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I have had it easy these past six years. I only had one child.
I always felt sad about it. I felt terrible that my son was all alone. I knew how desperately he wanted a brother and I wished I had been able to give him one.
But at the end of a play date or after the chaos of a birthday party dies down, I realize how different life would have been in this house if there had been more boys living here.
One boy simply doesn’t make too much noise.
Yesterday, for Jackson’s sixth birthday, we celebrated with five of his friends. First we went to play Laser Tag, (a van full of boys is a lot louder than a van with just one boy!) and then we came back here for presents, hot dogs and ice cream cake. Wow – it was loud! Lots of fun – but very loud and crazy.
How do you moms of lots of boys do it?!? I have a headache just imagining it! Olivia and I both have been exhausted since the party. Olivia – who was awake during all the chaos – slept for ten hours last night and I have had two naps today!
Jackson had a great time – and we still have another birthday party for him on Sunday at the recreation center with the boys from school. (Not since he was two and I had twenty boys here, have I been foolish enough to have a full size birthday party in our small house.)
It was so much fun watching Jackson with his friends. Even though it was loud and crazy, I had a great time too!
Here are a few shots from the party.
Happy Birthday Jackson!
Nell - Mama of 2 Boys says
heck, my two little boys are loud…six would be deafening!
Colleen Palat says
Looks like fun! My son is 13 months and hasn’t gotten to the loud stage, yet. I have a lot to look forward to! 🙂
WiMommato3boys says
Glad your son had fun! I have 3 boys under 5 and well, I don’t know what quiet is like! I grew up with 3 younger brothers also, so I guess I was born to be a “boy” mom! Enjoy your quiet while you can!
Enchanted Designs says
I have 2 boys and 2 girls. They range in age from 2 years to 14. My house is usually very busy. Looks like Jackson had fun!
donetta says
Yes I only have two and they are LOUD!
michaela says
Have you ever been in a room with 15 basketball girls who are in 8th or 9th grade? I’m sure we are a lot louder then 6 little boys. I grew up in a family of 6, my parents, 3 siblings and I. As the years went through me being the youngest I have not heard louder things until I was at a state hockey game last year with my school. We always had people who seemed like they were family or were just friends. Four children who are 7, 10 and 12 years apart from me, so quite the age range of about 12 kids running around our house. It seems easy thinking about it if you ask me.
Shera - A Frog In My Soup says
LOL Janice! Imagine LIVING with those 6 boys, day and night wrestling and football . . . heehee! A glimpse into my world.
Susanne says
Sounds like a fun party. With a dayhome with 6 boys in it I totally know what you mean. We go outside at least once a day to run off energy and let them use their outside voices. :v)
MommaBlogger says
“I’ve often wondered how mom’s of lots of boys survive.”
I don’t know either some days 🙂
I have 4 boys, one girl, and another boy on the way. It is always so LOUD! The oldest boy is just loud and gangly, the second boy is a non-stop talker, the third boy is trying to outdo the other two, and then there’s the 4th boy, who never quite knows what to make of it. Add in a squealy girl, and it’s pure chaos some days.
But then, they shoot you that cute little grin and you forget why you wanted to strangle them a few minutes before 🙂
Jennifer, Snapshot says
Yep–I’m with Stacey. Girls make a LOT of noise inside a closed vehicle as well.
Valerie says
Boys are so sweet aren’t they? I want another one! btw, my son has that viking hat Jackson’s friend is wearing….lol, it’s a big hit over here at my house!
In Christ,
Kristen M. says
Thankfully birthday parties come just once a year.
Christi says
As the mom of two boys, 4 and 6, I agree…yes! Boys are loud! And as the teacher of 16 first graders, 8 of them boys, I agree…yes! Boys can be loud! LOL
Colleen says
I’ve often wondered how mom’s of lots of boys survive.
Tina says
Too cute. I have a girl and two boys. Girls seem to be Drama Queens, boys extremely loud. 🙂
Christina W says
My brother and his wife have three boys – we went back home for the holidays, and my own Olivia (3yrs) had a blast running around with her cousins (and I do mean running). Just watching them was exhausting; I honestly don’t know how my sis-in-law handles it. The volume alone would send me through the roof if I had to hear it day after day, and they are so physical. I love those boys, and they are crazy about my kids – but it was hard for them to remember that Liv, for all her confidence, is quite a bit smaller than they are (5,8 and 14). Of course, now that we are back my daughter constantly requests visits to see “JimmyEddyMikey”. Poor kid – how does one explain three thousand miles?
Sounds like your Bday party split was a great idea, and that Jackson is a lucky boy. Get some rest, now!
Tiff says
Happy Birthday Jackson!! I have two boys under three and one soon to be teenage girl! It can get loud here often. Usually if the weather’s nice i make them all go outside. But it’s too cold so I get to deal with the screaming and imitating different items like the vacuum, the mixer, the drill! Oh Boy!!!
Mrs. Schmitty says
I have two boys. They are both energetic and LOUD! I also have a daughter, she is the youngest and can definitely keep up with them. The way I deal? When they are running around screaming and releasing their energy? And IPOD!
Stephanie says
Olivia slept for ten hours? Wow! What sleep “plan” are you following with her?
Stacey says
Oh, you should hear a van full of GIRLS! The incessant giggling and squeeling and chatter is enough to drive you batty! Isn’t there some scripture that says, “wherever two or more are gathered, there shall be much damage to the nerves”? Yeah, I think they’re talking about small children there. 😉
jennifer says
They look like they had a lot of fun.
I have four kids between 2-8 and it does seem like a birthday party everyday. But now if it was not like that it would be boring.And I am an only child and I loved it growing up.
Colleen says
You deserve a medal! Sounds like you had a fun time!
jen says
looks like a lot of fun