs. Naz says
Mine is up and it is linked to you and it is also linked the Max Lucado’s prayer site for the president..I hope that is ok.
Mrs. Naz says
Thank you! I have written a prayer and will be twittering as well as Mrs.Naz.
Upstatemomof3 says
Thanks for the writing prompt. I have had some ideas running through my head and never considered blogging it. I will probably be twittering during the inauguration – as long as the kids allow it. 🙂
Jamaise says
Very cool idea. My brother gifted me that plate over on the side bar. Not usually my type of thing but I’m really glad he did. :)))