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It happens.
Probably to every single one of us bloggers.
We fall in love with blogging by spending hours on end reading, commenting and growing in the blog community. It is the foundation of our own blogs.
But, as time goes on, with our blogs and our families all screaming for our attention, the amount of time we spend actually reading blogs becomes a fraction of what it once was. Now there is Twitter, Facebook and Google+ — not to mention Pinterest and Instagram — to siphon away our hours.
And for those of us who are professional bloggers, the business of blogging, the emails, the freelancing, etc., well, who on earth has time to read other blogs?!?
When I first started blogging, I read and commented for two hours every day. It was how we built relationships before social networking — and it kept the inspiration rich for my own writing.
Now, I don’t spend nearly the same amount of time reading, let alone commenting on other blogs. (Most of my blog reading is on my iPhone where commenting takes far too long and I simply don’t have the patience.)
But, as busy as I get, I can’t let myself stop reading blogs. When I haven’t been reading enough, I can feel it. I sense the disconnect from the community, the lack of inspiration, the absence of friends.
Tanya says
Great points! I’m MAKING time in my blogging schedule to read other blogs… I got so busy that I haven’t been reading in quite a while and I MISSED it so much! There are so many talented people out there – but I do know that I need to set that timer so that I don’t end up spending ALL my work time browsing. Unfortunately, the nuts and bolts of running a blog do still to happen. 😉