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Michelle from Life Under the Sun (also the great founder of Blogging Chicks) had a very useful post the other day about How To Use Technorati Tags.
Now if you are me, you just resign yourself to ignorance and then ask your techie twin Susan for help. But hey even I like to empower myself with knowledge every once and awhile.
So head on over for a great tutorial — and thanks for the great tips Michelle!
Ok, too funny! When I first saw this great post, I stopped reading after the first few paragraphs because I was so impressed by it and started writing a post to link to it.
But — now here is the funny part — I hadn’t even finished reading it. So I didn’t even know that she linked back to us in it!
It wasn’t until after writing this post that I came back to read the rest of it and there we were.
So just to let you all know it was a total coincidence that Michelle had linked to us in it. I had no idea – I just thought it was a wonderful, helpful post that I felt compelled to pass on!
>>> Comment by Susan:
It’s funny that Michelle uses us as an example of a site that tags. Most of our tagging is done automatically by WordPress when we file posts in different categories. WordPress automatically sets those up as tags. Then sometimes in addition to those categories, we will also add a few extra Technorati Tags that are related to the post.
You can see an example below where I included a few technorati tags and then below that the categories are listed.
Technorati Tags: tags, tagging, technorati
Chaotic Mom says
WHAT? I missed these resources for blogging posts? Was I in deep hibernation or something? I am going to check out the Word Press tutorials. VERY excited about those. 😉
Michele says
Thanks for the link (and for calling me and my tutorial great :-).
Susan says
For those of you who noticed that in my previous post I mentioned Janice is away… Yes, she is still away… but I just published that post for her. (She wrote it before she went away for the weekend.) She also did a Tackle It Tuesday in advance so I’ll be posting that late Monday night.
Talk soon,