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The curse of school projects has already struck. We I must create a scrapbook page for my daughter’s 3 year old preschool class.
And it’s due tomorrow!
Did I mention I do NOT know how to scrapbook?
Yes, I did procrastinate a touch… but I had reasoned with myself that I wasn’t going to go overboard with this project. I’d simply print out some photos and let Julia help me put together the page.
Uh. Yeah. Right.
When I looked at my little stack of 4×6 photos, I realized the photos were all the wrong size and no amount of cutting was going to fix it.
So after hours of googling “Easy Digital Scrapbooking” and clicking amongst all the top ranking scrapbooking sites, I sat defeated and cursing my lack of scrapbooking skill. Then a lightbulb hit and I thought, “Silly woman… look in your Mom-Owned Stores DIRECTORY!!!”
I remembered years ago adding a fabulous scrapbooking site, so I clicked over and rediscovered Butternug Squash Designs.
I was thrilled with the beautiful, simple designs and clicked through to the digital template packs.
I ordered the Breezy Blueprints Pack 7, opened Photoshop Elements and started dropping in my photos.
But, I hadn’t yet decided on a full kit with papers and other embellishments and I still wasn’t exactly sure how to change some of the elements in the template.
So, I thought, what the heck… I emailed the store owner/designer Christy to ask her if she wanted to help me.
Within the hour, Christy and I were chatting like old friends on the phone and planning how she will join our team and become a monthly featured columnist.
I shared some ideas for her to improve her search engine ranking in Google and she offered to finish up my layouts for me.
(I love it when we can each use our talents to help each other. It was so much fun!)
It only took her a few minutes to add some of her kit elements to the template I’d ordered from her site and voila!
I now have two beautiful scrapbook pages that will not only satisfy this nagging school project, but more importantly will become family treasures.
Thank you Christy and Butternug Squash Designs!
If you’re curious, the captions under the photos say…
Page 1:
Daddy, Mommy, Sister Sophia and ME!
ME, Mommy, Cousin Jackson, Auntie Janice, Sister Sophia and Cousin Olivia
ME and Sophia with our nanny, Miss Sheryl
Page 2:
I USED to be the baby — Here I am with my Grandma
Here I am with my Nonno and Nonna.
I grew big & my mommy & my auntie had babies.
So Jackson & I both have baby sisters.
We call them twin cousins!
Jen says
Great job… you would never know it was your first time scrapbooking. Love the pictures too 🙂
Erica says
We had to do the same project at my daughter’s preschool. I just used Pages (the Mac version of Word) and inserted small pictures around the edges of the paper. Then I cut out our heads and put them in the middle, and my just-turned-three year old drew our bodies and wrote our names (so that she actually did something for her own homework assignment… I feel your pain!
casual friday everyday says
Never seen this before…how neat! You did a great job.
Summer says
Oh I need to check out digital scrapbooking. I am getting so behind in scrapbooking because it’s so time consuming. Maybe this will be easier since I do spend a portion of my day at the computer.
Lisa says
Wow – those turned out great! So cute!
SarahHub says
I have to do this. I’ve been meaning to scrapbook for so long, and this sounds like just the way to do it!
Christy says
Aw. Thank you so much, Susan! I’m so glad we were able to help each other out. Rock ON!