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I took these shots of Jackson and Olivia last night. Our impromptu photo shoot made us late for our nighttime routine.
It drives my husband crazy when I grab the camera and ignore the ticking clock. But, I think it is worth letting them be a little late for bedtime. Now, I can keep those smiles forever.
But I can’t blame my husband for getting frustrated with me. He is an on time kind of guy. I am so easily distracted and I usually end up off schedule. More often than not, I am late!
What about you? Do you often veer off schedule for the sake of fun? Or are you more likely to keep routines like bedtime sacred and consistent?
RefreshMom says
We break routines for any activity that might help them sleep well. A night without a bedtime struggle is way more important than sticking to a clock (they can’t tell time so they don’t know it’s late anyway!)
sam says
These photographs are absolutely gorgeous – you can almost hear the laughter! You should get them blown up and put them in a prominent place on the wall!
Milk Mama from Mommyology says
Oh my gosh! How adorable!!!
Elaine says
These are well worth it! I say “heck with bedrime” for shots like these! : )
Pamela Kramer says
I’m a stickler for schedules but there is no way I can pass up moments of cuteness. I’m capable of being flexible. I would do the same thing and grab the camera.
melody is slurping life says
Tell him to stop fussing. These photos are worth no sleep at all. Absolutely captured love and glee.
Hey, I am all about the fun and loosening up those schedules.
nell says
oh what a wonderful relationship!
Mel says
We are a bit more strict during school, but in the summer we just fly by the seat of our pants, and love it!! These are great pictures and having them forever far outweighs a little ol’ bedtime!
Allison says
Those pictures are FANTASTIC! Totally worth keeping them up late 🙂
I’m pretty easy going, but I do hate being late. However, when it comes to bed time I have kept my son up later than I should for either pictures, family, or some other *thing* that I want to keep him up for 🙂
Stephanie says
Oh, look at those smiles! I can almost hear the laughter coming through the photos…
One Mom says
Speaking as a Grandma, it’s exactly these moments you’ll remember years from now…not that you always followed the bedtime routine, as important as that can be. Looks like this was one of those moments to treasure!
Trisha says
I’m more likely to veer off schedule than my dh. It is sometimes a good thing, sometimes a not-so-good thing, as one of our kids absolutely thrives on routine and order. Though I try to keep a rigid schedule, moments like the one you describe are well worth the off-the-beaten-path approach I sometimes take to our schedule.
To Think Is To Create says
Oh yes, I find it’s more than easy to get distracted from what the clock is saying. Our routines are rigid, but WHEN we do them is a whole other story.
Those pics are so sweet, love the giggling 🙂
Lisa says
I definitely get off-schedule and run late, but moments like those smiles are worth it!
Tina says
Funny. My sweet hubby is also an “on time” kind of guy. But the kids never really suffer from an occasionally over exuberant mommy. Great pics!!!!
Jen says
I definitely veer off schedule as well and drives my hubby crazy!!
I love the pictures… the last one especially. Their smiles are sooooo big. Love the sibling love!
Brenda says
Schedules are best for my kiddos but when we are having fun, bedtime can wait. We may all pay for it the next day but the moment the night before is usually worth it in smiles!
Jennifer Pierle says
Those pictures are WAY too adorable! 🙂
Nodins Nest says
looks like it was well worth it if you ask me!
Andrea says
Oh, how sweet! It makes my heart melt when my little ones are spontaneously sweet to each other like that! You’ll never regret taking a few extra minutes to capture these sweet moments. Kids grow so fast… You would definitely regret NOT taking the time to snap a photo!
Storm says
Awesome photos. To steer off for a few minutes, I don’t mind, but I am pretty rigid with the bedtime routine, especially with a special needs child. Also his medications dictate that we keep to the same schedule so that he gets enough sleep, etc.
Adventures In Babywearing says
Oh, look at those adorable photos. You would have missed out on that! I am so not into routine!
Momteacherfriend says
Fun! Fun! Fun!
My husband is very laid back about bedtime and it is because of his childhood. His mother was strict, forcing the TV off during a playoff game or something that was of importance to my hubby.
When the Redwings were playing for the Stanley Cup last week, we allowed our kids to make the choice if they were staying up or going to bed at their normal time. The boy gladly took an afternoon nap, knowing he wouldn’t miss the game.
Everything in moderation. Consistency is nice but you can take it to the extreme. Let them have fun. It will probably be what they treasure most about their childhood.
Amanda says
I have never been fond of a schedule for children. I just feel that their bodies are so efficient and ‘honest’ at this point. When they are tired, they will sleep. When they are hungry, they will eat. And they do!
I love that my kids storytime isn’t confined to a 15 minute slot between me cooking dinner and bathtime.
My kids aren’t confined to the schedule that best fits *my* needs…
The pictures are priceless and just beautiful!
Many blessings-
Alexia says
Schedule? What’s a schedule? LOL The only thing that stays consistent over here is bedtime!
Jennifer, Snapshot says
Great pics! When my son was a baby, he thought that big sis Amanda (same age span as J and O) was hilarious, too.
But me–I’m a stickler for the timetable, especially when it comes to getting kids in bed. . . .
Jackie says
Oh, it’s totally worth it to forego the schedule if you get smiles and memories like that! Priceless! They are gorgeous.
janet says
Have you two done a review for the novel, “The Book of Mom” by Taylor Wilshire. This novel is not only packed with ideas and strategies on how to bring, passion, balance and insight to our lives but is packed with Oprah-like ideas on authentic living.We read it in our book club and it was a surprise to all of us–ee all liked it. Probably because we are all so tired from the end of the school year and it is a summer-read type of book that will make you laugh out loud. Have you read it?
Jenn says
Now that just makes you smile don’t it LOVELY photos!
Laura says
Adorable pics, worth staying up a little late.
I have to admit I am usually the routine on time person and my husband is the more spontaneous one!
I am always working toward keeping us on target. Good reminder to be more tolerant because I would definitely find it worthwhile to have pics like that at the expense of the routine. As long as its not too often :)!
Morning Rose says
I like to stay on schedule though I’ve become more flexible especially with homeschooling. Last night we let the boys stay up late to watch game 2 of the NBA finals. It was fun to see it with them.
Brianna says
A few minutes of quality family time (and beautiful memories) are okay in my book. We have a consistent schedule we follow, but know that sometimes life takes precedence. I’m with Jane – you gotta enjoy the journey sometimes! Now, if the lateness becomes habitual and bedtime routine becomes a nightmare . . . that’s a whole other story. But I doubt an occasional night of sweetness and family bonding will lead to that!
Natalie says
We try to stick to a routine, but if something comes up…like my husband and our 3 year old’s nightly routine of watering the plants runs long it’s not a biggie.
Those are adorable pics!
Jane says
These are beautiful photos!
And I’m one to make time for fun – clock be hanged! There’s joy in the journey as well as the destination. Though I do hate being late, too . . .
Smellyann says
We are so flexible when it comes to little things like that. Why be so strict? You miss out on some great things if you’re never willing to bend!
Colleen says
Those photos were sooooo worth getting a late start on bedtime!
TheAngelForever says
Schedules are made to be broken assuming sweet memories are being made and captured by cameras to keep forever. So long as it does not happen every night the kids will recover from it.
Fabulous photos. It truly is wonderful to watch siblings interact. My almost 5 year old and just 1 year old love to play now and I can not get enough of it.
The Pitter Patter Boutique says
For super sweet photo’s like those, bedtime can wait. I prefer to stick to a schedule when it comes to the baby but sometimes you just need to roll with life. Never let the sweet moments pass you by.
R.L.Scovens says
I’m always big on a schedule! Gotta work on that. Those are the best pics ever! How wonderful!
Katie says
When I do stray from our bedtime routine, I notice that the whole family pays for it the next day. It’s usually because my little ones are chasing each other and playing and giggling…which means they’ve gotten a second wind and get all hyped up before getting into bed. That means trouble falling asleep, which means less sleep (they have internal alarm clocks no matter what time they close their eyes!) which means they’re crabby in the morning. It’s a vicious cycle and I do that to myself (and the rest of the family) more often than I should.
Schedules are for everyone’s benefit!!! 🙂 …but such great pics of your kids!