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Welcome to our home. I know you have so many places to get to today, but I hope you can come in for a quick visit. Come on in… First we have our living room/dining room area. Thank goodness for Tackle It Tuesday, or else you would not be able to see our lovely dining room table. It sometimes doubles as a scrapping area and has been known to be covered for months in scrap stuff. (I do have an area in the basement, but sometimes it just creeps up here.) |
Next we have our “great room.” Nowadays, houses around here are being built with rooms that include kitchen and living space. Here we have our main living area. This place can quickly look like a tornado ripped through with the high traffic it gets. The family room, which has the colored squares covering our hardwood floor, is Jackson main play area, complete with his own table. |
To the left, you can see my “work space” at the kitchen table. (For you Tacklers – look closely – it is still clean!) We have an office area upstairs, but I prefer to work down here in the middle of the action. Eventually we will enclose the upstairs open office area and turn it into another bedroom. |
I love my work area – during the day it is so inspiring with the trees and sunlight. (This picture was taken for a Tackle post.) |
And the kitchen is in here too. It is wonderful to have it all together. I can cook or clean the kitchen while watching Jackson play, or if after his bedtime, even watch some TV. I love it!
Downstairs we have another playroom – it used to have a pool table but we gave it to a friend so Jackson could have a place to play hockey etc during our long, rainy fall and winter. Our bedrooms are upstairs, but we won’t bother going up there today. (You may have seen Jackson’s room and our bathroom in previous Tackle It Tuesday posts.) We are especially grateful for this home, because, well, it isn’t ours. My hubby and I do not own it. My mom does and we live here with her. This arrangement works out very well for us. She has her bedroom and en-suite bathroom on the main floor and we have the upstairs, and pretty much the basement, which includes my scrap area, a TV area and Jackson’s other play room, to ourselves. We share all the living space on the main floor. Actually, my mom is rarely here, so we basically have the place to ourselves. My mom, my twin sister Susan and I run our online children’s stores together and we have a home office at Susan’s townhouse two blocks away. Ironically, my mom spends most of her time there. She even cooks and eats her meals there! Jackson is always complaining that Grandma doesn’t live here anymore because most of the time he spends with her is over at Susan’s house. Housing prices here have gone crazy here – and I mean really crazy. You do not want me to tell you how much a house costs in this neighborhood – and we live in the suburbs! So in order to reduce financial stress and to allow me to stay at home with Jackson, we have decided that living here makes the most sense right now. Yes, my mom is the most generous, incredible woman and we are so grateful for what she is doing for us. It sometimes does cause my husband and me stress, and hurts our pride, that we do not own a house of our own, but right now it seems like this is what we should do. My mom insists that the house is too big for her anyway and tells us that we do not need to be in any hurry to move. So here we are. Grateful and humble. Thank you so much for coming over. It has been so great having you. But one more thing – here at 5 Minutes for Mom we promise to bring you some of the best stuff online. So take a quick hop over and visit our latest post. We’re featuring a fabulous new Mom-Created line of sun protective children’s clothing and we really don’t want you to miss it! (Also we’ve arranged for you to get 50% off of EVERYTHING. You’ll want to stock up for next summer… we sure did.) Thanks again for coming – and come back soon! |
Mrs. C says
Thank you so much for the tour of your lovely home (great kitchen!). I’ll definitely be back to browse your blog.
Shalee says
Now that is what I call a workable kitchen! But the white furniture would drive me crazy or else my kids… “Have you washed your hands? Don’t sit there unless you can give verifiable proof that you haven’t touched anything that would even think about staining this couch!” But that’s just me.
I’m thrilled that you have such a loving mom to see the need and to open her home to you. That is true love for you!
Thanks for sharing your living space with us.
udandi says
ah, now there’s a kitchen! Thanks for stopping by and taking my tour. I enjoyed yours!
Karla says
Your (your mom’s) house is beautiful! I love the windows by the work area. I’d be staring out of those most of the day. 🙂 Thanks for the tour.
Thanks for stopping by my place to look around. 🙂
Theresa says
Love home…and OH the white furniture – you brave soul 🙂
Oh, even though you don’t own it, it’s still YOUR home and it’s beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Barb says
Your home is absolutely beautiful. I love love the white furniture by your lovely fireplace. And your kitchen is just to be dreamed of. Lovely, lovely. Thank you.
Geekwif says
I love your work area! That is such a pretty view. How inspiring that must be…or distracting. Thanks for letting us see your home.
Rena says
Your home is beautiful, especially like the kitchen and your decorating touchs. Thanks for the tour.
Kari-MommaB says
What a beautiful home… regardless of who owns it. I, too, am blessed with a generous mom who would give everything to me if she could. Over the years, I found the guilt creeping up on me and when I finally confessed to her she admonished me for trying to take away her rights to “give back” what was given to her many years ago. While I admit it is still sometimes overwhelming to think of the love she continually pours on me, I’m so grateful that I am blessed enough to have her at all!! Thanks for sharing your home and your story! Can’t wait to stop in for my next visit!
Stephanie says
I love your home. Especially that huge island in the kitchen! I love tackle it Tuesday. Just haven’t been able to commit myself to it yet! Thanks for the tour.
Mountain Mama says
You have a wonderful home, and you have arranged it beautifully. Thanks for the nice visit.
Robin says
I think the best thing about your house and living arrangements is that you do it because it is what is best for your son. I don’t know too many people willing to live with their moms (or make any kind of sacrifice really) to be at home with their kids. Kuddos to you and what a blessing that it is a nice home on top of it all!
Nancy says
Amazing kitchen and how sweet of your mom to share her home. I bet the kids love being near so much family; mine sure miss theirs, thirteen hours away.
Heather says
LOVE the carpet in the livingroom!! 😉
Laura says
Thanks so much for the tour 🙂
Dianne says
Your home is lovely! I like your ‘Tackle it Tuesday’ idea as Monday is not my day to do anything.
Thanks for the tour. : )
Melanie says
What a nice home and what a blessing to live with your mom. Thanks for sharing your home and your story.
boomama says
I loved your house initially just looking at the pictures – but then reading why you’ve chosen to live there made me love it even more. What a blessing – what a provision from God – and what an encouragement.
Thanks, Janice – so much.
Lauren says
Janice, your home is beautiful. I’ve said it a few times on my blog but didn’t reiterate it again during the tour, we don’t own a home either. We lost our dream home almost nine years ago and have rented ever since. It has been an intentional decision that we wait now until the kids are older before we even consider having me go back to work. Family comes first! God can hand each of us a home tomorrow if he so wishes. Being home with the kids is more important. 🙂
Beckie says
Beautiful house!
I love your kitchen!!
Is that a tv in your fireplace??
Thanks for having me.
Blessings! ~Beckie
Tess says
I really like the conversation area w/ the couch and easy chairs.
Mysterious Lady says
Your coffee table is just the bomb! Thank you for sharing your beautiful house with us!
Come visit me sometime.
Val says
The kitchen island is great, especially the high back that can hide your “work in progress” (in my house known as dirty dishes). Also good place for visitors to lean on and distract you while you’re cooking. (I don’t operate well under those conditions)
momrn2 says
I love the colored squares on the floor! And the little table. What a great play area! Thanks for inviting us to your place. And thanks for stopping by “My Quiet Corner”!
winomom says
awesome house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lori says
White couches! I don’t know how you keep them clean.
Your house lovely. I too like the windows by your work area. Windows make all the difference to me.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading my housekeeping post. It is truly one of my favorites, so I am glad you got something out of it.
I will have to check back for the next TT. I have several jobs I could stand to tackle…
Belle ah says
Thanks so much for the tour, you have a lovely home!
Kim says
You have a lovely home and what a blessing!
Tammy~Kentucky Gal says
Thanks so much for your visit and sweet comment to me…I enjoyed the views of your cozy home!
Sandra says
I LOVE Your house, the living room is gorgeous and so is the kitchen….I so wish I could stop by for a visit 🙂
Joy says
Love it!! Thanks for sharing! It sounds like you guys have a really close family, that is so wonderful that you can all live close and share in each other’s lives.
Pastormac's Ann says
What a nice place you have here! And what a blessing that you can share it with your mom and allow her to love you in this way. That’s special.
Very smart with the soft covers for your little guy’s space – protecting the floor and him as well.
Love your kitchen and the living room looks beautiful – I’d like to sit in there a while and relax. OK?
grafted branch says
An elegantly decorated home. Beautiful!
PEA says
Thank you so much for letting us see a glimpse of your home…well your mother’s house but still your home:-) It’s beautiful and I love the furniture and decor!! This Tour of Homes was a brilliant idea:-)
Chappyswife says
Great house, love your kitchen especially! Thank you for the tour, & thanks for visiting me. I didn’t realize you had 5minutesformom! I am in the signing-up process. I am impressed with what you are doing! Wow!
Sheri says
I love your work area too! Very nice home.
autumn says
Very nice..I loved the tour
kaliblue says
You have a lovely home. Thanks for sharing :-).
Have A Great Weekend!!
Christina says
Okay just one more. I kind of think parents love when their kids live in their homes. I don’t know why anyone would want to live alone. It’s more fun living with lots of people just like years ago. Everyone then can take care of one another. You are lucky. We are always so far from family being in the military.
OldOldLady Of The Hills says
You have a lovely home and it is fun to see your little boys room…all the swell toys and he is soooo adorable. And it is just so nice to meet you!
Glass Half Full says
I love all the windows off the dining area of the kitchen. Especially the beautiful “carpet” in the family space! 🙂
MamaDuck says
It’s beautiful, and I’m so glad for you that you can share it with your mother and not have that financial burden!
Kim from Hiraeth says
That’s my dream kitchen.
Nikkie says
You have a beautiful home! I just love your kitchen!
Christina says
Okay one more comment. I think your living arrangement is great. I live in military housing, not my own, but I decorate it as if it was. I think a home can be anywhere, not just if you own it, but as long as you live in it, it is your home.
Christina says
One more thing, your kitchen is to die for. Are those granite countertops? This should be on a cooking show. I would love to have your kitchen.
Christina says
I am touring all these houses on “Tour of Homes,” and I am so jealous. Your house is beautiful. I could sit in your work area all day and just soak up that great view. All the houses I see so far have such different, but wonderful decorating schemes. I think yours is one of the best. I also like Sandras a lot at Diary of a Stay at Home mom. I love that your house looks elegant yet comforting and inviting. Not an easy combination to pull of, but you did it, and did it with grace. Oh, by the way I did not mean jelous in a mean way, you know the kind of jealous that is joyous, if this makes sence.
Carol says
Well, your mom’s house is beautiful. Y’all are brave to have that whilte living room with little ones around. The rubber mats on the wood floors are awfully smart!
Housing prices in your area sound like those in Seattle where my sister lives. We’d consider moving there, except we’d have to live in a cardboard box and probably wouldn’t be able to afford even that!
Praise God for family!
the "other" Sarah says
Thanks for the tour! Lovely home. What a blessing for you children to grow up so close to their Grandma!
Sue says
How wonderful that your Mom shares her lovely home with you! These days it is so difficult for young families to even buy a starter home (at least here in CA) not sure where you are!
Mom2fur says
Your house is so cheerful and fresh-looking! And that work area! Siiiigggh…I don’t think I’d ever get a thing done. I’d be looking outside all the time.
Jenn says
WOW, what a beautiful home…I love your style, the colors are great and your kitchen WOW…it looks awesome! I wanna come make some cookies, but hey only if you clean up! 😉
pickalish says
Love that kitchen!
Jodi says
What a beautiful home! Your mom is a very generous woman!
Be blessed!
Kristen says
I think your home is lovely and I don’t think there is anything wrong with your living arrangement! It sounds pretty ideal to me. I understand about the hurt pride and owning your own home thing, though. We rent right now but would love to own.
Anyway, I enjoyed the tour! 🙂
Jennifer says
It’s nice. I love the play area. And I think it’s great that living with your mom works out so well.
Christy says
What a beautiful, beautiful home! I love your kitchen & I can’t believe how fabulous the LR/DR looks!! You’d never know you had children.
GiBee says
Love it! Gorgeous!!!
Shannon says
Love it! Your kitchen is wonderful!
Jennifer R. says
Great house, beautiful furniture and I just love the great room!
Susanne says
Your home is gorgeous! That living room is absolutely lovely with the furniture and fire place!
Katrina says
Beautiful! I especially love the great room!
Heather says
Janice you have a beautiful home! Hopefully one day we can have a cup of tea in your living room and just chat! (Im serious!)
Have a great day!
jane says
oh, this is lovely and I love the play area
Trisha says
You have a very nice home and a very generous mother. Thanks for having us over!
Mrs Blythe says
What a beautiful house. You have some lovely furniture, thanks for sharing a little too. I enjoyed my visit. Blessings.