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Last night we got our first taste of winter and Jackson fit in a quick snowball session before bedtime. Of course this morning it is already quickly disappearing, but it was fun while it lasted…
What is the weather like where you live? Any snow yet?
McGee says
I live in central Louisiana. We want so bad to visit Tennessee wheb there’s snow on the ground. I love to take pictures and would love to have some of my kids in the snow. When do you guys usually get snow in Tennessee?
Linda Martin-Peoples says
Oh lucky you!!!
We’d just about give our eye-teeth for some snow around Christmastime.
But as Karla said earlier, we never know what we’ll get here in Tennessee…that’s what makes it so much fun to live here sometimes…never a dull moment!
I don’t know if this is strictly a Tennessee expression or not, but it’s pretty descriptive: “If you don’t like the weather here, stick around for a few days…it’ll change!” So true!
Still dreaming of a White Christmas!
Charissa says
Only had a few flurries here and there. It’s just really cold outside at the moment.
Nichole says
How to have a Frugal Christmas! ITS UP!!!
So come on, inspire us!
Spread the word!
We are going to have something SPECIAL ALONG WITH THIS FRUGAL CHRISTMAS!!!
homemom3 says
Oh this looks like fun, it’s cool here but won’t snow but I’m sure it’ll rain a lot.
Almost Vegetarian says
We moved from a land with a ton of snow to a land with none. And I never miss it. Well, hardly ever. Only when I trip across a picture like this! But then I put on my t-shirt and go for a walk in the sun. It’s almost as good. Almost!
Weeble says
I live in Colorado and we have the bestest weather – for people like me who like snow AND sunshine 😉 We had a bunch of snow fall this morning, and now the sun is shining beautifully!
Sue says
OH- I can’t wait for snow! I’m in SW Michigan and they are talking about us getting a storm this week!
I hope so.
Have fun,
SJ says
Love the photos of Jackson! He looks totally thrilled to be playing in the snow!
I’m in Colorado Springs, Colorado and yes we’ve had snow a few times already. The accumulation has not amounted to much, but it has snowed! And as a matter of fact, it’s snowing right now!
HyperactiveLu says
Oh what fun! I wish we could get snow in GA!
Cascia Talbert says
We got a little bit of snow earlier this morning but it did not stick. I live in South Central Wisconsin, USA.
melody is slurping life says
Child + snow = bliss
Great photos!
MyStarbucks says
We’re expecting some wintery weather this coming weekend. I hope it snows cuz I need to take a picture of my kids for our Christmas Card.
Tiff says
I wish it would snow here. It gets down to 30 at night but it’s in the mid 50’s during the day. GRRR. We haven’t had a good snow in 5 years!!
Twisted Cinderella says
What great pics! Looks like fun!
Pamela Kramer says
My son would love these photos! He loves the snow but we hardly ever see it here.
carrie-the gremlin wrangler says
we had snow the day after Thanksgiving and it just didn’t see right. It melted, but it’s still been cold here in Kansas.
Ramie says
LOVE the pics! So miss the snow! we’re in GA and it was mid 60’s here today with a cloud cover thats been looming for a few days. I hope we see sunshine tomorrow!
Thanks for sharing!
Shera ~ A Frog In My Soup says
Wow! For not living all that far from me you girls got a lot more snow! We got a snow shower last night as well which did end up with a small layer of flakes staying on the ground just long enough for the kiddos to get super excited. Alas, it was gone soon after they were in bed. Boy were they disappointed this morning ;0)
jen says
cool (in more ways than one)
its hot and sunny here in little old New Zealand
Fresh Girl says
Oh, I’m not proud of this, but I’m jealous of a little boy. 😉 I wish we had some snow! It was a beautiful day here in Memphis, but it was SUNNY… pretty cool though. I think the temperature got up to 59. We’re never going to get snow that way. Waaaaahh!
CPA Mom & Soccer Mom Angela says
I wish! My kids ask me every day for snow. Alas, snow and southeast Virginia? Almost never.
I LOVE those pics of Jackson.
on the Rock says
These photos make me sing all the songs that have the word “snow” in it:)
Sarah says
Well I live in LA (or what I like to pretend is LA) but it’s actually lower Alabama. 🙁 We’re here because of the Military. It was in the 70’s today, windy and no sign of snow.
Erna says
A good amount of snow! Woo hoo!
Susanne says
Snowed all morning and it’s c-c-c-c-cold!
Sara says
Cute pictures! He looks like he’s having a blast! Sure wish we could make some snow angels around here, but no such luck….EVER! We live in South Georgia and it is hot almost all year round’! I think I’ve only seen furries once here….Sniff, Sniff!
Dawn says
It is snowing right now in Salt Lake City. I’m not sure how big of a storm it is supposed to be but it is sticking pretty good.
jenna says
central Texan speaking: I like it just the way it is right now – 70s during the day, 40s at night. NO SNOW.
Mikki says
Oh my. Today I was putting up some Christmas decorations in shorts and a tank top. LOL.
Have fun!!
Tara Robertson says
we definitely have snow here in northeast Saskatchewan, Canada. We’ve had snow for almost a month now. Today it is -18 Celsius which is a little below zero Fahrenheit.
Jennifer says
No snow here just warm weather or rain.
Mrs. Who says
No snow yet here in Kentucky, although we did have a few flakes drifting down last week. Snow days, come on!! (Can you tell I’m a teacher??)
Andrea P. says
yes, we got 4 inches! Spokane has been waiting, though. Usually we have snow starting around Halloween. Tyler loved playing in this morning.
see pics are
Carey says
My son loved to see these snow pictures. He cant wait for snow. Here in NY its quite chilly. The sun was around this morning, but a strong wind came in with the rain this afternoon. I would say we are in the low 30’s.
Karla ~ Looking Towards Heaven says
oh how fun!!!
We’ve had up and down temps; the other day we did actually have a couple of spitting snowflakes. But we are in Tennessee… so that was probably all we will see for a long time!!
Aimee says
I wish we got snow here in Southern California! We’re lucky if its not 80 degrees for Christmas! 🙂
Sharon says
Cute pics. 🙂 He certainly looks like he’s enjoying himself!
We had flurries on Thanksgiving, and big snowflakes coming down last night, but nothing that’s stuck to the ground. It’s pretty to watch fall, isn’t it?