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We are so terribly sorry for the untimely massive crash our server had last night at 12:01AM right as we were about to publish the Ultimate Blog Party Post.
We’re still not sure exactly what went wrong… but Janice and I were both working on the post and accidently collided our updates. I tried to hit Stop on my browser and I don’t know if that corrupted something.
But what a nightmare! Literally… we were up most of the night tearing our hair out as we tried to fix it. Finally after attempting several solutions we finally are back up and running.
Thank you for your patience.
We especially want to apologize to those of you who stayed up late and were all set to link up right when the party was supposed to start. We feel terribly about it.
But I think the next best thing is for us to just put the past behind us and…
We’ll publish The Ultimate Blog Party 2008 momentarily…
We had thought that maybe we should post a new start time so that everyone has equal opportunity to get linked up at the top… BUT… after chatting more about it with our team, we think that delaying the post further will just make matters worse. So many of you already have your party posts up and are partying as I type this.
So we think the best solution is to just hurry up and publish our party post with the Mr. Linky so that those of you who are trying to hop from party to party can find your way without stumbling aimlessly throughout the blogosphere knocking on doors looking for parties.
Sound good? Let’s get our dancing shoes on… get your party post url ready to add to Mr Linky as fast as you can… and then let’s DANCE!
danette says
Hi Susan and Janice,
Great party kick off, I was dancing to the music. You two have a wonderful blog that I check daily.
Hugs, Danette
e-Mom says
How awful for you! I did wonder what happened, so thanks for the update. I guess we’ll all sleep well tonight!!!
Thanks for hosting this fabulous party. You’re the BEST in the blogosphere!
Hugs, e-Mom @ Chrysalis
Julie says
Hooray! I’m so glad I wasn’t the one who crashed the party! 🙂 Thank God for Google! Some of us started the party on our own! 🙂
Jean at Penny Lane says
Yes, I guess it is a Rock and Roll party now.
A rocky start, but every one rolled once it got going! While you were down, people partied on at my blog and I partied at theirs so I guess, we all know alternative routes and shortcuts to the party line.
Glad things worked out. I hope you get some rest.
Uhh — second try to post this comment as I got some kind of invalidation page popping up. My other comment on the other post went through ok.
Sherie says
Im very excited to visit all of you in your UBPs. Why can’t I find the UBP in Mr Linky’s list?
Help! 🙂
Jean says
We are ready! Thanks for letting us know on Stephanies site what was going on. I thought it was just me!
Liz says
WHOOT! Thank you, ladies for all the hard work you put into this, and everything. Nothing but love for ya’!
KC says
I”m so glad your back up and running.. I was also one of those ones ready to go shortly after midnight. I was thinking all us blogger trying to get on your site at the same time is what crashed it, I kept thinking there must had been thousands of us trying to get to you..
Let’s party..
Veronica says
I also thought that the party goers crashed the party – LITERALLY! Glad to see your smiling faces again! Let’s PARTY!
Sarah says
Ready to party!
Thanks so much for all your dedication and work on this!!!
crunchy domestic goddess says
so glad you are back! i figured all the mamas crashed the server. 😉
party time!
Natalie says
Jessie says
So glad you are back up and running. I was one of the one’s ready at 12:01am and when it happened I thought, “Wow! They have so much traffic it just crashed!”
Cher Klosner Lane says
Oh…I see …I need to be patient …ooops 🙂
Thanks Janice and Susan!!! This is SOOO fun!!! 🙂
Robin (the pensieve one) says
(And “we’ve” been doing our best to find each other in the meantime.)
Sorry for this inconvenience to Y’ALL, though!
Janne says
Glad you’re back! (Now go take a much-needed nap — after the post is up of course ;))
Lisa says
I am ready to party! I was here at 12:01 am for the great server crash of 2008, lol! Glad to see you are back up and running!
Kelley says
hey is not a party till something gets broke!
Melissa in Mel's World says
Can’t wait…I am so sorry this had to happen…totally stinks, but you are right it is almost behind you now!
melissa says
Yea! Cant wait to get started!!
Jenny says
Wee! You’re back. I figured the server went poof! Glad your up and running again though.
Cher Klosner Lane says
We still can’t get to Mr. Linky from the The party has started hyperlink – it’s not working here – what am I missing?
Here is my Permalink:
Cher 🙂
oh amanda says
Glad you’re back up! When I saw it was down this morning, I knew yall would be stressing! Take a break now! 😉
The Pumkin Patch says
I refreshed your blog for 45 minutes last night thinking that it was just expierencing high traffic. Glad y’all got it fixed, LOL.
Yen says
Woot! I’m so ready to party and it’s my first time:)
PamperingBeki says
YaY! We’re partying!
Susan says
Whew! I was worried for you both…figured you must have been…well, frustrated!
Looking forward!
Karla Porter ~ Looking Towards Heaven says
i was worried about y’all! get a nap today!!!
xo ~ K
Andrea Mason says
Woo Hoo!!
Adventures In Babywearing says