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Technorati Tags: wordless wednesday |
by Janice
Janice is co-founder of 5 Minutes For Mom. She's been working online since 2003 and is thankful her days are full of social media, writing and photography.
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buzdfla goxfe says
pchg hewxlgus rkeltmisc pzuhfjavc wcux hmwjvp xrbefwcmv [URL=]ievhfob rvcqdnt[/URL]
jacmhtv inxugmb says
dlpewryo eohtupvli jtyasin nxbgyeivq epof nvozgf jqdkrau
Jenn says
OH WOW, does he ride??? It’s been a DREAM of mine to just take ONE ride…now I am almost 30 and have yet to do it…He’s such a lucky little guy, and that’s a great picture!
The Pajama Mama says
That’s one happy horse! And one happy boy!
Tammy says
That is a funny picture! “Willllllberrrrr!”
Mine is up too, but a little late! Stop by if you can…
GINA says
Too Funny! It almost looks as if they are singing together!
Melody says
First thought….Mr. Ed found a new friend. Can’t believe there’s only 1 other reference to Mr. Ed in the comments! I’ll go back to my cave drawings now…
Christina says
That picture is so cute. I love animals and kids. Who can go wrong with a picture like this, especially when your little boy is so cute.
Moogie says
I love that shot. They both look so happy. I swear the horse is laughing!
Barbara H. says
That is so cute! Looks like they’re both having a great time.
Tammy and Parker says
What a great picture! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a horse laugh before!
BTW, what if every so often your wordless picture needs an intro. I know, I know……I’m always the problem child. hee,hee
Gail says
That horse definitely looks like he’s laughing!
I played. Happy Wednesday.
SunshineBlues says
Looks like they are sharing a good joke! Wonderful shot. Very cute! Mine is up. Happy Wednesday!
Randi says
Looks like they are sharing an inside joke;) Too cute!
Chaotic Mom says
What a neato picture! Mr. Ed meets Mr. Little Guy! 😉
Jessica says
What a wonderful picture! I love the expression on both of their faces!!
Michelle says
Looks they have the same expression! Must have been a fun day for all. My kids have never had the opportunity to get really close to a horse! Only on the petting zoo ride! My WW is up!
Lynn Tucker says
This is so neat!
Both of them having a blast!
Beckie says
AWWWWW, how cute! Kid shots are the best! My WW is up.
Wystful1 says
awwwwwwwwwww, that’s so cute.
My W W is posted.
Connie says
very cute! I love horses
Blessed Beyond Measure says
I swear it really, really looks like the horse is laughing…
Fisher Family says
How cool that you were able to snap it right at thr exact time!! Neat.
Our WW is up.
Thanks for visiting my site yesterday and letting me know the other 2 pics weren’t showing…had to delete those, but oh well. BTW~ the thought of homeschooling stresses me out, too. LOL! 😉
Becky says
Cute!!! I’m hoping they are having a friendly conversation!
Heth says
Great photo!
Faerie Rebecca says
Great shot of both the horse and your son. Wish I knew their inside joke! 😀
grafted branch says
What a great catch! Love that horse’s expression. Afraid he’s “stealing the show!”
Manic Mom says
The horse looks just as happy as your son!
HsKubes says
How cute and funny!
“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance…”
~ Proverbs 15:13
O Mama Mia says
Tooo funnnyy!!! How cool to capture the laughter of life.
Life With All Boys says
I LOVE these WW. They always make the week a little perkier! (is that even a word?)
Adventures In Babywearing says
Oh my goodness, what a great shot! I LOVE HORSES. That must’ve been one funny joke he told!
Lynn Donovan says
You Gals Make my day. What a funny picture. Thanks for the grin. Be blessed. Lynn 🙂
KellyC says
He seems pretty bored with the picture-taking;)
AmandaF says
That is so cute. Looks like they’re having fun together
MamaDuck says
Awwww, that’s so fun, I love it! Happy Wednesday – we’re also hosting the Carnival of the Vanities today – busy day in duck-land!
eph2810 says
Looks like both had a great time :razz:.
Glass Half Full says
The horse’s face is too funny!! I am not sure if he’s upset or saying “Ah, that feels so good!” GREAT!!
Jodi says
What a cute picture! My WW has to do with a horse too!
Happy Wednesday!
Erna says
I love it! There’s nothing like a good tickle session. ;0)
Tricia says
Great shot! It looks like their laughing at a good joke.