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The good thing is that I had no great plans for New Year’s Eve. All I really wanted was to get Jackson to bed early and watch a movie as I nursed Olivia. Yes – my life is thoroughly exciting isn’t it?
We are at my family’s cabin in the mountains and Jackson had his first ski lessons on New Year’s Day. For me, celebrating the New Year meant getting him in bed and trying to get a bit of sleep before it was time to get him ready for the day.
But at about 9pm, just as I finished publishing my Tackle It Tuesday post, I realized that I was getting another case of Mastitis. It is amazing how suddenly Mastitis comes on. This time I knew exactly what was happening.
I left Olivia with Phil and I walked up to the small hospital that is fortunately just a short distance from our cabin to get some antibiotics. By the time I got back, my headache was raging, I had the chills and all I wanted to do was sleep.
Unfortunately, Olivia wasn’t in the mood to start the New Year with a great sleep. I was up most of the night with her and then it was time to get Jackson dressed and ready for his big day.
So after I snapped some quick pictures of Jackson in his gear, I put Olivia down and crawled back into bed. I had hoped to bundle up Olivia in the afternoon and head over to the mountain to watch Jackson, but I was so dizzy and weak I gave up that plan. I would have to wait for Phil and Jackson to get home to hear all about the day.
When Jackson got home, I quizzed him on his day, “How was it? Did you have fun? What was your favorite part?”
You would think that I would hear about skiing, right? I mean we did pay a ridiculous amount of money for him to experience the thrill of skiing down a mountain, right?
But apparently it was the thrill of lunch that truly impressed my son. “I had a hot dog, vegetable soup, French fries and lemonade. I ate half of my hot dog, most of my soup and all of my fries. And THEN I had cheesecake and I ate the most cheesecake in my class! I ate as much as the snowboarders!”
“That sounds great Jackson – but what was your favorite part of your day? Did you like skiing?”
“My favorite part of the day was the cheesecake!”
“Great,” I thought, “All that money for memorable cheesecake.”
But after a thoughtful pause, Jackson added, “My second favorite part was skiing.”
Well – I guess second place is pretty good.
Jackson is going for lessons again tomorrow (well actually today now) so I better get to bed and try to get some rest. This time I am hopefully going to get to that mountain and watch my little guy ski.
I wonder what they will have for dessert tomorrow…
Twisted Cinderella says
That sounds like a great experience for Jackson!
Sorry about the mastitis!
Pamela Kramer says
Cheesecake is the best! What a great opportunity for him. Way to go Mom!
Tiff says
Yikes. . not again!!! I hope you get some sleep! Glad Jackson had fun and enjoyed the Cheesecake!
Crunchy Domestic Goddess says
i’m sorry about the mastitis. hope you are feeling better very soon.
that’s too cute about jackson! it’s always funny to me what impresses kids. love his pic below too. he’ll be a pro in no time. 🙂
Haley says
Hope you get to feeling better really soon, and how funny about Jackson and the Cheesecake! 🙂
jen says
hope your feeling better real soon
Shera - A Frog In My Soup says
Oh Janice, I am sooooo sorry about the mastitis! It is all too true that for many of us it really comes on within a few hours with absolutely no warning! I pray for a quick recovery for you.
I really did enjoy reading the story about Jackson and the cheesecake though . . . yes, expensive cheesecake story made my day heehee!
Colleen Palat says
I just love this blog. 🙂 Isn’t it funny how kids find the smallest things most memorable? The memories really are in the small moments. I hope you feel better.
Q&Q says
That is so funny! That is like the time we all made an extended family trip to visit my father in New York. My nephew’s father was pointing out all the tall skyscrapers of Manhattan so sure his son would be in awe. What did he do? My 6 year old nephew looked down and said “Mommy, oooh a pidgeon!”
I do hope you feel better. You’re a trooper. Take care of yourself.
Tara Robertson says
oh ouch! feel better soon. happy new year!
Lis Garrett ~ a writer's woolgatherings says
Oh how funny! And mastitis ~ yuck!
We are ringing in the new year with head lice. FUN!
Colleen says
Sorry to hear you’re under the weather. Jackson is a cutie though! I had my first ski lesson at 28!!
Char says
Gotta love it when what you want to be their favorite falls to a close second behind the food!
Kelly says
You poor thing! As a woman who has had mastitis so many time I can’t count them on two hands, I know the agonizing misery that is mastitis. Hoping you feel better soon!
Stephanie says
So sorry to hear about the return of mastitis. I hope you feel much better soon!
Melissa Markham says
LOL! Kids are so funny…of course, I probably would have agreed with him! Feel better soon!
Jamie says
hope your feeling better soon
Robin (the pensieve one) says
Hey Janice,
Happy new year, sweetie :).
I know I kind of disappeared…although I’ve been writing a little (in comparison to “before”), I had to back off blogging a bit…right around the time Miss Olivia was born.
(oops…this isn’t an email, lol, I’ll get back to commenting form before I write a dissertation ;).)
Kids are funny that way, aren’t they? As parents, we know what we “want” out of them, but sometimes they just don’t get it (little smile there). Jackson’s response is a gentle reminder that life is lived in the small spaces…those are often the places that matter most.
Skiing will come…before long, he’ll probably be EXTREME snowboarding or something! And you’ll long for the days when his favorite thing to “do” was cheesecake. It’s SOOOOOooo much safer, right?
Hope the meds have kicked in by now and you’re feeling a bit more normal…breastfeeding is NOT for sissies!
Hyperactive Lu says
Ha! So funny!
Amy says
Jackson is so blessed to be able to get that experience. What a wonderful memory it will be for him!
Mamacheryl says
By the way… I totally feel for you with the mastitis. I had an awful time with it with my first baby. I was on antibiotics for four whole months until I finally gave up and weaned to formula. I’d get the hard chills and then I knew the next few hours would be absolute misery. It’s amazing how sick you feel.
Maytal says
thanks for a great year of blogging
may 2008 be even better