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Between Susan and I, we have never had children that were big sleepers. Jackson has rarely slept 11 hours straight in his life and he certainly didn’t sleep through the night consistently as a baby.
But my little Olivia is becoming such a big sleeper I am starting to get a bit worried! She consistently sleeps through the night (usually between 5-7 hours) and of course I am THRILLED!
But last night Olivia slept from 1am to almost 11am! She had her shots yesterday (we are almost a month late for her shots because she had a cold at her 2 month check up) and not only did she not get a fever, she wasn’t even fussy. She was her usually happy, smiling self. Olivia has now learned to laugh out loud too – and she was giggling and laughing away during her bath and nighttime routine.
I kept waiting for her to get fussy – and thought she would be up in the night. But no. She slept, and slept, and slept!
I think I will talk to the doctor about it. But because Olivia is a healthy, chubby baby and growing really well, I think she is probably just fine. I cluster feed her in the evenings so she is getting quite a bit before bed.
So my question for you all, have you ever heard of a 3 month old that slept for ten hours?
BJ says
I’m so sorry to Mamacheryl. I have only had one good sleeper out of my batch of five. At seven months my daughter is still up every couple of hours. But I know when she’s sleeping better, she’ll be that much older…it’s a catch-22. I need sleep, but at least this week my husband is off work, and we’ve been having naps, tag-team style. 😉
Kristin says
Some babies just do my daughter did and still does although she is two now. haha But she did at that age although not waking up for a feeding is weird. Hope everything is okay!
jessica says
well, we were very blessed with a great sleeper too! she was doing about 10 hours at 4 weeks, and more as she got older, but now at 8 months it is more like 7 and then feed and back to sleep for a few hours…uh, oh, I jinxed myself, I hear her waking up now…after an hour of sleep…lets hope she puts herself back to sleep!
Diana says
Poor baby! Those shots made her tired.
Vanessa says
Both my girls were good sleepers, usually between 6-9 hours a night! As long as she’s healthy otherwisem I wouldn’t worry much 🙂
feefifoto says
My niece was colicky, with all that implies (she’s 18 now, and still colicky ;}) When her brother came along he was thee most peaceful baby ever, especially compared to Miss Thunder and Lightning. He slept, ate, smiled, cooed. The problem was, whenever he cried, which was seldom, we were all like “Shut up!” because we were so unaccustomed to fussing from him.
Don’t worry. Babies are all different.
Cassandra says
My fourth is almost seven months old, and from six weeks on she has been sleeping ten hours at night. It’s very, very nice. I put her to bed at 9, and she sleeps until 7. It’s been that way for months now!
Sarah says
Yep, my last started sleeping about that long at 3 weeks! All of mine have slept the whole night through starting at no later than 6 weeks old. It’s great for me, but not so great for my milk supply…
Barb says
Both my daughters slept ten hours and earlier than 3 months. I know how you feel. I was up and down all night checking on them because it seemed so scary that they’d sleep that long. But they did and really, except for them completely soaking through their diapers, it was wonderful.
Merry Christmas to you both and to your families.
Twisted Cinderella says
I am so glad that you are so blessed. I understand your fear. I remember how afraid I was the first time Princess slept for 5 hours.
Stephanie says
Amazing! You are truly blessed! My 15-month-old doesn’t even sleep ten uninterrupted hours.
Kilikina says
Well yes children (some) can sleep alot. Our LK has always slept from 7:30pm-7:00am since he was about 8 months old or so. To this day he still sleeps that plus at 2 years old still takes a 2 hour nap……
Jen says
My daughter slept 9 hours or more from the day she came home from the hospital. It wasn’t until she was almost 2 that she began getting up at 7:30 a.m. She was a big baby, and she was healthy.
Alexia says
My mom told me that I was a 12-hour sleeper from the day I was born!
MommaBlogger says
I’ve had it happen on occasion. Sometimes it can happen between growth spurts too, when their food needs go down and their sleep needs go up. It just depends on the baby. I wouldn’t get used to it though 🙂
Amanda says
Treasure every second! My son, Jayden, was a wonderful sleeper – at 8 weeks he was sleeping through the night, and still if I let him he’ll sleep til’ noon.
My new baby girl, Ella, however ~ UGH! She’s pretty good about waking up strictly to eat and go back to sleep, but we had a HORRIBLE night last night – it was like every 30 minutes she was screaming like she was miserable 🙁 But I don’t anticipate her ever sleeping through the night. *sigh*
Holly says
Funny you’d ask! My two month old had her shots on Wednesday and slept 11 hours that night. your post was like de-jah-vu (sp?)! It must be something about the vaccines that wears them out. 🙂
Jenn in AZ says
Two of my three children slept like that through the night at a very early age…though not each and every night. 🙂 It was a welcome rest for me, once I went through it a couple of times. The first time, I got less sleep than if I needed to feed and change a baby! I kept checking on him/her and staying awake knowing he/she would be needing me very soon! 😀
The Wooden Porch says
Mine were good sleepers, not just 10 hours–but 12!! It’s a wonderful blessing to have a great sleeper. What a sweet little “Christmas gift” Olivia is giving to you.
T with Honey says
Yes I did! Princess was, and still is a sleepy head. She slept 7 hours straight the night she was born. The morning nurse came in horrified that I hadn’t fed or changed her every two hours overnight and insisted I wake her up. No way I was waking a sleeping baby!!
But my sweet Princess slept at least 4 hours every night and by 3 months old she would sometimes have a marathon night of 8 hours or more. Enjoy it!!
amydeanne says
my first slept consistently for 12 h sprints and 2 hour naps from 5 weeks on… i’ve not been so lucky with the other 3! So, i defineately wouldn’t be worried about it!
Happy Mama says
All three of my kids have followed the sleep patterns mentioned. # 1 Slept through the night (8 to 11 hrs) at 8 weeks, #2 slept through the night at 3 weeks…due to formula..nursing was a no go with her, And baby #3 who is 3 1/2 weeks old…well he slept from 12:30 to 8 30 when I woke him up. We have swaddled all of our kids. The baby has slept in his car seat since he hated the cradle…we will move him back when he reaches about 9 poundss like the other two who were about that big when they were born
Krista says
I’d say that’s pretty normal, especially after getting shots. Granted my son is now almost 9 months, but he consistently sleeps 11 or 12 hours at night (hallelujah!). I have a friend whose kids slept 15 hours after they got their shots. If it goes on for more than 1 or 2 days then be concerned. And/or if she shows any other abnormal symptoms. 🙂
Natalie says
Wow! Neither of my daughters did that. The baby is nearly 5 months and doesn’t even sleep though the night very often.
Angela says
Shockingly yes. We started swaddling our first at 6 weeks and magically he slept through the night, 9 hours plus, and we never stopped. Sure there were bad nights but by and large that was our magic. This with a kid who had colic and reflux and was not a perfect baby. The second was similar though it took much longer. It really just took finding that thing that helped him sleep.
mama k says
no I have not. and btw you suck!
J/K! Enjoy the sleep.
Laura says
Yep mine all slept 12 hours straight through at 8-10 weeks of age, it was wonderful!
Angela says
My first daughter slept 9 hours through the night at 3-4 months old. However, my second daughter has been a nightmare and sleeps only in 3-4 hour blocks. She is 2 1/2 now is still gets up 1-3 times a night. She does not like to sleep. My 4 year old gets more sleep than her!
jen says
I dont alarm you but Id be keeping an eye on her weight
my daughter was a sleepy baby only thing is she began to lose weight and I dried up without knowing
Id suggest that during the day you wake her every 2 or 3 hours to feed
just my 5 cents worth
Colleen says
That’s how Zoe reacted to her shots every time. Not fussy at all… but boy did she sleep. She’s always been a good sleeper… but vaccinations wipe her out every time.
Mamacheryl says
Is it wrong that the comments above made me bawl? My daughter is 8 weeks old, and she doesn’t sleep for more than three hours at a time, and I’m sick with exhaustion. I’m going to go get my kleenex now and try not to hate you guys.
liz says
My first child still does not sleep through the night.. but my second… cory has been sleeping 9 hours a night since he was 4 weeks old and he was still sleeping all day..
he is quite the healthy child .. he just is a great sleeper… I thank God every day for that.. I can only handle one bad sleeper!
Haley says
My little boy is 4 months now and he has often slept from 10pm till 8 am. I don’t think you have anything to be worried about! 🙂
Emily says
I have 4 kids and they all slept 10-12 hours (no joke) when they were infants/babies. BUT…now that my oldest are 12 and 10…they do much less sleeping, so they’re making up for the peace I had when they were babies. Isn’t that nice? haha
Jana (sidetrack'd) says
Mine was sleeping for about that long at that age; she was and is a great sleeper. She always seemed to sleep more after shots, too, whether or not she ran fever, etc.
Krista says
Both of my girls slept beautifully when they were that little… but around 5-6 months they started to perk up! Plus, Shots do seem to ware them out a little! You should always mention those things to your doctor, even though she is probably fine.
Steph-The OC Mama says
My little guy had his two month shots yesterday morning. He slept most of the day and slept for longer stretches than normal last night too. I’m thinking it must be a side affect of the shots.
QuietMom says
Yep, both my girls were very long night sleepers. It was wonderful!
Lis Garrett ~ a writer's woolgatherings says
I think that’s pretty normal. My oldest was a terrific sleeper and slept from 7:30-6:00 each night (she’s now eight). My middle child wasn’t such a good sleeper but my youngest, at almost 2.5 has slept through the night once. Once.
Maria says
When The Boy had his first shots, he slept for much longer periods of time for a couple of days before going back to 6 hour spurts.
Katelyn says
Hi Janice!
My daughter has consistently slept for 11 hours a night since she was 2 months old. (She is now 4 months). She also takes naps during the day but they are not consistent in time or length. Usually 3 naps totalling 2 hours and sometimes she will take 20 minute power naps. I have asked her doctor about this because it is so contrary to what you typically hear about infants. He assured me that since she is gaining weight and is very alert during her awake time that all was fine… in fact telling me that the long hours of sleep are actually helpful in her growth and healthy development. So count it as a blessing!