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Parties are better with PRIZES!
So the Ultimate Blog Party 2011 will be packed with prizes.
And since the UBP is all about YOU and the rest of the blogosphere, we love helping YOU get noticed at the party.
This year, we’ve added a new Featured Prize Sponsor opportunity
Each featured prize will be a $100 Visa Gift Card sponsored by a blogger or company. These featured prize sponsors, will be listed on the main Ultimate Blog Party 2011 Party Post and the winners drawn from the MckLinky Lists and the Comments section.
Each of the feature prize sponsors will provide their winner with a $100 Visa Gift Card. (These feature prize sponsor spots cost $100 each.)
Meet our Featured Prize Sponsors:
Please help us thank Kristie, Jody, Lesa, Abbey, Wendy and Jen for their support of the Ultimate Blog Party!
We sincerely appreciate these ladies and we ask that you please follow each of them on Twitter and check out their sites.
Kristie from Saving Dollars and Sense
Follow Kristie @sawickisJody from Mommy Moment
Follow Jody @mommymomentblogLesa from Bear Haven Boutique
Follow Lesa @ilovebearhavenAbbey from Living My MoMent
Follow Abbey @LivingMyMoMentWendy from Kiboomu
Follow Wendy @kiboomuJen from Pipsqueak Boutique
Follow Jen @jenkirkpatrick
And Check Out These Prizes…
At the end of the party, we have a random draw and award prizes from this huge UBP prize pool.
Click here to view the prizes we’ve added so far…
All these prizes are provided by bloggers and small businesses who value community and social media. Please visit the prize page and browse through the prizes and follow the providers on Facebook and Twitter.
It’s Not Too Late For YOU…
HURRY and Submit Your Prize NOW!
And we are opening MORE SPOTS for Featured Sponsors and possibly also prizing for a Twitter Party… So if you’d like to grab a ton of promotion for only $100 fee plus $100 gift card, Fill Out This Form Now.
(We had closed submissions for Feature Sponsors, but we’ve temporarily opened it again.)
Breaking It Down Into Details…
Winners of the prizes listed on the UBP 2011 Prize Page will be drawn randomly from entrants of the Ultimate Blog Party 2011. We will publish an entry form before the party starts on April 1st. The party ends on April 8th and we will begin the large task of drawing the winners on April 9th. When the prizes have all been assigned, we will update the UBP 2011 Prize Page with winner TWITTER HANDLES.
We’re going to use Twitter handles for listing winners because people’s names are not unique and unlike email addresses, people love to share their twitter handles.
If you don’t yet have a twitter handle, go make one now… trust us… Twitter is good.
The $100 Visa Gift Card Featured Prizes will be drawn from the MckLinky lists and the Comments on the Ultimate Blog Party 2011 post. Those draws are separate from this prize list which will be awarded from the UBP 11 Prize Entry Form (still to be published).
Important Notes:
All prizes will be shipped (or otherwise provided) directly from the prize provider. 5 Minutes for Mom can take no responsibility of prize fulfillment, quality, experience etc.
Prizes listed on the prize page are as submitted via our UBP 11 Prize Submission Form. We have reviewed the entries, but if you find any prizes that you feel should not be listed, please contact us. We reserve the right to remove any prizes that we feel do not meet requirements or that cause any other issues or conflicts. Due to the volume of prizes listed, we may not have caught a problem entry upon first review, so we appreciate your feedback.
Remember to follow @5minutesformom and watch the #UBP11 hashtag.
Ellie says
Thanks for organizing this again this year.
CoffeeLovinMom says
I can’t tell you how excited I am !
Judy says
I’ve just submitted a prize! Thanks for hosting the Ultimate Blog Party!
Cristine says
Hi – I just checked our link and there’s an error – How can I ask for the listing to be updated?
Hotel 71 & More 4 Mom’s Buck
Hillary--Mrs. Einstein says
So, do we HAVE to have a Twitter handle in order to win/claim a prize?
Rebecca says
This look slike a LOT of fun!!
Kaye Swain says
Exciting update! I’ll add this link to my SandwichINK party blog invite post after I finish the shop-til-I-drop expedition with my granddaughter. 😉 Thanks.