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We are celebrating the powerful women in our lives, twitter style, with ARM & HAMMER® Power Gel Laundry Detergent.
Join us on Twitter this Thursday, December 9th at 12:00 P.M. ET, using the hashtag #powerofmoms. The party will run for one hour. Be sure to follow @5minutesformom.
We will talk about the women in our lives whose strength inspires us. We will also talk laundry, sharing laundry tips and discussing the strength of ARM & HAMMER® Power Gel Laundry Detergent.
Of course we will have prizes. We will have 5 Laundry Prize Packs to give away throughout the party. Laundry prize packs include 1 bottle of ARM & HAMMER® Plus OxiClean® Power Gel and a $50 American Express Gift Card courtesy of ARM & HAMMER®.
Inspire Us
Also, don’t forget to tell us about the powerful woman in your life. ARM & HAMMER® has two $200 American Express gift cards to give away, one for you and one for the inspirational woman in your life. Be sure to enter to win.
We hope that you will join us on December 9th at 12:00 P.M. ET. Be sure to RSVP here! Please include your Twitter hashtag.
We can’t wait to hear your inspiring stories and to also learn more about the strength of ARM & HAMMER® Power gel Laundry Detergent.
This post was written by 5 Minutes for Mom contributing editor, Erica.
This post is part of a paid campaign with ARM & HAMMER®.
Tracy P says
Jeannine (MyBitsandBleeps) says
The inspirational woman, in my life, is my mom…she’s 82 and still kickin’ it in style!
abbi says
I’ve got my twitter game face on
chelsea says
I’ll be there! @chelseatalks
Gabriele Wood says
i dont know if i did this right by just posting my twitter handle ? i want to be there tomorrow at noon…please let me know…thank you
Erica says
You’re fine. 😀 See you there. 😀
Kay says
I’m in!
Gabriele Wood says
Put me on that list @ inky08
CrystalGB says
Could you delete the link for I did it wrong.
Leanne M says
I’m on my iPhone and didn’t fully read it, anyway I gave you my name not my hashtag
Sheree Warner says
RSVP’d forgot hashtag @moonshadow43 TY
Sheree Warner says
I’ll be here! Thank you!
Marni says
I remember I’ll attend, but that’s 8am here which is school runs and morning chaos. 😉
Stacey says
Wish I could join you, but I will be in a meeting. Have fun!
Stacey says
Wish I could join you on Thursday but I have my 3 hour glucose test…darn you pregnancy! But I did want to say that the ARM & HAMMER® Plus OxiClean® detergent is my husband’s most FAVORITE laundry soap ever! Yes, he actually has a preference!
Miranda Johnson says
I’ll be there. 🙂