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5 Minutes for Mom brings you exclusive samplings from the best mom blogs in our weekly column, The Sampler, hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom contributing editor Shera, from A Frog In My Soup.
Lisa Spence is the blogger behind Lisa Writes! She and her husband have four boys ages 14, 12, 10 & 8. Lisa loves sharing the Word of God and leads a community Bible Study. A few of her favorite things include coffee, books, dark chocolate, or any of those in combination, “I am sometimes on my back porch enjoying all three.” What else should we know about Lisa? “I am a terrible housekeeper and expert procrastinator. I take life far too seriously and I think far too much, therefore I blog.” I think you’ll enjoy her post today!
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
My boy did something stupid. Granted, he was thirteen at the time, and, well, you moms of teenaged sons know as well as I do that “boy” and “stupid” go hand-in-hand, especially when the boy in question is thirteen years old.
Well, this particular version of stupid manifested itself in a scribble on the wall of a rival school’s team dressing room. Nothing inappropriate mind you, though the powers that be certainly (and with good reason) found a reference to our school’s mascot to be inappropriate to say the least.
The next day, these same powers that be made a phone call to the principal of my son’s school, who then promptly interrupted our team’s practice with all sorts of threats and intimidations. And with an elevated voice level, just to convey to the team the seriousness of the situation.
My son, gripped by the fear of God and perhaps an even greater fear of the principal, confessed, thus ensuring for himself a workout from you-know-where as well as a day of in-school suspension and a half game spent on the bench.
He was not alone in his transgression but alone nonetheless in his confession and punishment, at least at first. The second offender finally owned up to his part, once confronted a day later, and ultimately suffered the same consequences as my boy. Though, I do sometimes wonder if the punishment was indeed equal as I think of this second boy trying to hide the truth of his guilt all the while watching my boy endure both their just due. Been there, done that. I well know the misery of concealed sin.
Though he certainly received his just due at home as well, I am proud of my boy. While we sometimes joke that he needs to “say no to the Sharpie,” I hate that he did something stupid and I sure hope he learned his lesson.
But, still, I am proud. I am proud that he confessed his wrongdoing. I am proud that he took his punishment like a man. I am proud that at the following practice he was humble enough to apologize to the coach and to the team.
Well, you know as well I do that stupid isn’t only relegated to thirteen year old boys. Thirty nine year old moms are guilty as well. I sin; I do things that are stupid and rebellious and prideful and in direct violation of the will of my Lord. Like my boy, I mess up; but unlike my boy, I often refuse to confess even when conviction comes. I want to hide, pretend, rationalize, or ignore.
I do not always receive the Lord’s discipline as His love, nor His conviction as His kindness to me.
Now I ask for humility to see my sin and my wickedness and to confess it as such. May I not despise the Lord’s discipline, but endure, being fully confident that He disciplines me out of His love for me! May I say No, not necessarily to the Sharpie, but to ungodliness, conforming instead to the image of Christ that the name of Jesus may be exalted!
He disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. (Heb. 12:10-11)
~ Written by Lisa Spence of Lisa Writes.
If you would like to be considered for The Sampler please review The Sampler Guidelines.
This column is Hosted by Shera. She can be found at A Frog In My Soup
Mocha with Linda says
What a great man of integrity you are raising. While the aim is to resist the temptation, as you pointed out it is so difficult, yet important, to confess our failings. To God and to those we have wronged. Thanks for sharing.
Susanne says
I applaud your boy for confessing even when the other one didn’t. I can totally relate to how you described the mom part. Why is it we avoid the Lord’s discipline so much? It would be so much easier and better if we confessed right away like your son.
Chaotic Joy says
Oh Lisa! I’m so stinkin proud of you. This was a wonderful post. I think you should be very proud of your son. My son has been in the situation a couple times of participating in a group wrongdoing and being the only one to take responsibility. I am always proud of him at those moments and pray that God will reinforce the rightness of what he did, even though the world may not.
Awful housekeeper, procrastinator, loves coffee and books and chocolate…that sounds like someone else I know.
Lisa says
Sounds like we like a lot of the same things!
This is a wonderful article. It’s so true that I don’t always submit to being disciplined by the Lord like I expect my son to do. Thanks for sharing!
Amanda says
Very cool… as a mother of two boys under the age of 4, I am terrified for this stage! But, as you reminded me, the Lords grace will be sufficient and I just need to keep striving for Christ!
Many blessings to you and yours-
Jennifer, Snapshot says
I think that perhaps being a terrible housekeeper and an avid reader go hand in hand. At least for me they do!!