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Jackson and I had a fun time making popcorn balls for his bake sale at school.
At the previous bake sale, someone had been selling popcorn stuffed in surgical gloves. (Or some sort of “hands” as Jackson described it to me.) By the time Jackson got to the front of the line, this hot item was sold out. So of course, he wanted to make some when it was his class’s turn to provide the bake sale items.
I didn’t have any “hands” on hand, pardon the pun, so I suggested we make up little cellophane balls of popcorn. (Yes, I could have put them in ziploc baggies, but I thought we could fancy them up a bit.)
Jackson and I tackled after Olivia had gone to bed, so Jackson was already in his pajamas.
Of course, Jackson tried to eat as much of the popcorn as he could.
But we still had some popcorn left for the bake sale!
Jackson and I had a ton of fun together – and he got to stay up past his bedtime.
The next day, I volunteered at the school helping with the sale. I had a blast trying to manage the rush of kids attacking the bake sale table at recess and lunch.
And Jackson took full advantage of “working” at the table with me. I had a quite a “tab” to pay at the end. I think he ate about five or more treats!
Wendy at Shopping Gems says
I hope you got my email. I see my name listed above as one of the winners. Thanks a bunch. Please let me know if you received my shipping information. Thanks – Wendy at Shopping Gems
CouponAddict says
Sorry I did not actually get it posted until Wednesday morning, I was having computer/internet issues on Tuesday. But itis up now. Post #80 My new clean kitchen table!!
Thank you!
Ashley says
Mine was boring. All I did tonight was homework. I’m unpacking winter clothes tomorrow because it’s getting cold!
Satsuki Rebel says
I know that gloved one you’re talking about. I had thought of doing those for Halloween crafts but since I’ve got a nasty cold I probably won’t even manage the trick or treating piece. Lucky for me, my babe is still too young to know or care.
Twisted Cinderella says
Apparently, my comments were broken on my blog. It is all fixed up now, so come on over and let me know what you think of my tackle!
jobebybrandy says
Great to hear from you Janice and seeing you having so much fun with your son making popcorn balls. I have several hands that love to help out in the kitchen also and it makes baking alot more fun with their own brand of help!!!
Andrea says
I am so happy to have found this. It is fun and keeps me getting things done.
Doll Clothes Gal says
Great post – fab idea to involve the kids too.
Holli Seitz says
I enjoy reading your blog and thought you might be interested in an upcoming invitation-only webinar for bloggers being held by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It will focus on ways you and your family can protect yourself against the flu, and will be held on December 2 from 2-3 p.m. EST. Please save the date and watch for your official invitation e-mail from hseitz at cdc dot gov.
Jamie says
isn’t fun to get the kiddos involved in stuff like that? I got my kids to help with chocolate chip cookies a couple weeks ago, and they absolutely loved it! Great tackle.
Steph says
Wow I didn’t know there were still schools that allowed home made treats. It’s a big no no here. Too bad, I have great memories of making stuff for bake sales with my mom when I was a kid. Anyway, great Tackle, and great pictures. It looks like you had a lot of fun! 🙂
Lynne says
Fun, Fun!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Brandi says
That looks like a fun project! Have a great day!
Amber Jones says
Thanks for giving this to us.. we all need help tackling, and this helps keep me in check!
Shanna says
Looks like a tasty Tackle it Tuesday project! 🙂 Yum! Do you have a recipe?
susieshomemade says
Great tackle!!
Amy says
Fun and easy for the kids to do…if they don’t eat it all first!
heidi says
Yum!! I want some!!
Twisted Cinderella says
What a fun tackle! It sounds like he had a great time!
my tackle for this week is up
The Happy Housewife says
That looks like a lot of fun! That would also be a great idea to give out during Christmas!
happyathome says
I’m all for the tastey tackles! Great job!
earthlingorgeous says
Oh my he does look like he had a lot of fun being the helper! Lotsa yummy popcorn in there! Lovely apron too! I hope you have a lot of sale!
Jill Scott says
Thank you for hosting the tackle. I love to share.
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Wow, looks like a lot of popcorn, and a lot of fun! I think we miss out sometimes – our school district doesn’t allow homemade treats for any school function due to allergy concerns. So not much incentive to sit down and bake with the girls very often.
Thank you so much for putting together and hosting the CLR tackle – it was a lot of fun, and I was absolutely floored when I came here to link up tonight and saw that I am one of the winners! You ladies rock! 🙂
Maddy says
Gosh! You’ve been doing this for 2 years already? That is a tackle in itself. Thanks so much for including photographs as I love it when bloggers are brave enough to take that step.
Almost worth investing in one of those popcorn machines! New one on me.
Best wishes
The Apron Queen says
It’s a wonder any of that popcorn got to the bake sale! 🙂 Too funny!
Robyn - Mom All Day says
Great idea! Fun for the kids to get involved with too. I’ll have to remember that one.