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Olivia just laughed at me and said, “funny.”
Now, that wasn’t her first word. Like her big brother, her first word was, “ball” at 9 mths old.
(My kids like to talk! On the other side of the spectrum, Susan’s daughter Julia almost exclusively signed until she was two.)
But it got me wondering…
What were your baby’s first words?
What was the first thing they said that made you laugh out loud?
Expat Mom says
My oldest son`s first word was “wawa”, asking for water when he had a raging fever. He said Mama right after!
Second son said “papa” first.
There have been so many funny phrases . . . but here are the most recent. My youngest (22 months) dumped cornflakes all over the floor trying to pour them into his bowl. He then picked up the bowl, held it up proudly and said, “ME cook it!”
My oldest, 3, was watching Star Wars this morning and when his brother was scared of one of the scenes, he said, “Oh, Dante, it`s JUST a movie!” lol.
Evelyn says
NOoooo idea! As the youngest of 7, I always asked Mom how come I didn’t have a baby book? Shoot, I only had a hospital photo and then a 1st grade photo with just a few (very few) blurry snapshots in between. NOW I understand, and I only have 1 boy (5 1/2 years old). I don’t need an excuse, but I do have one… we moved when he was 1 month old, 3 months old and 4 months old, he nursed every 2 hours for NINE months and I suffered from extremely painful psorisis (I refused all steroid treatments while I was nursing)… now it is healed from homeopathic medicine, thankfully! I just don’t know what his first words were… but I do have those precious photos of when he first started laughing, standing, etc.!!! Fun times! I am NOT a bad mother, I just don’t remember and gosh, with all those moves – the baby book never got filled in.
Cheers! Evelyn
Janice says
Oh ladies – you all had my smiling and laughing out loud the whole way through these FABULOUS comments!!!! SOOO fun to read everyone’s stories and picture the precious little babies growing into little toddlers.
THANK YOU so much for taking the time to share!!!
Becca says
My son’s first word was “What’s that?” as he is pointing to different and new things, and now he keeps saying “yeah!”
Faerylandmom says
My three oldest kids’ first word was “Dada.” Sigh…
Then came baby, and his first word was “Mama!”
Yay, me!
citystreams says
I love telling this story!
Hubs was in the middle of police academy (9 weeks of torture before he got to be a “real” cop) and Bri was about 6 months old. Hubs came home that Friday afternoon a little earlier than usual. We were all soaking each other up in the living room and he was bouncing the baby up and down on his knee when she said “Dada!” in the happiest voice ever. You could have knocked us over with a feather. She then proceeded to repeat her new word for months. It was such a precious gift for Hubs because he literally missed forty five days with her. A month and a half is a big deal in terms of a baby’s growth.
Thanks for the reminder!
Jen says
My boy/girl twins both said “Duck” as their first word. Although I do not specifically remember who old they were off the top of my head, they both did it the same night in the bathtub together. They had rubber ducks as toys during bathtime.
Lisa says
Both my boys’ first word was mama, usually uttered while they were crying!
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Hmm, I think for all three of my girls, other than ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’, their first words were all ‘uh-oh!’. Hmm, wonder if there’s any deeper meaning behind that… 🙂
Jeanette says
I love to hear what kid’s first words are. They are so unique to each family!
My daughter’s first word was “shoe.” (Sorry, Daddy, who tried so hard to get her to say “Pepsi” first!)
My son David’s first word was “ball” / “Bible”. No big shock there
we have yet to hear what Michael will come up with.
Funniest – David used to say “bub – bot” for pumpkin. I don’t get the connection!
DJ says
My son’s first word was “Spirit”. It’s one of our dogs names. What does that tell you about how many times I holler at the dog during the day?
TheAngelForever says
My oldest son’s first word (aside from family members) was fishy. The funniest thing he parroted was when he was 6-7 months old and say clear as day “bootylicious” My parents and hubby were there and heard it, or nobody would have believed me.
My youngest son’s first word was probably ball. Not sure about a funniest with him since he often parrots his big brother.
Linda Stewart says
Stasha, my youngest daughter was the typical talker. Her first word was DaDa.
Heather, my oldest was far better at being ‘out of the norm’. Her first word was Chockey – or Chocolate. A girl after her Mama’s own heart!
Amy says
Hi! was my little one’s first word. He didn’t say it again until about seven months when he was friends with an older boy who said it all the time.
The other day my two year old (and almost two months) he used two words together which made me laugh because of the context. He had dragged a chair over to the counter and was doing his best to climb up while I was telling him no and pulling his leg down and telling him no. I let him stand up there while I’ll doing something so he can “help”. At first he said, Bye Bye – which is what he says when he wants to do something and wants me to go away so he can. When that tactic didn’t work (never does but he’s been trying it out for days now), he waited a while then said somthing I hadn’t heard him say before, “over der, over der” while pointing. So I looked and of course saw nothing and when I looked back a second later he was kneeling on the counter!
His first fake out.
Heidi says
Dada, then eyebrow. I kid you not…
Amydeanne says
#1’s first words at 5 months was “no no no” ya.. attitude from the get go!
#2’s was mama because he screamed if he was anywhere else.
#3 was quiet until all of a sudden “the map the map” was yelled while watching Dora! Oh I was surprised!
#4 was “I love you” when he wanted to be picked up!
Courtney says
Phabian’s first word was Hot and it made me laugh because for the longest time everything was hot hot hot like the song.
MJ’s first word was car but said more with a boston/new york accent like ca. He still to this day is a car fanatic.
Anna says
My oldest has always been a talker. Her first word was Da-Da at 7 months knowing it was her Daddy not just babbling. She was speaking several word sentences by 18 months. One funny…We were shopping and she told the cashier to “Charge it”.
Jennie says
My daughter’s first word at ten months was “clock”. It sounded like “clck” but she was looking right at a clock. She loved clocks as a younger kid and still enjoys them at 3 1/2.
Savannah says
My son born in 2010, now 11, his first word was also clock and he would point to all of the clocks! Even watches! I always thought it was such a cool first word. So today I randomly google “my sons first word was clock” and came across this!
Rachel says
My son’s first word, at 10 months, was “Wow”. He said it all the time, even in his sleep it was adorable.
Joanne at frutto della passione says
My son’s first word was *goal*. Ya. I know.
His second word was *Giorgia* – the name of a little girl he went to day care with.
Then came *NO*, always emphatic and loud.
Oh, he eventually said *mama* but there you have it.
Danielle says
I just had to chime in that one of my many sons first words was tractor. Go figure.
se7en says
Luckily he was my first and I had nothing to compare him too… but at nine months while I was singing to him as I changed his nappy (diaper) – don’t all mama’s sing to their babies – with a very pained look in his face… “Mam, Please don’t sing” – perfect pronunciation – no baby talk for this kid. Since then I have had six others and realize that he may have been slightly exceptional, they rarely get beyond grunts and the odd mama or papa by the time they are nine months!
Monica says
My daughters’ first word was “duck”….both of them. Now, my son, Will…his first word(s) were “I want that”. I’m not quite sure what that says about him!
Strudel says
“tickle tickle tickle” was my daughter’s first word(s) and after the astonishment wore off it was also the first word(s) that had us laughing. Pretty cool first word huh 🙂
Carrie says
Sam said HI long before he said any other words.
Carlee’s first words were ‘tankyou’ her version of Thankyou, and she would say it whenever I gave her something. I guess I must have been promting Sam with manners alot LOL
Ben’s first word was GO, which sounded more like DOH. Everytime I light turned green I would yell Green means GOOOOOO! Funny how he turned out to be the most active.
Susan says
As Janice said, Julia really took her time talking. She was remarkably effective with sign language and didn’t seem interested in talking until she was two.
(She had me a tiny bit worried… but not much… I could just tell it wasn’t her time yet.)
I remember Julia’s first sign — it was bird. She did say a couple things before she was two… I think her first word was either “uh oh” or “Mamma”… I can’t remember which.
Sophia’s first words were also “uh oh” and “Mamma”, but I can’t remember exactly when she said them. She’s about 15 months now and really starting to sign lots. It’s soooo fun to watch her learn to sign… she’s so proud of herself.
Jamaise says
My youngest first word was beast – which came out like beasss. He’s full of laugh out louds from the get go. That his first word was beast was pretty funny :)) He’s silly.
Casey says
My 1 year old made some mama and dada sounds that weren’t really directed at anyone, but he would sometimes say them on demand.
The first thing that he said that was actually attached to an object was “string cheese.”
Tiffany says
My youngest first word was Daddy! I can not remember what the first thing she said that made me laugh was, but about a month ago, she is 2 she her and her daddy were wrestling, tickling and playing on the floor and she was getting mad she looked him dead in the eyes and said “Your Pissin me off” OMG I almost died. It took everything I had to not crack up completely. Had to calm myself down and tell her that that was not nice. Daddy on the other hand was rollin around on the floor holding his sides.
stacey says
I’ve been so worried about my 16mo son’s speech – he doesn’t say Momma or Dadda or ball or anything! BUT…he says “What’s that?” and “HI!” and “I did it!” Basic words are missing, but more structured speech is there. Weird!
prasti says
our daughter’s first word was “cheese.” i was hoping maybe it would be mama or daddy, but now. however, we as a family are HUGE fans of good, quality cheese so i guess it’s no surprise that it was the first word out of her mouth.
casual friday everyday says
Mama was the first with both boys. Didn’t I feel special? 😉
Courtney from Mommie Blogs says
my little man’s first word was dog! and then shortly after “bear”, our nickname for our claire-bear (our dog). what can I say, they have a special bond!
Hailey says
Hoping Caroline’s first word would be Mama or Dada. NOPE! It was Ugg… our dog.
stacie says
Both Jack and Luke’s first word was “hot”…not sure why…
Upstatemomof3 says
Big Brother’s first word was mommy – we were on a cruise and at the emergency evac drill they blew the horn and at ten months old he let out a heart wrenching “Moommmmmmmy.” Happiest moment ever. 🙂
Baby Sister is only four months but she repeatedly makes a sound that sounds exactly like “Hi,” but I guess that does not count huh?
BrandyEllen says
I have three kids:
Girl age 6 – first word “DaDa”
Boy age 2 – first word unsure of what he said first, he just barely started talking
Boy age 5 months – not talking yet!
Something my oldest said that made me laugh which is really bad was when she used a bad word for the first time correctly and said it three times in a row at age 2 – “Da…mit” Clear as day three times in a row – I had to hide my laugh it was funny but wrong at the same time.
Looking forward to hearing others stories!