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Two and a half hours later, Jackson is still awake.
He has gone the bathroom three times, had a banana and a glass of water and has come out to say, “I love you” and given me enough kisses to fully convince me that he adores me, (when it is past his bedtime.)
Once again, I hear him call, “Moooom.”
This time I am lying in bed, seconds from sleep myself. I get up because I don’t want him to wake Olivia who has finally just given in to sleep herself.
“Mom… ah…. I just want to tell you something…ummm… I love you and…”
As Jackson searches his mind to come up with something worthy to tell me, all I can think in my too tired to be awake mind is, “This at least better be something blogable…”
He finally comes up with something,“…I am feeling good now and my finger is feeling good.”
“Good sweetie – I am glad. Now, go to sleep”
I leave the room, again.
Remind me not to let my son sleep in till 9am again. It really messes with his body clock.
MerryMom says
I love this, thought I’d share …
The Quick Change Baby Crib
Petula says
Oh my! I really hate that noise/call/disturbance that happens seconds before I fall asleep. It’s always seconds before something: eating, working, using the bathroom… yes, I feel your pain too.
Jen says
LOL I love it! I catch myself all the time saying… should I blog about this, will they like it? You are a true blogging mommy if that pops in your head.
Kids are so funny and they can always know the right words to say to just melt our hearts and forget what they are actually doing.
Stephanie says
“This at least better be something blogable…” You are so funny! That’s *exactly* the way I think. Every moment is a potential topic or angle for my blog… 🙂
Mommy Lounge says
Very funny! Isn’t it amazing the things that kids come up with just to stay awake a few more minutes. My daughter is notorious for pointing out any and anything to talk about as we are walking to her room–just to stay awake! Not to mention having to go potty!
Julieann says
P.S. I had to double check to make sure I spelled blogable right..LOL–is it even in the dictionary yet:::giggles:::
Julieann says
I really liked this post today–it was very blogable:)
Amber Stevens says
Yep! Those darn body clocks! DOn’t mess with them…or they’ll mess back!
Shannon says
I try not to let these moments get to me as my last is 4 years old and we have had a few of these nights.
We do have very strict bedtimes and wake-up times so there are not too many nights like this. Just remember that they are only young once.
Beth says
My almost-4-year-old tells us “I’m hungwy” EVERY NIGHT when we tell him it’s bedtime. Then he has to have a yogurt, or peaches, or cereal, or something before he’ll go to bed. It takes forever to get him to settle down. I’m going to start telling him at like, 7pm that it’s bedtime just so we can get it over with before midnight! Mommy needs her sleep!! 🙂
Nodins Nest says
Oh my, have I been there, it’s amazing what they come up with when they are trying to avoid sleep.
That is when my son says the sweetest things too!
R.L.Scovens says
@Mikki, you’re so right!
Mikki says
Too cute!!
Try to cherish these moments ( once you have some good coffee) for you’ll miss them one day.
Monica- Paper Bridges says
yup, further evidence mothering will never be the same thanks to the mommyblogger way of thinking. helps keep me laughing, that’s for sure.
Alicia says
Feel your pain!