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We’re Late to the Party
I remember months ago when I first saw the Blogging Chicks button and a blogger joining this new group. I hopped on over to the site and thought, “How fun – I should join this too.” But I just never got around to it. Silly me.
So Susan took matter into her own hands and signed us up. Thanks Sue! Now today I will hopefully find sometime to write up a post for the Blogging Chicks Carnival and we will be in full swing with the other Chicks.
And talking about women who blog, I also wanted to point out another great mom’s post today…
Gimme Gimme Never Gets…
My son loves this old rhyme. He will say to me, “Say gimme Mommy,” and I oblige him. Then with a huge grin – I am not quite sure if it is possible to have a bigger grin than Jackson’s – he breaks into the rhyme, reveling in reprimanding me.
Well today MugwumpMom at 3 Forward 2 Back has an insightful post about how our prayers sound to God and a powerful idea to transform your prayer life. I was thoroughly blessed by it and thought I would pass it on to you.
casual friday everyday says
I had never heard of this site before I found your post here…I’m going to pop over and check it out. The mom blogosphere is so awesome!
GiBee says
Yes, her post was excellent!
Rena (Mugwumpmom) says
Hi Janice,
Well, thank you very much for the compliment. I appreciate your encouragement.
Michele says
Thanks for the plug!