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I finally snapped some shots of Sophia the other day. Here she is – eleven months old. Sweet, tiny Sophia. 🙂
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday. Technorati Tag: Wordless Wednesday |
Heather says
She is beautiful.
Kaycee says
I know i’m a day late *oops* She is gorgeous and wow what good photog skills!!
Chrysanthemama says
What a beauty!
Amy says
She is an absolute doll! I love it!
Amy M. says
…and she’s a gorgeous little peanut! 😉
Donetta says
She is growing so fast. In the blink of an eye!
jyl says
Soooo cute! My Wordless/Wordful Wednesday pic is anything but sweet.
Petula says
I just love that picture of her… I love seeing pictures of her anyway ’cause she is so adorable.
SarahHub says
Oh, so sweet!
mom_of2boys says
What a cutie! She looks great in the bold colors.
Tena says
Adorable!!!! She looks like a lot of fun
Tanya says
doesn’t get much cuter than that! 🙂
Dawn says
OMG, she’s just beautiful! Happy WW 🙂 Come check out mine this week if you get a minute 🙂
Katherine says
Love the picture! I’m so glad to be back! Its been too long.
Cathy says
So precious!
Happy WW!
Marni says
Happy WW!
Barb says
ahhhh she is so so so adorable…. I miss that my kids aren’t sweet little babies anymore…ok… right now anyways….but not always…LOL
My WW is up….its about Corn and more Corn
MaryBeth says
Great shot! The one I posted today is from last year when my trio was around the same age as Sophia. What a fun, sweet, age…
Happy WW!
What happened to your mr.linky?
Colleen says
So cute. How is she possibly already 11 months old???
Happy Wednesday!
susieshomemade says
What a great picture!! That’s a keeper!! Framable:-)
Bridget says
Happy WW, she is a doll.
Mine is up too!
Donna says
She is adorable. Thanks for sharing your picture! It looks like Mr. Linky is down everywhere. Does anyone know what is going on?
Mandy says
What a cutie! Looks like she’s ready to walk soon!
Annette says
Awww.. she’s just precious. Mine is up -for all you cat lovers – in memory of our special kitty.
Dawn says
She is absolutely adorable! I have my WW picture up on my sight. Mr. Linky is not working, any where.
Bubbalicious says
Precious! I can’t believe she’s in long pants and long sleeves! It’s 85* here!
Twisted Cinderella says
What a cutiepie!
Naomi says
Adorable. Love the stripes!
Alisha says
Great shot! She is darling! Happy WW!
BTW, What happened to Mr. Linky?
Amy says
She’s such a cutie! And she’s getting SO big! Wow.
TJ Hirst says
The eyes are always the ones that beckon me to pick up a baby. And I want to ask, what are your eyes saying. Sophie’s are filled with curiosity and adoration.
Kat says
What a sweet pea!
simply anonymom says
Happy WW everyone! What a great picture.
Kristin says
She’s too cute!
tina L says
Such a cute little girl.
Jessi says
This is my first time participating in Wordless Wednesday…how fun!
Sophie is beautiful! I just love those colors!
Monkey Giggles says
She is growing up fast.
Preethi says
Wilderness at the doorstep
Ashley says
She is so cute…I have an 11 month old girl too. It’s a fun age although it’s hard to get things done at this stage!
Lydia says
She is just adorable!
Momma Chaos says
Aww she’s so cute!!
I'm The Mom says
What a doll, she is so adorable.
Just Mom says
She looks simply precious.
DJ says
love the pink and purple, great photo!
Lisa says
Oh she has such the sweetest face!
Elizabeth says
She is tiny. How fun!
Gattina says
A little doll ! so cute !!
Mrsbear says
She is sweet, I love feathery baby hair.
JenLive! says
She is too adorable!
AmyG says
She is adorable!
Christina says
Awww, she is too cute! HappyWW!
Ren says
She is beautiful!
Mama Duck says
Awww, so cute and she’s getting so big! Happy WW!
MommyWizdom says
A future ballerina, for sure! Happy WW!
Sweet Serendipity says
So sweet. My youngest just turned 1. Hard to believe isn’t it?!
Maddy says
Tiny! Tiny? Come along now dearie, how are we supposed to appreciate tininess without a point of comparison.
May I suggest a suitable prop?
A standard bag of flour, a gallon of milk or an A4 sheet of paper?
There again, those are not particularly attractive props.
Tell you what, I’ll take your word for it.
Tiny girl, huge adorable eyes, seems like a pretty good deal to me.
Best wishes
Elizabeth says
She is just too cute! Love it!
HeatherY says
How sweet is she!
Lizz says
Aw, so sweet.
Tina of MyGoodFinds says
She looks so adorable and ready to run 🙂 .
Shana says
It is SOOO hard to believe that your girls are going to be a year old! She is so cute. Happy WW!!!
Cascia says
Cute shot! Happy WW! Mine is up.
Renee says
she is ADORABLE !!!! love that pic!!!
Sheila says
She looks like a sweet little angel!
Angela says
She is beautiful!
Jen says
So cute. Happy WW!
TheAngelForever says
Gorgeous shot. I can not believe how big she has gotten. We have watched her grow up so much in the last 11 months.
Mama Zen says
Shannon (Muzbee Crazy) says
What a cutie! Happy WW!
Steph says
What a precious sweetheart! I got my link correct the first time this week, thankfully!
Happy WW!
Stephanie says
Such an adorable pic!
kristenkj says
Very cute picture!!! She’s just precious.
Busymama Kellie says
What a cutie, love the shirt!
Mamarazzi says
golightly says
She is so sweet and gorgeous!
katef says
oh such a gorgeous girl!
Munchkins and Music says
She is a doll! Wonder what she is looking at?
eastcoastlife says
She’s beautiful! I’m watching her grow up… 🙂
My WW post :
How could a man, a human, turn into a tree? What is his life like when his wife abandoned him and their two young kids. He was fired from his job. He joined a local freak show and was the subject of abuse and ridicule.
Read about Dede, The Tree Man. Offer solutions.
Elle says
cute expression on her face, so fun.
napaboaniya says
Beautiful and adorable..she’ll be celebrating her first birthday in a month’s time!! Weeee!!
Sushi says
Adorable Sophia! Can she have cake? There is some B-day cake over at my B-day party! Stop by when you get a chance, Happy WW!
Pamela Kramer says
She is getting so big! Happy WW.
MomGrind says
Oh, look at her tiny little foot!
Mona Lisa, Enhanced
Lisa says
She’s such a cutie!
Beau says
What a precious bitty girl!
Jessica says
She has gorgeous eyes! This is the first time I have heard of ‘Wordless Wednesday, its a great idea. I can’t wait to start my own ‘Wordless Wednesday’.
Cindi says
Those wide eyes are so gorgeous!
Happy WW & mine’s posted too ~ Come visit Connecticut!
Cathi says
Very sweet indeed!
Doll Clothes Gal says
She looks so lovely – what a cute pic. Happy WW
Sara-My Sippy Cup Runneth Over says
OH! Just beautiful!
aclaypot4him says
Laura says
She is so adorable… I can’t wait for my kids to be able to start wearing fall clothes, but i think we are still a few weeks off before long sleeves!!
Laura says
What a cutie! Can’t wait until my baby girl has longer hair!! =)
Laura says
What a cutie! Can’t wait until my baby girl has longer hair!! =)
melody is slurping life says
Her beautiful little face, eyes…hugs!
RebeccaC says
Oh, she’s precious!!! Just makes you want to hold her close and snuggle!!!
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Elaine says
What a cutie! Love her big eyes!
Michelle says
How sweet,little but good 😉 Happy ww.
Deb - Mom of 3 Girls says
Oh what a little sweetheart! I love those colors on her too – and I think she’s already got as much or more hair than Becca does… 😉
Kimberly/Mom in the City says
Very adorable. I love the pink/purple combination of her little outfit.
My WW this week “Boys in Boxes” is a shot of my two sons playing in a delivery box. (Isn’t it amazing how the “non-toy” items are the most fun to kids?!)
Ambajam says
Love the stripes. 🙂 Those colors look great on her.